Hey all!
This contest we sadly didn't find a good enough guide to pick as our new guide winner for the Support category. Instead, we've decided to pick another updated guide to keep the number of winners the same, and to make sure the prize is awarded to an author that deserves it.
Special thanks to everyone who took part and see you in the next one! 😁
This contest we sadly didn't find a good enough guide to pick as our new guide winner for the Support category. Instead, we've decided to pick another updated guide to keep the number of winners the same, and to make sure the prize is awarded to an author that deserves it.
Special thanks to everyone who took part and see you in the next one! 😁

Congratulations to all the winners and a huge thank you to all the judges. I possibly cannot imagine how much work you must have put in to read through all guides!
Thank you for picking my Yuumi guide, I can barely realize it just yet but it's a huge honor for me.
Thank you for picking my Yuumi guide, I can barely realize it just yet but it's a huge honor for me.
O.O Wait my guide won... twice? :D <33
Not gonna lie I didn't doubt that I'll place well in the off-meta category. But the fabulous category??? :D
You guys have no idea how much that means to me. Ever since I created my first award-winning guide I always felt kind of... behind, in terms of style, presentation and fabulous-ness. As if I only kept winning because I am a solid writer instead of being a good "guide artist". This trend followed even through my AP Miss Fortune guide days. Everyone was using these pretty tables and responsive formatting stuff while I still struggled with the-most-basic columns >.< . After releasing my Anivia guide I knew I slightly improved, but I still felt kind of like a loser visually-wise. So winning in a category purely based on style, colors, formatting, and aesthetic means the world to me <3
Okay okay my story aside, I would like to give a special shoutout to all the judges <3
Not only for the hard work they did reviewing all these guides but also because we all know they would probably easily win in their respective categories if they wouldn't be part of the jury :D
"I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess." ~ The whole jury team, probably
A bonus shoutout to @ Aerenax - I knew you've got it in you! You absolutely deserved this one <3
Thank you so much <333
Not gonna lie I didn't doubt that I'll place well in the off-meta category. But the fabulous category??? :D
You guys have no idea how much that means to me. Ever since I created my first award-winning guide I always felt kind of... behind, in terms of style, presentation and fabulous-ness. As if I only kept winning because I am a solid writer instead of being a good "guide artist". This trend followed even through my AP Miss Fortune guide days. Everyone was using these pretty tables and responsive formatting stuff while I still struggled with the-most-basic columns >.< . After releasing my Anivia guide I knew I slightly improved, but I still felt kind of like a loser visually-wise. So winning in a category purely based on style, colors, formatting, and aesthetic means the world to me <3
Okay okay my story aside, I would like to give a special shoutout to all the judges <3
Not only for the hard work they did reviewing all these guides but also because we all know they would probably easily win in their respective categories if they wouldn't be part of the jury :D
"I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess." ~ The whole jury team, probably
A bonus shoutout to @ Aerenax - I knew you've got it in you! You absolutely deserved this one <3
Silverman43 wrote:
Congratulations to all winners! Special shout-out to Tauricus2017 with the double victory, more than deserved. Gorgeous
Anivia guide!

Thank you so much <333
The comment section here looks like the Oscar Award speeches - that shows how much appreciation members of mobafire have for the judges and this site as a whole. In a game that can be as toxic as acid, this community sure isn't. Congratulations to all the winners, may they continue to do their awesome work and may the rest of us have more luck, skill and passion for writing guides in the next one !
Wait... I am actually super surprised... I didn't even expect a honourable mention not to mention a win
Reason is I wanted to put a lot more time into the guide adding a lot of things over the break, but I couldnt actually do much and added only a bit during the judging peroid. As well as me accidentally replacing my early game section with a copy of my item section in my guide for 1.5 weeks during the judging peroid.
But thanks a lot! It means a lot to me. And congrats to all other winners =)
(Also why is Fruxo, the adc judge, not in between the mid and support judge rather than the very end.)(This is at the bottom)
Reason is I wanted to put a lot more time into the guide adding a lot of things over the break, but I couldnt actually do much and added only a bit during the judging peroid. As well as me accidentally replacing my early game section with a copy of my item section in my guide for 1.5 weeks during the judging peroid.
But thanks a lot! It means a lot to me. And congrats to all other winners =)
(Also why is Fruxo, the adc judge, not in between the mid and support judge rather than the very end.)(This is at the bottom)
Off-Meta Mid lane enjoyer
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It's time to announce the winners of our Season 13 Guide Contest! There were a lot of fantastic guides that qualified for this contest, but we could only pick up to three winners in each category. Check out the honorable mentions in each section for more great guides! 🏆
As a quick reminder, all winners of this contest will receive equal prizing. The winners of any category will receive $200 value prize! Honorable mentions will receive a $50 RP Code.
We’ll be sending out emails to all the winners shortly asking for their preferred prize type and other required information. The prizes can be claimed in the form of RP Codes, Amazon Gift Cards or cash paid by PayPal or bank. Honorable mentions will receive a $50 RP Code each.
In addition to the prizes above, the authors of the winning guides for each category will receive a unique badge for their profile. The badge will be linked to their guide so that anyone can easily check out their awesome guide with just one click!
Winners will also receive a title that goes along with their badge! Keep in mind that the badges and titles may take a little while to show up, so be patient!
After judging our guide contests since Season 8, I Am Goliath decided to step down and participate instead. His guide for Urgot is still legendary after all these years, and it's finally on the podium as one of the winners of this guide contest. If you're looking for an exemplary guide for sharpening your Urgot skills, make sure to check I Am Goliath's guide and don't skip any chapters, there's valuable info there!
Nothing better than a short and sweet guide to quickly grasp the ins and outs of a champion. Larkana_'s guide for Bel'Veth is just that, and it's the ideal resource to check before the match starts. Look over the multiple builds within the guide, pick your preferred one and then follow the author's pointers for maximum success!
We always love noticing new authors! Lorensj81 created their first ever guide on MOBAFire and has already managed to impress our judges. The guide is for Garen and it's very in-depth, covering everything you need to know in order to dominate any opponent in the Top and Mid lanes. There's a lot of useful tips and tricks throughout the guide, make sure to not miss out on any!
Learn how to play Poppy from a Diamond Poppy main! Kocykek has two amazing guides for Poppy but we could only pick one. If having two guides for the same champion doesn't prove the author is passionate about their champion, then we don't know what does! This is the ideal learning resource for any Poppy players that are looking to improve their knowledge and performance, and ultimately their win rate!
If you're looking to learn how to play Zac or improve your already existing skills, then this guide by Checca is exactly what you need! Find multiple builds to pick from, in-depth information in itemization and alternatives, tips on mechanics and ganking locations, and many more valuable bits of info you'll have to discover yourself!
It's been a while, but LordGrox is back on the podium thanks to their amazing guide for Rek'Sai! The guide goes over various common topics but also more advanced ones such as the correct mindset and Rek'Sai's micro and macro aspects. Give the guide a shot if you enjoy jungling and let LordGrox know what you think!
Dustyacer secures their first guide contest victory with their guide for Pantheon! Ruin the hope of your enemies (especially assassins) by following the author's optimal builds and advanced guidelines. Dustyacer has always been very thorough when updating their guide, making sure every bit of info is relevant and accurate.
Shark of Void has joined our community not even a year ago and has recently created a wonderful learning resource for Ziggs. The highlight of the guide is its detailed matchups chapter, covering over 50 champions and detailed info on how to best them in the lane. Use this information to counter-pick or to adapt your play style, the choice is yours!
iwontdominatelol continues to impress us with their Akali guide once more, keeping their winner spot in this category. They've already won multiple times and yet the guide got continuously updated and improved even more, making it one of the most in-depth guides of our community. Akali amateurs and mains gather around and check out this guide to further sharpen your knowledge and skills, and hopefully increase your win rate with Akali!
IKeepItTaco continues their winning streak, once more with their mindblowing Jinx guide, one of the stars of Arcane! Learn how to control The Loose Cannon from a Grandmaster and improve your performance on the rift! The guide is both complex and nicely presented, a perfect resource for anyone looking to learn more about Jinx.
Doody_tco released a brand new guide just before the new year for us to marvel at! The guide covers info on everything you need to know in order to effectively play Samira as ADC. If you're looking to learn more about how to properly itemize Samira or how to best combo her abilities, make sure to check their corresponding chapters. Struggling against a specific ADC or Support matchup? There are chapters dedicated to them too, don't miss out!
Master APC Seraphine by checking out UwUSoftGirl's comprehensive guide! You can find plenty of builds to pick from and learn different ways to play Seraphine. The guide is coupled with a lovely presentation that makes the guide easy to follow and to read through. If you're an aspiring Seraphine enjoyer then give this guide a proper read! Or maybe if you're just looking for ways to counter her instead. 👀
Charge to victory by following TheBlueImperial's guide for Rell! Reach The Iron Maiden's true potential after going through TheBlueImperial tips and guidelines. This wonderful guide secured TheBlueImperial's fourth win in a guide contest, well deserved indeed! Great information, amazing formatting, just a summary of the guide that you must not miss!
Aerenax scores their first guide contest win for their amazing Rakan guide! Find all the info you need on abilities, items, runes and more advanced topics such as positioning and warding, and play Rakan like never before. Sadly the guide doesn't teach you how to find the perfect Xayah for you, but we're sure you've got this handled! 😁
Wicked Cherry is a name most of us know so it won't be a surprise to finally see them as one of the winners. Their guide for Yuumi caught our attention this contest and it's a must read for all Yuumi fans! Learn how to best support your team and carry them through victory by effectively using your abilities and efficiently placing your wards!
<New Meta>
It's not the first time Tauricus2017 proves their Off-Meta knowledge in the guide contests. This is their third victory in this category, once again with their amazing guide for Anivia! A very in-depth guide that covers absolutely everything you could be looking for when learning how to play Anivia. Even though the guide is lengthy, it's easy to find out what you're looking for, and going through the information feels like a breeze thanks to the guide's beautiful formatting.
Tauricus' guide introduces an intriguing red-blue color theme. This stays present throughout the entire guide, and is showcased through code and art. The guide itself is formatted very well, and every section offers new details to admire, while sticking to the central theme. This theme and the accompanying art are what makes this guide stand out and combined with its consistency and well-executed code are what makes this guide the winner of the fabulous category!
Thanks to all the authors for writing all these awesome guides, and to the judges for spending the time to go through thousands of candidates. I hope everyone enjoyed the contest and may these guides help you with your ranked journey this season!
If you are a winner you will be contacted this week via email to coordinate prizing, check your email!
Our judges helped with going through all the guides that qualified for each category, to help us pick out the best of the best. Thanks to all our judges for helping make this contest possible!