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Kalista Ability (LoL): Martial Poise

Martial Poise Kalista

Kalista Ability: Martial Poise
Range: 250 / 265 / 280
Enter a movement command while winding up Kalista's basic attack or Pierce to lunge a short distance when she launches her attack.

Lunge distance scales with the tier of Boots.

Kalista's basic attacks have unique drawbacks They:
- Cannot be cancelled
- Cannot miss
- Deal only 100% of her total attack damage

Kalista's Abilities

Kalista Ability: Martial Poise Kalista Ability: Martial Poise Kalista Ability: Martial Poise Kalista Ability: Martial Poise
Martial Poise is used by Kalista

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SposhGr | November 15, 2018 1:23pm
Use your passive as much as possible. NOTE: You might not be able to cancel a auto-attack and dash instead.
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