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League of Legends (LoL) Question: My core items won't show when looking at preview at my build.

Posted in General | Tags: Kayle 4,994

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    My core items won't show when looking at preview at my build.

    I made this Kayle build and made sure I clicked "Core Items" so those items can be previewed when looking at my build. But when I published it, the build from preview looked blank. Does anyone now the answer to why this is happening, can someone help?
  • Answers (5)

    EagleXs | July 23, 2017 12:22am
    Yeah, there are a good amount of bugs in the guide maker, like with item builds, as soon as I move an item build and swap it over, it disappears and you almost always have to delete them all and start over if you want to add anything in the middle, only adding at the end is not buggy. Same here, you can't display the item core set from the 2nd build in your guide even if you swap their order, which means if you wanted to make it worky ou'd have to ctrc/v everything from the guide to a document and then remake the whole thing. Very frustrating.
    EagleXs | July 23, 2017 12:30am
    I was making a build for Kayn and then I discovered a super exciting completely different set for his core, and I made a 2nd Kayn champion slot for it (a blue kayn build) and added the check for core hoping it would shop up on my guide, but it didn't. It makes me a little sad because I bet if my guide showed the core set for my idea, way more people would click it out of curiosity, where as just saying Blue Build Kayn can be easily assumed as a build for his assassin form.
    bump, still not patched
    PsiGuard (1495) | April 4, 2016 11:19am
    I ticked Core Items in one of your purchase orders on your first build and that seems to have "fixed" the problem. It looks like you can only display something from the first build in your guide, though you can check Core Items for both builds. I'll look into whether this is something we can work around as I'm not sure if it's a bug or by design.
    PsiGuard (1495) | April 4, 2016 11:20am
    Also I'd advise against swapping your two builds at the top for now. There's currently a bug with swapping full build orders that sometimes causes data to be lost, so it's safest to just leave it as is until that's fixed, hopefully in the next site update.
    utopus (313) | March 30, 2016 4:29pm
    More importantly, I think that only one purchase order from one build can be categorized as 'core items'.

    Best of luck!
    jokersprank (33) | March 30, 2016 6:30am
    Did you tick several times "Core items"? Only one purchase order can be shown so far I know.
    BlueMoon01 (12) | March 30, 2016 1:20am
    Can you link your build? I can't access to your profile :v
    JLP_21 | March 30, 2016 6:03am
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