[PTA] Very bad matchup, Annie has insane high attack range and can easily outspace you, if she holds stun you can't ever go in and every time you try to Q trade she just E's and outtrades you.
Try to play around joining skirmishes, matchup is very bad in lane. If you get some kind of lead and buy Mercs early its playable.
[Fleet / PTA]Pokes you out of lane with double your range, outscales you, can Sidelane and his R is annoying to play around as you cant E into him because of this.
Overall hard to play vs this Champ try to bait out his W lvl 1 and then hard trade him lvl 1 and 2 to get a lead. Alternatively just play very passive and hope for an early gank / skirmish.
[Fleet] Syndra E makes it really hard to play Akshan vs her. She can safely trade you from distance with her Q and W in lane, and if you ever try to E in to get an extended trade she just presses E and knocks you away.
Play fleet footwork and try to bait out her spells, if she ever uses E carelessly you can E in to get a good trade or kill her.
[PTA] Yasuo hard counters Akshan as he can E into you so you cannot E out, and his Windwall gives him long trading windows during which you cannot trade back.
You can Hard win vs Yasuo lane lvl 1 and lvl 2, try to poke him but start respecting him after lvl 3. Just try to get high CS in this matchup and play with your team.
[PTA] Malphite is really hard to play against as he just stacks armor and pressures you alot by being able to ult you anytime.
If you play vs Malphite in lane take PTA and take E lvl 1, Malphite will look to Q you to proc comet, when he does this you AA him and E in right away to proc your shield + PTA + avoid comet for a really good trade. Malphite is not that tanky before his first base but be careful after he has his first armor items.
[PTA] Irelia can always easily get ontop of you, try to pressure her away from your minions lvl 1 so she cannot stack Q, you should be able to win lvl 1 with PTA + Boneplate if she doesnt stack her Q.
Afterwards the matchup becomes hard to play if you dont have a big lead already as she pretty much always has Killpressure on you after 6. Be especially careful when she hits her Blade spike.
[PTA] Play PTA + Boneplate and QQ AA E out when she jumps on you, you can win very short trades but lose extended trades.
Be careful roaming in this matchup as she will take your plates very quickly.
[PTA] Play PTA + Boneplate try to dodge Q's and then engage, you should win early trades. Matchup becomes annoying due to her having point and click way to get ontop of you and ulting.
[Fleet] Play fleet and bait out her fear, try not to E into her for trades as she will get damage from her passive if you dash. Focus on farming and trading her with Q AA after dodging her E's.
Mercs can be really good into her especially if you're playing vs more ap / cc aside from her.
[Fleet] Try to play around her Q cooldown if she ever misses it you can E into her and try to trade. Otherwise just try to maintain push and look to play skirmishes which is where you're alot stronger. Keep her Passive in mind when trying to solokill her, if you proc her egg under her tower she will just get full hp for free cause you cannot finish her.
[Fleet / PTA] Very opressive matchup if you dont get your jgl / supp to help you. You can play either PTA or fleet. If you choose PTA try to trade her early before her first base, afterwards laning vs her becomes impossible and you should look to just farm and go for plays with your teammates.
[PTA] PTA + Boneplate, avoid being in his W range in lane unless your boneplate is up, then you can let him W you and try to trade. Overall annoying because of point and click CC. If enemy team has more AD besides him Steelcaps can help to not get oneshot without counterplay.
[Fleet] Neeko will repeatedly throw Q onto you which is very hard to dodge so the lane can become very oppressive, try to force trades when her Q or E is down and dont stand right behind your minions to avoid getting rooted by her empowered E.
Be aware of her turning into minions and ulting you / your team after lvl 6
[PTA] Play PTA + Boneplate push waves and harass her. Can be annoying due to having high HP reg + Dshield + second wind rune which allow her to tank alot of autos.
If she Shrouds and starts trading try to stand inside of your minions to avoid her hitting her E, as this is alot of her damage.
[Fleet / PTA] This matchup is all about dodging her Q's. If you get hit by her Q you need to disengage right away by E'ing out before she puts her W on you.
Can play fleet to help with spacing her Q.
[PTA] Do not let her R Q you for free in lane.
If you she W's you you can Q AA and E out to avoid her root.
[PTA] You win this matchup really hard early game and should pressure her as much as possible with PTA + Boneplate and harass her for every CS to build up a lead. If she gets any kills from roaming / solokilling you the matchup quickly snowballs out of control and becomes unplayable.
[PTA / Fleet] Ziggs doesnt have too much threat on you just dont stand inside of your minions as his Q is way easier to hit that way. Be aware that he can W you away if you E straight into him.
[Fleet / PTA] Try to go in with E if he missuses his Q on minions and try to get push to play for skirmish / roams. He will repeatedly E you in lane everytime its up which is basically not dodgeable so it can get annoying.
[PTA] play PTA + Boneplate and dont let his Q proc your boneplate, if he ever goes in while Boneplate is up he should lose the trade. Try to harass him for every CS he shouldnt be able to do anything until he has enough points in Q to oneshot your wave.
[PTA] Play PTA + Boneplate and try to go in if she ever combos into your boneplate as this will be a really good trade for you. Be aware of ganks as she can set them up really well with her E.
[PTA] You need to be aware of Lissandra's extended Q range after hitting a minion as this can poke you down considerably, aside from this the matchup is pretty easy 1v1 but you need to be aware of ganks.
Get mercs if neeeded.
Twisted Fate
[Fleet] Dont stand out in the open so he cant just Q Q you for free and mind his E E range, hwei will often try to use this to trade by proccing comet, if you manage to bait it out you can easily E straight into him as he wont have CC up to disengage you.
[PTA] + Boneplate you need to pressure him alot early to build up a lead. Once he gets some attack speed he can become annoying even in lane.
[PTA] + Boneplate push waves in and harass try to dodge Q's when possible and go for roams after pushing.
When Zed Ults you he appears on the opposite side of where he ulted from, so you can E into the direction he ulted from to avoid his follow up Q's.
[PTA] dont let her hit Q on minions and you at the same time as she will get push and trade you at the same time. Run Flash + CLEANSE into this matchu specifically, her E is extremely high threat and will stop you from E'ing into her because if you get hit you will 100% die if she has any AP. By playing cleanse you can negate this threat and play way more agressive into her because if you E in and get hit by her E you just cleanse it and keep hitting her.
[Fleet] Usually run Fleet here as you cannot E into her if her E is up, if she every recklessly uses E you can E into her for a good trade.
Matchup can go either way but you can snowball really hard if you get any kills from roams etc.
[PTA / Fleet]
1v1 Is mostly skill matchup try to go in with your E if she ever missuses her Charm or Q. Champ is currently very annoying later as shes a very safe pick with Malignance CDR her ult barely has Cooldown.
[PTA] Mostly a Skill matchup can go either way altough you are stronger in skirmirshes, so if 1v1 is not going too well look for plays around the map.
If he is out of vision in lane be aware of him Qing you from fog of war as this will deal alot of damage after his first base.
[PTA] + Boneplate, you hard win any early fights and should be harassing her whenever possible, if she plays Conqueror + Dblade start with Ignite you need to play alot more carefully as with this setup it is possible for her to solokill you.
Mostly just keep pushing her under tower and denying her CS to build up a lead. You should also be perma shoving because you want to avoid her randomly walking botlane and getting 2 kills, this is usually the only way the matchup becomes problematic.
[PTA] This lane is pretty uninteractive you both just shove the lane repeatedly, if you get his Shield down you can get a really easy Trade by E'ing in and proccing PTA.
Can become annoying due to his R later, if you absolutely need it you can get QSS later but you usually wont need it.
[PTA] Relatively easy matchup focus on not getting hit by his E and going for trades when its on CD. Youre way stronger early game if you run PTA into him.
[PTA] + Boneplate into this and harass him, avoid getting hit by double W as this is the only way he can get a good trade in by proccing his passive with Q afterwards. If you do get hit by 2 W hits just back out until his passive runs out.
Your R reveals targets, if you see Talon jump into your teammates later into the game Ult him right away so if he ults he is still visible and your teammates can kill him.
[PTA] + Boneplate, Fizz has literally no way to proc boneplate in lane before he goes in therefore this rune heavily counters him. You should easily outtrade him if you play around your boneplate timer.
If he hits R on you swing away as far as possible right away.
[PTA] + Boneplate and harass whenever he goes for CS, if he goes in with E while youre boneplate is up you will always easily outtrade him, you can push him in easily as his waveclear is horrible early game and keep hitting him under tower / roam.
[PTA / Fleet] This matchup CAN be annoying if you get hit by alot of E's but if you focus on not getting hit by Q / going in when her Q is down it is very manageable, as with most mage matchups you are way stronger when roaming / fighting 2v2 with your jgler.
[PTA / Fleet]Play around minions in such a way that his Q cannot hit you and keep shoving waves. You can easily ignore him and go for roams / skirmishes where you are way stronger than him, its hard for him to follow you.
[PTA] This champ was nerfed repeatedly and is not much of a threat in lane, focus on hitting her dogs whenever possible and try to dodge atleast one of her Q's as hitting double Q is the majority of her damage.
[PTA / Fleet] you outtrade him in lane and can push in easily, either look to kill him if he gives you good trades or shove and roam.
Be careful of making plays on the map when Corki has his Package up.
[PTA] Harass him for every CS you can easily poke him out of lane / kill him or look for roams after pushing. Just be aware of enemy junglers position to not get ganked with Galio engage.
[PTA] Really free lane he has no way to retalitate against your trades at all till lvl 6 atleast, harass him for every single CS possible in lane with PTA and look for roams / skirmishes.
[PTA / Fleet] All this champ does is waveclear and not interact with you, just push waves and roam.
[PTA / Fleet]Very weak in early lane, you will win pretty much any trade just dont walk straight into cage, if youre inside cage just focus on dodging his W atleast and you'll be fine.
Akshan loves having Supports / Junglers that can create opportunities for him by engaging, since he has no CC / Utility he can have trouble doing it himself.
Rakan does a great job at this as he can jump onto an Invisible Akshan and R W afterwards to catch someone.
Akshan loves having Supports / Junglers that can create opportunities for him by engaging, since he has no CC / Utility he can have trouble doing it himself.
Nautilus is great for this as he can reliably catch people with his Q / R and lock them down.
Nami E has great synergy with Akshan as you can engage people from out of stealth with Nami E which gives you a significant amount of extra damage.
Akshan loves having Supports / Junglers that can create opportunities for him by engaging, since he has no CC / Utility he can have trouble doing it himself.
Zac does a great job at this as he can Engage the enemy with his E and disrupt the enemy team with his ult afterwards.
Additionally zac deals a good amount of magic damage even when building tank.
-> You want some form of AP damage on your team when playing Akshan
Nunu & Willump
Akshan loves having Supports / Junglers that can create opportunities for him by engaging, since he has no CC / Utility he can have trouble doing it himself.
Nunu's W is pretty reliable and easily followed up by Akshan in and out of lane.
Additionally Nunu deals magic damage even when building tank.
-> You want some form of AP damage on your team when playing Akshan
Akshan loves having supports / Junglers that can create opportunities for him by engaging, since he has no CC / Utility he can have trouble doing it himself.
Gragas is amazing since he can engage for Akshan and is a significant AP damage Threat to the enemy team at the same time.
Having Quinn toplane while youre playing Akshan Midlane + Most likely an ADC botlane makes it really easy to itemize against your team(Randuin, Steelcaps, FROZEN HEART)
Quinn is also similiar to Akshan in the way that both of them mostly only deal damage and dont have much CC so they would both prefer having their teammates make up for it by picking CC themselves.
This applies to having ADC's toplane when playing Akshan in general.
You also run the risk of enemy toplaner picking Malphite or Jax.
Having Graves Jungle while youre playing Akshan midlane + most likely an ADC botlane makes it really easy to itemize against your team(Randuin, Steelcaps, FROZEN HEART)
+ no significant CC for Akshan to follow up on
Having Kindred Jungle while youre playing Akshan midlane + most likely an ADC botlane makes it really easy to itemize against your team(Randuin, Steelcaps, FROZEN HEART)
+ no significant CC for Akshan to follow up on
Akshan loves having Supports / Junglers that can create opportunities for him by engaging, since he has no CC / Utility he can have trouble doing it himself.
Rakan does a great job at this as he can jump onto an Invisible Akshan and R W afterwards to catch someone.
Akshan loves having Supports / Junglers that can create opportunities for him by engaging, since he has no CC / Utility he can have trouble doing it himself.
Nautilus is great for this as he can reliably catch people with his Q / R and lock them down.
Nami E has great synergy with Akshan as you can engage people from out of stealth with Nami E which gives you a significant amount of extra damage.
Akshan loves having Supports / Junglers that can create opportunities for him by engaging, since he has no CC / Utility he can have trouble doing it himself.
Zac does a great job at this as he can Engage the enemy with his E and disrupt the enemy team with his ult afterwards.
Additionally zac deals a good amount of magic damage even when building tank.
-> You want some form of AP damage on your team when playing Akshan
Nunu & Willump
Akshan loves having Supports / Junglers that can create opportunities for him by engaging, since he has no CC / Utility he can have trouble doing it himself.
Nunu's W is pretty reliable and easily followed up by Akshan in and out of lane.
Additionally Nunu deals magic damage even when building tank.
-> You want some form of AP damage on your team when playing Akshan
Akshan loves having supports / Junglers that can create opportunities for him by engaging, since he has no CC / Utility he can have trouble doing it himself.
Gragas is amazing since he can engage for Akshan and is a significant AP damage Threat to the enemy team at the same time.
Having Quinn toplane while youre playing Akshan Midlane + Most likely an ADC botlane makes it really easy to itemize against your team(Randuin, Steelcaps, FROZEN HEART)
Quinn is also similiar to Akshan in the way that both of them mostly only deal damage and dont have much CC so they would both prefer having their teammates make up for it by picking CC themselves.
This applies to having ADC's toplane when playing Akshan in general.
You also run the risk of enemy toplaner picking Malphite or Jax.
Having Graves Jungle while youre playing Akshan midlane + most likely an ADC botlane makes it really easy to itemize against your team(Randuin, Steelcaps, FROZEN HEART)
+ no significant CC for Akshan to follow up on
Having Kindred Jungle while youre playing Akshan midlane + most likely an ADC botlane makes it really easy to itemize against your team(Randuin, Steelcaps, FROZEN HEART)
+ no significant CC for Akshan to follow up on
Hello I am Phantasm, a 20 year old multiseason Challenger player from Germany.
I have been playing Akshan since his release and have had alot of succes playing him. I mainly play Akshan mid nowadays and am currently Challenger 1000+ lp on 2 seperate accounts, both with around 70% winrate on Akshan. My all time Peak lp was 1570lp (Rank 3) on EUW in Season 13.
I made this guide for people to learn / get better at Akshan and to have a reliable source for the current best builds.
This guide will be regularly updated whenever major changes occur and I figure stuff out.
Ever since Season 14 I have started actively streaming all my games on Twitch, so if you're interested in watching me play or have any questions concerning Akshan / midlane in general be sure to drop in :). My Twitch My Youtube My opgg My Discord
Early game
Akshan in the early game wants to play very agressive most of the time, trading your opponent alot with your double autos and PTA giving you windows to solokill your opponent especially when playing with Ignite. Altough it can help with snowballing alot, solokilling your lane as Akshan is absolutely not necessary. Since you're playing very agressive early and push in often, you should be going for a ward at enemy raptor around 1:23 every game, example below.
Simply denying them CS and pushing waves in while staying healthy yourself can lead to completely snowballing the game for your team, as you are EXTREMELY strong in skirmishes with your team due to having very high damage and your E resetting.
Therefore if you just stay healthy enough over your opponent and keep pushing, you should get plenty of opportunities to go for plays with your jungler or roam to other lanes.
Early game ward !
!!Place this at around 1:23 every game!!
This ward gives you alot of freedom to play agressive as you will see when the enemy jungler switches sides, allowing you to always hover the opposite side of where the enemy Jungler is. For example when you see him walk from Topside through the ward to Botside, you can now hover Topside side since you know the Jungler is now on the opposite side.
As a general rule especially if you often die to ganks you should be putting this ward down every single game as a midlaner, this is not specific to Akshan.
Mid + Lategame
Im considering Midgame to be starting at the point that a botlane turret falls (usually around 14 mins) which is also the time that you are usually going to be starting to sidelane due to botlanes swapping to staying midlane in most games.
After this point what you generally want to be doing is almost always going to your sidelane first and pushing waves out. This is important as you do not want to fall behind in XP by permanently grouping on Akshan, this Champion is very weak if you are behind in levels. After you have pushed out waves you can look to take jungle camps / or you can join your team to look for plays around the map or just whenever an Objective spawns. If for example 2nd drake is about to be contested and you do not feel like you can win a fight with your team, do not be afraid of simply pushing for the T2 Turret on the other side of the map to get yourself more ahead. Additionally you can look to get picks around sidelanes as you are alot stronger VS for example mages when catching them alone.
Lategame you do essentially the same, pretty much always push out sides first before doing anything else unless you need to get to an objective quickly with your team.
! This is just a very general Idea of what youre supposed to be doing mid and lategame as it can change depending on different scenarios. !
E mechanics
If you are new to Akshan I HIGHLY recommend going into practice tool and simply spamming E in as many spots on the map as possible, trying to get comfortable and to get to know how to use it in specific places.
Akshan E can be very lenient with certain walls letting you kinda ''slide'' past them even tho it looks like he should collide.
Akshan E has alot longer + thicker hitbox range to connect to walls then you might think, it may look like it shouldnt lock on, but it does.
When Akshan collides with a Champion during his E he falls back a bit which is very suboptimal ESPECIALLY when you are chasing someone as they will be able to get away from you alot easier by flashing for example. Instead if you see you are going to collide with someone try to jump out of your E right before hitting them to avoid getting knocked back and keep chasing them.
You can Start channeling your ult and then swing right after to have your ult shoot during your E swing. You cannot start swinging while your ult is already firing. This can be useful to get your ult damage out while engaging someone before you are in range for your E / AA's to hit them.
Thank you for using my guide I hope to have helped you out in some way or another.
I will be updating the guide regularly so if you have any Ideas about what I should add to the guide be sure to let me know.
Additionally any ratings on the guide are very appreciated !
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