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Graves Ability (LoL): New Destiny

New Destiny Graves

Graves Ability: New Destiny
Graves' basic attack fires a cone of 4 bullets which stop on the first unit hit. The first bullet on a target deals 70-100.01% total AD physical damage (depending on level), with subsequent bullets dealing a third of that damage per bullet. Structures take 25% reduced damage from Graves' basic attacks.

Graves stores two Shells at any time and expends them when he basic attacks. After using them, Graves reloads, delaying his next basic attack significantly. Graves' reload time is slightly reduced by attack speed, but the time between attacks is greatly reduced by attack speed.

Upon critically striking, Graves fires 6 bullets over a 25% wider cone and deals 30% bonus physical damage.

Graves's Abilities

Graves Ability: New Destiny Graves Ability: New Destiny Graves Ability: New Destiny Graves Ability: New Destiny
New Destiny is used by Graves

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