League of Legends (LoL) Question: Not used to being so Squishy while playing.
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Not used to being so Squishy while playing.
Recently, when I was playing a ranked match, I had to play Mid. I normally play Top or Jungle. I used to play Mid a few months ago when I first started playing League, so I thought it'd be no problem. I was completely wrong. The enemy Annie hit me with a Q and W and I was half health. So I was wondering if there were any tips to help me while I am Laning. Im not used to being so Squishy while I play, and Im not used to being able to burst people. Pls help me. qq
Your positioning is just a lot more important as a squishy with how you have to maximize damage output and minimize damage taken.
Once you get used to the squishy role you can make massive power plays for your team and with the right items you don't have to be that squishy, for example of a build of Rod of Ages, Sorcerer's Shoes, Zhonya's Hourglass, Abyssal Mask, Rabadon's Deathcap & Guardian Angel/ Rylai's Crystal Scepter can make you surprisingly tanky!