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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Nashor's Tooth

Nashor's Tooth
Total Price: 3000 | Recipe Price: 550 | Sell Price: 2100

LoL Item: Nashor's Tooth
  • 15 Ability Haste
  • 90 Ability Power
  • 50% Attack Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal 15 (+20% of ability power) bonus magic damage on-hit.
  • 15 Ability Haste
  • 90 Ability Power
  • 50% Attack Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal 15 (+20% of ability power) bonus magic damage on-hit.

Nashor's Tooth builds into these items:

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Rentaro Sama (2) | August 3, 2017 5:13am
IcyAuron (23) | April 29, 2015 11:36am
pimoz (3) | January 29, 2014 2:58pm
Good for as ap champions or with on-hit effects, such as teemo, fizz and even ap tristana, it doesnt really fit for nukers.
isonade | April 9, 2013 2:25pm
TWISTED. FATE. period. proc E every 2 seconds ftw!
Harryhk (1) | February 3, 2013 8:40am
AGRNOX wrote:

Stack 4 of these=Too pro

Well the cd will not stack
OverThere | January 30, 2013 11:40am
4 of this + infinity edge + frozen mallet for teemo :D
Dark Cherry | September 19, 2012 7:10pm
Death D wrote:

too bad u can't stack 4 of them and get 100% COOLDOWN REDUCTION on KARTHUS, SOARAKA, GANKPLANK AND EZREAL.

It's unique passiv yes - but CDR is Caped at 40%.

Btw works best on Diana. :3
Death D (4) | May 5, 2012 4:52pm
too bad u can't stack 4 of them and get 100% COOLDOWN REDUCTION on KARTHUS, SOARAKA, GANKPLANK AND EZREAL.
cooper56 (28) | March 30, 2012 12:21pm
A core item for fizz imo
FinalShinobi (2) | January 30, 2012 11:15pm
I LOVE this item on Taric :) Makes me gain back Mana like nothing thanks to the combination of his passive + Atk Speed of this, and the Mana Regen :) Also his heal's cd is reduced by a sec each time he auto attacks so... Heal spam ftw! XD
ataken (3) | January 27, 2012 12:56am
2 Of those on Teemo + some AD items = Ownage! :D

Must test it out ;)
Donamir (3) | October 14, 2011 12:46pm
This is easily my favorite item in the game. Due to price, Attack Speed and AP boost with MP5. Makes slow attackers fast, and decent AP without going Rabadons, or something crazy. And apparently, except the CDR, it stacks.... maybe when I go to troll a game(meaning, don't give a ****, just have fun ZOMG LOL MADE FUN ON A LOSS?! THAT'S UNPOSSIBLE), ill use it. Thanks for the tip
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