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MOBAFire's third Mini Guide Contest of Season 14 is here! Create or update guides for the 30 featured champions and compete for up to $200 in prizes! 🏆
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MOBAFire Season 14 Guide Contest Winners!

Creator: Hades4u March 11, 2024 2:32am
<Lead Community Manager>
Hades4u's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2024 2:32am | Report

It's time to announce the winners of our Season 14 Guide Contest! Check out the honorable mentions in each section for more great guides! 🏆

Note: The competition this year wasn't as strong for some categories as in previous years. Due to this, we've had to adjust the number of winners and honorable mentions for these categories. We'd like to thank everyone for participating and understanding, and we're hoping competition will grow again in future events!

Contest Prizes
As a quick reminder, all winners of this contest will receive equal prizing. The winners of any category will receive $200 value prize! Honorable mentions will receive a $50 RP Code.

We’ll be sending out emails to all the winners shortly asking for their preferred prize type and other required information. The prizes can be claimed in the form of RP Codes, Amazon Gift Cards or cash paid by PayPal or bank. Honorable mentions will receive a $50 RP Code each.

In addition to the prizes above, the authors of the winning guides for each category will receive a unique badge for their profile. The badge will be linked to their guide so that anyone can easily check out their awesome guide with just one click!

Winners will also receive a title that goes along with their badge! Keep in mind that the badges and titles may take a little while to show up, so be patient!

Judge: Sovereign Kitten

Updated Guide

Adapt to all situations with Wuju style!
Author: Shark of Void

Shark of Void secures their fifth guide contest win with their new spectacular guide for Wukong! This guide is one of MOBAFire's most comprehensive resources, and surely one of the most complete guides of Wukong of all time. Going through everything you could possible need to know in order to effectively play Wukong, Shark of Void made sure no valuable piece of information was left unmentioned in their guide. Make sure to give it a read, but be wary it may not be achievable in one sitting!

Wild Card

Detailed Neeko Guide for all Roles!
Author: Neeko Neeko Niii

Neeko Neeko Niii has been a part of our community for a few years already, maintaining their Neeko guide at the top all this time. They've finally managed to impress our judges and win their first ever guide contest! If you're a Neeko fan, then you're probably already familiar with their guide, but if not, it's a must read as it can teach you how to play your preferred role. Never hurts to experiment new ways to play!

Wild Card

GoliathGames' Ultimate Guide to Urgot
Author: I Am Goliath

When you hear the name Goliath, your mind goes straight to Urgot and his legendary guide for the Dreadnought! Learn how to best stomp your enemies in the Top lane as Urgot by checking out Goliath's builds, tips and tricks, in-depth matchup strategies and many more essential pieces of knowledge you don't want to miss out on!

Judge: Silverman43

Updated Guide

No dashing around! - Challenger Poppy Jungle Guide
Author: Kocykek

Kocykek wins yet another guide contest with their amazing guide for Poppy! Since their last victory, they've focused on improving the jungle guide while benching the top guide, at least for now. If you're looking to be a menace in the jungle, then you need to try out Kocykek's Poppy play style and builds for the highest chance of success!

New Guide

Cookiemanman's CHALLENGER VOLIBEAR Jungle Guide!
Author: Cookiemanman

Always a treat to discover stellar guides created by new authors! Cookiemanman has recently published their first ever MOBAFire guide for Volibear. Learn how to dominate the jungle as The Relentless Storm by following a Challenger's strategies and guidelines! If you'd prefer to learn some new tricks from live gameplay, make sure to check out Cookiemanman's stream!

Wild Card

Diamond Jungle Malzahar - The Void's Legion
Author: Aqua Dragon

One of MOBAFire's most iconic authors, Aqua Dragon secures a victory in this year's guide contest. Their Malzahar guide is legendary, and is one of our community's oldest resources, first published almost 10 years ago. If you enjoy playing Malzahar and are also an off-meta enthusiast, then you're definitely going to enjoy Aqua Dragon's guide!

Judge: Fruxo

Updated Guide

"No Prison Can Hold Me" | The Perfect Sylas Guide
Author: support_diff

The guide's title pretty much sums it up - this is the perfect guide if you're looking to improve your Sylas knowledge! support_diff made themselves known for in-depth guides with a considerable focus on matchups and play style depending on situation. No matter if you're against an unfavourable matchup or if your team is behind, there's always solutions and tricks you can try out from support_diff's arsenal!

New Guide

Author: sethpls

Any Corki enjoyers? This guide is created by sethpls, the biggest Corki enjoyer of them all! Airstrike your enemies into oblivion by trying out sethpls' various item builds suited for a multitude of situations, learn how to deal with even the most difficult matchup, and find out how to control the map to carry your team to victory!

Wild Card

Rank 1 Kassadin Complete Guide | By Coach xblademojo
Author: xblademojo

Kassadin mains already know what's coming! xblademojo's Kassadin guide is one of the best learning resources available out there, and it has been kept updated throughout multiple years and seasons. After reading this guide, you should have a better understanding of Kassadin's strengths and weaknesses, and how to handle the mid lane against various enemy champions.

Judge: Jovy

Updated Guide

IKeepItTaco's GrandMaster Jhin Guide
Author: IKeepItTaco

The most complex guide on our website with almost half a million written characters. A true compendium for Jhin, all beautifully formatted and put together by IKeepItTaco! This guide has been the best Jhin guide of our community since its publishing many years ago, and it continues to deliver season after season. Make sure to give it a shot for the most comprehensive guide reading experience you will ever experience!

New Guide

The Book of Aphelios
Author: Vapora Dark

Vapora Dark's back and he's still got it! His newest guide for Aphelios is a true gem, such a comprehensive guide that our servers have a tough time loading the entire guide (try a few refreshes if you get any errors). Aphelios can be a complicated champion to play but luckily Vapora's got you covered as his newest guide simplifies the learning curve as much as possible. It might take a while to read the entirety of the guide, but every single chapter will surely increase you win rate!

Wild Card

Comprehensive Lucian Guide by 𝐋𝐋𝐓𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗

It's raining Challenger guides! LLTRIGGER has finally scored their first win in a guide contest, after previously being a honorable mention in past events. Learn the ins and outs of Lucian and become the dream carry every team is hoping for! If you'd rather learn from gameplay or coaching, make sure to check out the author's stream and coaching sessions!

Judge: TheBlueImperial

Updated Guide

Seven Wonders
Author: Tauricus2017

Tauricus2017 can do it all! Previously scored wins in multiple categories like Off-Meta, Fabulous, and General, now they've also managed to win in the Support category as well! The competition between Anivia guides is tough and yet, this guide is the best of them all, and one of the best guides of our community. We've been hyping it up enough, now it's time to take a look for yourselves!

Wild Card

The Most detailed Guide ever made on Pyke [MID] [ JGL ] [ADC]
Author: PykEugeo

Only by reading PykEugeo's username it's easy to tell who their favourite champion is! This guide is one of the most comprehensive learning resources for Pyke our community has been lucky to have throughout the years. It covers everything you need to know in order to get familiar with Pyke's play style, and even if you're familiar with him already, there's surely other tips and tricks that you can discover. Make sure to check it out!

Judge: Katasandra

Seven Wonders
Author: Tauricus2017

The fabulous aesthetic of this guide is very hard to surpass, and therefore Tauricus returns as a winner this year. The color scheme is perfectly in line with all imagery and codes you'll find in the guide, which makes the whole a pleasure to look at. The content is also very well spaced and there is plenty of variation in the code that is used which in the end leads to a well rounded out guide.

War is in the dance! - A comprehensive Rakan guide
Author: Aerenax

One of last years' honorable mentions returns as a winner this year! This guide features a relatively simple but perfectly executed design. Combined with the fantastic banners, it contains everything I'd be looking for in a fabulous guide!

Lathyrus' Season 14 EUW Challenger GUIDE
Author: Mr buckets

This guide features a very well chosen aesthetic, combined with a clean well-spaced guide. Although not the fanciest of guides in terms of design of coding, it's theme makes it stand out. As you all know, a key part of Bards' kit is to find meeps and in this guide, there are meeps to find!

Thanks to all the authors for writing all these awesome guides, and to the judges for spending the time to go through thousands of candidates. I hope everyone enjoyed the contest and may these guides help you with your ranked journey this season!

If you are a winner you will be contacted this week via email to coordinate prizing, check your email!

Our judges helped with going through all the guides that qualified for each category, to help us pick out the best of the best. Thanks to all our judges for helping make this contest possible!

Sovereign Kitten
All judges have received a special badge as thanks for helping out with this year's contest. Give these dedicated folks a hand (or a +Rep or something)! 😊
Vapora Dark
Vapora Dark's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2024 2:43am | Report

Congrats to all winners!
xblademojo's Forum Avatar
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Dec 4th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2024 5:21am | Report
Thank you!
PykEugeo's Forum Avatar
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Aug 8th, 2022
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2024 5:54am | Report
I am honored to win this award which I have been inspired by for 1 year, when I couldn't even make it to second place in season 13, since then I have asked myself what was still missing in my driving and I continued to improve and perfect it and with the utmost commitment I got the best prize.. I'm proud of myself and my next goal will be to create fabulous guides.. thanks mobafire and judges
Aqua Dragon
Aqua Dragon's Forum Avatar
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Jun 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2024 8:36am | Report
It took so many hours of work to get the text on the guide just right; it's nice to see those efforts at detailed concision were rewarded so heavily! I intend to keep the guide updated for the foreseeable future as well. Thank you for the recognition!
LLTRIGGER's Forum Avatar
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Nov 21st, 2022
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2024 8:59am | Report
Thanks to the judges for the amazing choices and im very honored to finally win something! I will be coming back placing the bar much higher for next season so watch out!
Tauricus2017's Forum Avatar
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Apr 26th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2024 10:16am | Report
Whoah double win again??? Absolute madness! :D
Also my very first support-category win, yeaaaayyy!!
Thanks a lot to all the judges for all that petty work and to admins for making this happen <33

Congratulations to all the other winners, though I want to especially congratulate @ Aerenax. My man managed to turn a good guide into an excellent one in less than a year and is already collecting wins like pokémon cards!

Liluu's Forum Avatar
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Aug 24th, 2023
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2024 2:08pm | Report
♡ Congratulations to the winners and thank you to the judges for taking time out of your days to meticulously look over each guide! I'm very excited to have won an honorable mention!
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2024 4:28pm | Report
Congratulations to all the winners!

Lots of wonderful guides. ╰(*°▽°*)╯
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!

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