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League of Legends Movement Speed

What is Movement Speed?

Movement speed is a champion statistic that tells you at what rate a champion travels across a map. Each champion starts the game with base movement speed, ranging from 325 ( Anivia's, Ashe's, Nautilus' and so on) to 355 ( Master Yi's and Pantheon) units per second.

This base movement speed can be increased by flat bonuses and percentage bonuses and reduced by slows. These effects can come from items, champion abilities, spells, masteries, runes or neutral buffs.This base movement speed can be decreased ( Slow ) by certain champion abilities or items; this hindrance is commonly referred to as CC.

How does Movement Speed Work?

Q: How do movement modifiers work?

A: First, you have your base movement of say 325 and you buy Level 2 Boots. That's 370 movement. Then, you get 35% movement speed buff from items, runes or masteries: that 370 is multiplied by 1.35, which results in a total of 499.5 movement speed. If this is the only thing affecting your movement speed, the diminishing returns formula kicks in.

Now, let's say you get slowed by 35% ( Frost Shot). What happens is your movement speed of 499.5 is multiplied by .65, and you are left with 324.67 movement speed. Because 325 is not above or below diminishing returns, you stay at that speed.

Q: What are these diminishing movement returns?

A: Any movement speed bonuses that would cause a champion's movement speed to exceed 415 are reduced by 20%. Any movement speed bonuses that would cause a champion's movement speed to exceed 490 are reduced by 50%.

Above 415: (MS-415) *0.8 + 415 = total MS

Above 490: (MS-490) *0.5 + 475 = total MS

Increasing Flat Movement Speed

Purchasing boots from the store gives a champion a flat increase in movement speed. The effect given by boots is called Enhanced Movement. Enhanced Movement is unique, which means that if a champion was to buy multiple pairs of boots, they will only recieve the highest Enhanced Movement bonus.

  • Tier 1: Boots Increase the movement speed by 25
  • Tier 2a: Mercury's Treads and all other tier 2 boots that do not grant extra Movement Speed, grant 45 bonus movementspeed
  • Tier 2b: Boots of Swiftness grant 60 bonus movement speed and Mobility Boots grant 105 bonus movement speed while out of combat


This is a complete list of boots.

Unique passive: Enhanced movement by 25. 300 gold

Unique passive: Enhanced movement by 45.
Unique passive: Reduces the damage taken from non-turret autoattacks by 10%. +25 armor. 1100 gold

Unique passive: Enhanced movement by 45.
+35% attack speed. 1100 gold

Unique passive: Enhanced movement by 60.
Unique Passive: Movement slowing effects are reduced by 25%. 900 gold

Unique passive: Enhanced movement by 25.
Unique passive: When out of combat for 5 seconds the effect of these boots is increased to Enhanced movement of 115. 900 gold

Unique passive: Enhanced movement 45.
Unique passive: +10% cooldown reduction and summoner spell cooldown reduction. 900 gold

Unique passive: Enhanced movement 45.
+15 magic penetration. 900 gold

Unique passive: Enhanced movement 45.
+25 magic resistance, +25 tenacity. 1100 gold

Unique passive: Enhanced movement 35.
Unique passive: Gain an empowered recall. 900 gold

Unique passive: Enhanced movement 45.
Unique passive: Gain an empowered recall and 45 movement speed while out-of-combat.

Some Abilities that Affect Movement Speed

Strut passively grants Miss Fortune 25 flat movement speed after not taking any damage for 7 or more seconds, increasing by 4 each second up to 70 flat movement speed.

Insanity Potion grants Singed 35 / 50 / 65 flat movement speed for 25 seconds.

Fleet of Foot grants Sivir 30/35/40/45/50 flat movement speed for 2 seconds whenever she hits an enemy champion with Boomerang Blade, Ricochet or for landing a basic attack.

ACTIVE: Sona gains 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17% (+ 2 / 4 / 6%) (+ 7.5% per 100 AP) movement speed that decays down to the aura bonus over 3 seconds. The movement speed bonus is increased by an additional 2% for each rank in Crescendo.

AURA: Allied champions tagged with Song of Celerity's aura gain 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14% (+ 2 / 4 / 6%) (+ 3.5% per 100 AP) movement speed for 1.5 seconds. The movement speed bonus is increased by an additional 2% for each rank in Crescendo.

Night Hunter passively grants Vayne 30 flat movement speed when moving towards an enemy champion. The activation of Final Hour grants her 90 flat movement speed for 8 / 10 / 12 seconds when moving towards an enemy champion instead.

Summoner Spells

Your champion ignores unit collision and has 27% (+1% per champion level) increased Movement Speed for 10 seconds. The movement speed bonus ramps up over the first two seconds.
Heals the caster and the allied champion nearest to the caster's cursor (or the most wounded ally if no target is near the cursor) by 90-345 health, and gives affected champions +30% movement speed for 1 seconds.

Heal is 50% less effective on allies previously healed with another Summoner Spell Heal within the past 35 seconds.

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Quite Nomible (29) | October 21, 2014 9:55am
Mobility Boots: now cost 800 gold and now have 25 movement speed while in combat, down from 45.
Song of Celerity: has been changed with the S4 support changes. See the tooltip.
Enchantment: Alacrity: movementspeed is now 20 instead of 15.
Enchantment: Captain: allies movement speed is now 10% instead of 8%.
Enchantment: Distortion: also has been changed with the boot enchantment changes. See the tooltip.

Abilities changes:
Aspect Of The Cougar no longer gives extra movement speed.
Fleet of Foot has been rescaled to 30/35/40/45/50 movement speed.

Masteries changes:
Now has Fleet of Foot and Wanderer .
-NA- Veng Lmfao (169) | July 28, 2013 4:49pm
Reworded some sentences and fixed a few coding mistakes.
Meiyjhe (539) | April 14, 2013 2:16am
Sadblu | January 30, 2013 3:43am
Hecarim sonic crit boom.
That is speed.
go siv hd
Whirlnami7 (9) | August 11, 2012 2:52pm
I <3 Speed!
GeneralYorr | June 11, 2012 11:19am
Rastaroct wrote:

Wouldn't the formula be :
Above 490: (MS-490) *0.5 + 490 = total MS ?
If not, can someone explain me why ?

Because the first reduction kicks in as well, so you only get 80% of the boost from 415 to 490, so in the end you get

415 + (490-415)*0.8 + (MS-490) *0.5
Rastaroct | May 28, 2012 10:32am
Above 490: (MS-490) *0.5 + 475 = total MS

Wouldn't the formula be :
Above 490: (MS-490) *0.5 + 490 = total MS ?
If not, can someone explain me why ?
jhoijhoi (2057) | May 25, 2012 7:24pm
Sure would, but the chapter says "Some Abilities that Affect Movement Speed" not "All Abilities" :)
n1gh75h4d3 | May 25, 2012 7:09pm
Wouldn't Teemo's "Move Quick" and Master Yi's "Highlander" also be applied to this list?
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