League of Legends Questions
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I tried to put secondery tree on right side and can't type it
I am currently improving my guides and I want to add runes to every single matchup if can. I have managed to make primary rune on left side but I can't make secondary tree and stats on right side with codes. Does anyone know how to do this or is it possible? I have a picture how it looks. I want now secondary tree on right side: [img]https://i.imgur.com/90fQG3A.png[/img]
Rune Planner Bug
The Rune Planner link does not seem to show runes at all. Like no way to update said runes or even see an image of them. The copy link also doesn't fix the problem, just two tabs with no rune pages on either.
Champs with heil of blades?
Do u know anyone who benefits just from this rune and not e.g. lethal tempo?
Domination Secondary on Xayah?
WIth the current state of the game where most games dont go over 30 minutes you dont get much value from Gathering Storm [29 AD at 30min]. On the other hand you can get Eyeball collection which gives less AD [18] but is also much faster to finish. For the Ultimate Rune you can either get Ravenous Hunter or Ultimate Hunter. I personally love Ravenous Hunter because of the Omnivamp it provides,...
About runes
Hello guys, i have a question... First of all, I haven't played League of Legends for 2 years, only 2-3 matches a year and I don't know how the champions and runes have changed. Can you help me please tell me which champions have similar runes? If there is anything else I need to know, please let me know if you have the time and it will be a pleasure! Thank you very much.
Jayce and Grasp
If Jayce switch to his ranged form, will he get a penalty for Grasp Of The Undying?
Conquorer rune
I have been playing for a while now and am lvl 25. I want to try out the conquerer rune but can't seem to find it. How do you unlock it? Ive looked everywhere but nobody mentions how to get it. Its not in my runes tab right now.
Does flash proc sudden impact?
why would I use overheal?
So let's say I'm playing MF.Pretty much every rune build I see has overheal in it,but why would I choose overheal over triumph?While overheal gives you some bonus health before a fight,triumph can save your life or help you outplay your opponents if you are 1vs2+.So I don't really understand what's so great about overheal
So... what is up with Omni-stone? Are there any champions that actually do well with it? I can think of quite a few champions that did well with kleptomancy and I really donβt see why it was replaced. The Domination and Precision paths both have 4 keystones, why not the same for inspiration? Also, who all uses Unsealed Spellbook?
For ZOE players ^^
Hello everyone ! I just have a question. What is the difference between with Aeri, comet, electrocution and Dark Harvest because I can't see the difference ... Thank you !
Zed runes vs different mid laners?
hello, I would want to know how to change my runes according to the enemy mid laner.
does revitalize work with cho passive?
Hey guys, How does revitalize interact woth cho's passive? Couldnt find anything about it on google, I've read trough the lol wiki page made for Revitalize but I either just dont understand what I've just been reading or the answer to my question isnt there either. I was wondering/hoping that revilalize amplifies the healing I get from minions and was hoping someone on here tested it...
can hail of blades will help master yi on 1v1's
plss help
Is Glacier Neeko Support good? how can I improve?
Lethal Tempol is Good For kalista ?
Is Dark Harvest still preferable over Electrocute anymore?
[[Dark Harvest]] feels kinda lame now & [[Electrocute]] has been doing me a great service on alot of the champions I used to use the other on.
Youtube vids about upcomming patches
Just watched Prof Akali who mentioned its very likely that the Conqerer rune will very likely be removed from the game and replaced with something else. My question is how should I take these kind of vids and the information I am given? Cause this is pretty huge if its true.. I spend alot of time playing Poppy and Sion and especially that rune makes me want to pull my hair out at times....
Rakan runes???
I just bought rakan. And i need help. Please.
soul harvest in non SR
is [[soul harvest]] a bad rune in non [[summoners rift]] in overall? and is [[electrocute]] better alternative in non summoners rift?
Zilean & Fountain of Life Rune
So, I'm new to LOL by a large margin,I guess,and I following various builds. One that catches my attention is one with [[Fountain of Life]]. The rune mentions that when you impair a champion' movement,any ally that attacks that champion heals. I tried the rune and found out it really works(not that I thought it wouldn't,is that works efficiently) and started using it until then I made some...
Best Keystone on Jungle Diana?
Just a quick question: Is [[dark harvest]] good on jungle [[diana]]? Or is [[electrocute]] still better even after the nerfs? Or I have even seen some players with [[fleet footwork]].
Maximum CDR patch 8.11
Hi, please i have question what is the best runes to achieve the maximum of CDR in this patch 7.11, in patch 8.10 i could reach 63% cdr. Thanks
So, who uses Hail of Blades, exactly?
I know it's a weird question, it's just that since the rune went live, I think I have seen it once in my games. And I haven't seen it in any guide here either, so I'm wondering, generally which champions use it?
Electrocute or Dark Harvest for Evelynn?
What runes should I use for Evelynn for highest burst damage? Electrocute seems the most consistent, but Dark Harvest would help snowballing? What sorcery runes should I pick?
Is [b][color=#00ffff]unsealed spellbook[/color][/b] really OP? If yes, in what lane or champion usuaslly [b][color=#00ffff]unsealed spellbook[/color][/b] dominates?
Is Conqueror good for wukong? or stay electrocute?
should i go with the new rune? or stay will the good old one?
Is Conqueror A Good Rune For Jungler?
Hereβs the thing. You have to have 4 seconds in combat to proc it and get some AD. Is it actually good in the jungle for ganking or no?
Rune page
I was wondering if I culd make a rune page that would be semi standard for all midlaners?
Riven build after aery nerf...
What build should I take on riven on this preseason after aerly nerf? I dont know what to do
Runes for ADCs
I started play LOL one week ago , im actually in lvl 18 , i wanna to make a rune book but i dont know which runes can help an ADC, especially kennen , so if someone know runes pls tell me.Thanks
Can someone tell me the best runes for TF on this last season?
Can someone tell me the best runes for TF on this last season?
Any rune recommendations for ADCs for this new season? Thanks in advance!
Can someone tell me the best runes for orianna on this last season?
Can someone tell me the best runes for orianna on this last season?
Can someone tell me the best runes for ryze on this last season?
Can someone tell me the best runes for ryze on this last season?
Phase Rush vs Grasp on Vladimir?
I'm trying to figure out if Phase Rush is better, seeing as Stormraider's Surge used to work so well with him. But grasp looks extremely strong for the late game. Thoughts?
Best Rune For AD Champ to Play in ranked Flex
What is the Best Rune For AD Champ to Play in ranked Flex
Anyone else not able to use the new runes on the PBE?
Is anyone else who got the PBE for free not able to use new runes? I have access to everything else that is new, except the new runes. Is it just me, or are other people having that problem?
Standard Runes Set Up for every role?
What are the Standard runes setup for every role in the game? I only keep finding the AP and AD runes set up but do Top Lane, Support and Jungle have ideal standard set up runes that would fit best for the role? If so please let me know! Hope this all makes sense. Please and thank you :)
Tirstana Adc Runes Please
Whats the best runes for tristana adc runes please guys help me!!
anyone can give me an opinions about... hybrid build tagging your fav champs
Whats the best runes against a ranged champion if you are playing renekton ?
Flat runes or scaling runes
between scaling runes and flat runes, let's say AP runes which one is better now in season 7? i have been away from LOL for quite some time and can't help but wonder they used to say that scaling trumps flat all the time because in lv 5 your AP is higher than if you used the flat AP runes is that still the case? or did riot change all this in the time i have been away from the rift? i do...
How does lethality affect jungle monsters and minions?
Does it take in account their level like it does with champions? What value does it use for minions? (do minions have levels?) Can any of those two go over the level 18 cap and increase penetration over the lethality value?
Flat HP and attack spped marks on Ashe?
Hey I just saw Phreaks recommendations for runes. He said attack speed quints, attack speed marks, attack speed glyph and flat HP seals are the best on her statistically. Assuming that the enemy isn't really troublesome like [[zyra]], do you think the set-up works in some cases? 34% attack speed sounds really interesting but I haven't had the time to play test. And is flat HP really an...