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Veigar Ability (LoL): Primordial Burst

Primordial Burst Veigar

Veigar Ability: Primordial Burst
Range: 650
Cooldown: 100 / 60
Cost: 100
Blasts the target enemy champion with primal magic to between 175 / 250 / 325 (+65 / 70 / 75% of ability power) and 350 / 500 / 650 (+130 / 140 / 150% of ability power) magic damage, increasing based on the target's missing health.

Damage is maximized against enemies below 33% health.

Veigar's Abilities

Veigar Ability: Primordial Burst Veigar Ability: Primordial Burst Veigar Ability: Primordial Burst Veigar Ability: Primordial Burst
Primordial Burst is used by Veigar

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Sakaraki | April 9, 2012 11:37am
ultimate move.......... PRIMORDIAL BURST

This ulty kills any ap carry in 1 shot and takes atleast half hp of everyone else so just throw it at an someone and you will get a kill
Nighthawk (684) | November 21, 2011 3:13pm

kinda overpowered lol :P

120% ap ratio? + 80% target's ap ratio :OOO

shhhh, dont tell anyone or the secret will be out :O
Funk3yMonky (1) | November 21, 2011 2:58pm
kinda overpowered lol :P

120% ap ratio? + 80% target's ap ratio :OOO
impa_sasuke (7) | January 19, 2011 1:58am
coolest attack ever on the cooles champ ever dude
KilianShaw | October 12, 2010 11:17am
I LOVE THIS ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!11
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