League of Legends Questions
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guide finding
how do i find a build i have made so i can replay if someone asks me something?
When will kindred be released? and is she/he/they good for mid lane?
I saw the new cinematic for kindred and i was like YES...YES...1 GAZILLION TIMES YESSSS! and then i checked the Q&A for kindred someone asked: when they coming out for NA servers? then people are like Thursday or Friday and i was like YAY and then Thursday and Friday come. and still. nothing. but when they come out, can i mid lane? im not a very good adc...
How can i avoid missing with tibbers when i have pyromania as annie?
K so ive been playing Annie for a while now and i sometimes miss tibbers+pyromania. is there an easy way to make tibbers actually hit more? well then again i do face yi in mid lane sometimes then he starts his ult as soon as i ult x.x
Top Laner
Is Maokai in the meta for a good top lane champion?
Poacher's Knife Viability?
So with what Ive seen w/ youtubers playing on the PBE, Kindred's recommended jungle item is Trailblazer, but since he is encouraged to invade, how viable is Poacher's Knife? Also, Shaco's invades CAN be insanely strong, wouldnt it help?
Which one is better? Xin AP or Xin AD
Can anybody tell me what is the best?
Top Lane
Is Draven able to Top Lane? If he can, what are some items to build into to make him successful in the top lane?
The Double Morellon Builds
As title says, is Double [[Morellonomicon]] still good? If no, what other options do I have to get the 40% CDR?
Varus vs Jayce; Which is better?
Hello Mobafire. So lately I only play 2 mid lanerrs, obviously the ones in the title. I suck at mages so why bother, right? Stick to my strengths which is AD champs. My question stems from the feeling that they both preform very similar roles and I was wondering if they are in fact too similar to warrant using them both, or they both have their own "thing" to use one over the other in...
Low Elo Wu Jungle?
I don't play as much as I used to, but I still really like playing Wukong. He is just a fun champion to me. I know he can top, and jungle (I prefer jungle), but I was wondering if he would really be considered a viable jungle in ranked. I have played him in norms a bit but I haven't played ranked since I bought him due to taking a break from the game. Anyway, I'm currently B2, and wouldn't be...
mid laners
what are some good mid laners that should master as a mid lane main ?
Do you think Fiddlesticks will receive a rework anytime soon?
So, Fiddlesticks is a monster and I'm pretty sure everyone knows it. While he and Warwick started off Season 5 as masters due to their sustain through the jungle, Fiddlesticks has become pretty useless. His main sources of damage require him, a squishy mage, to stand in a team and hopefully do enough before he dies. His W is useless because he has to stand still to do it, and there's no comp...
Not Showing Up On My Own Team
All the members of my team show up, except me. I believe this is also keeping me from joining a tournament, how can I fix this?
what are some top laners that can team fight and splitpush pretty well?
How do you get in a bronze?
Yeah, i know how it sounds... but i don't know. I am not even in lvl 30 & i ask this because everywhere are only posts - how do u get out of one.
is twitch good in the current meta?
[[twitch]] is my favorite and i love to play him but i want to know if he is in a good spot in the current meta right now
got an idea for a viable good braum top build
so i was playing braum earlier today as supp. i was pretty far ahead and decided to go titanic hydra because why not? it turned out that the item actually gave braum a really good amount of damage. at full build i was able to 1v1 the enemy top laner at his full build. i was wondering if this could make braum toplane a more viable pick? the build was ninja tabi titanic hydra dead mans plate...
Flexibility of Spirit Visage
This may be a kind of dumb question to ask but how flexible is the item Spirit Visage? Are the effects of Spell Vampirism and Lifesteal amplified due to the effects of Spirit Visage?
What the hell does ending a sentence with this~ do?
I've wondered about it for ages and I can't find anything about it on google, so I'll just ask here. Why do so many people (mostly girls) end sentences with a squiggly line~? It doesn't do anything so why bother?
top tier top laners
what are some top tier top laners? ive had some success with [[wukong]] but i can't win with him anymore.
How to plank the gang with his new update
Question is simple, how to rek with plankgang because i see other plankgangs rek me and eat an orange then there k.
Which should I buy?
I have finally saved up enough IP to be able to purchase Fizz or Riven, however I am torn between which to buy. I am equally skilled in the positions they both usually go, so there is no problem with myself being more skilled at using one over another. Which would be the more viable pick for right now?
G'day. One simple question: can leaving placements mess up my MMR?
Infinity Edge on Vayne
Recently I decided to practice some 1v1's with someone else, we went to a custom game, he picked Draven and I picked Vayne, but I decided to have some fun and max tumble and rush IE, and having the IE really helped trading and csing under tower, and seemed to really give me some early power, but would this be a good option in a regular game against a hard match-up like Draven or Caitlyn, rather...
Is AP Yasuo Possible?
I just saw Yasuo's 3rd ability and it has Ability Power damage so is it possible?
Build paths on Ekko, is it really alright?
I play a lot of Ekko, more like I main him, I 90% of the time go Rod of Ages first into sorc boots into Rylai. Then depending on how the team comp and items are I will either go for rabadons or zhonyas into void staff or Zhonyas into Rabadon then void staff. Or if needed I will go subsitute the void staff for a Abyssal Cepter (not sure if I spelt that right) for ap and mr. I was wondering if...
Dont know anything about him
I can't ask a question
I was trying to ask a question in this section, but I accidentaly clicked the "Save" button instead of the "Publish" one. Now the system tells me I can't ask that question because there is another question with the same title. I can't find the saved question and I also can't seem to find a way to browse questions (in case this happens with a question made by someone else...
Is jungle Aatrox viable?
Would he be good or even relevant in a jungler position? I would think he would be alright due to his W heal after three AA. Also, he would have a easy time when engaging in a gank from his Q.
"Health On Talon?"
Hey this is just something I was considering after reading some comments on the Talon page on the LoL Wiki. The questions are for anyone to answer, but I was hoping that Vapora the Master Talon guy would answer too. Anyway, so I was playing a few games with Talon since he was on free rotation this week. And in one game I got pretty fed, but their team had a lot of targeted true damage...
full ad with tri and bork etc or full tank with black cleaver warmogs, etc
riven with triforce
why doesn't riven build triforce? it seems like it would work really well with her Q
what is smurfing?...
i hear people asking others if the yare a smurf or smurfing but no one will tell me what this means?
Why it's so hard to climb the rank?
im currently silver 1 (O LP now) in rank and i want to climb higher than that. ever since, im never a burden to my teammates and im quite knowledgeable about counter picks. im good with every role i play mainly tank and support. i never trash talk, i dont rage, most importantly i dont quit even if my team is losing. this is my question, why am i always losing? im starting to think that im being...
Top tier junglers
Hello friends. Background story: I haven't really played jungle since devourer meta and I'm kinda stuck on the cinderhulk patch still and I figured it's time to update my champion pool. Question: Opinions on top 3 junglers this patch or overall tier 1 junglers at the moment? I have picked up [[elise]] and I've had good results with her so I'll stick with her but [[nunu]] + [[elise]] is...
Why we have no Vi Top guide?
Why not?
Why does my game keep minimizing itself?
Okay so i'm just randomly playing a game right? And then out of nowhere for no reason the game just minimizes itself and I find myself looking at my desktop while the game progresses and I have to click on the L again to resume. This happens so much and it really effects how good i'm doing and is making the game super un-fun to play. If anyone could help me that would be amazing. Because quite...
AP offtank Cho'gath build: Nashor's Tooth or Wit's End?
So after mastering two tanks (Tahm Kench and Gaeren), I decided to work on mastering Cho'Gath. Im trying to play him as an AP Offtank and I'm working on a build for him. In doing research on other builds, I've learned Wit's End is a good item for Cho; However, I've also learned that Nashor's Tooth is also good an AP heavy Cho'Gath. I was wondering, which is generally better on Cho? I know its...
What is the easiest lane to get pentakills?
I have little success when it comes to multi-kills which lane is most likely to get them and who should I play?
AD Marks on AP champions?
Hey guys. As a mostly AD focused player, I've always had a hard time doing well with mages and AP champions in general. My biggest flaw in the game in general is farming, and this is further exacerbated by being an AP champion. I've been attempting to add [[Viktor]] back into my roster as well as learning [[Rumble]], and have had some success in improving my overall game greatly by using AD...
Dreams of making it to Challenger. But am I in the right role?
I have dreams of making it to Challenger. I am currently Bronze so I have a long ways to go but being that my dream is to play in the LCS I am pretty motivated to climb the ladder. I currently play anywhere from 8-10 hours daily, I would consider myself a Support main after I did some thinking and realized that I am best in that position. Now the problem is I've heard that it can be hard to...
is it worth getting some skills at level 7/8?
i've seen guides and players that say some skills just aren't worth getting till level 8/7. i don't think this is a good idea but i've been wondering about it a lot lately. i've never done this unless i'm playing karthus because aqua dragon can convince me to get wall of pain at 7. or never buy health pots as kog maw.
Which way is Katarina facing when she ults?
If you need the enemy to be facing you for the Cassiopoia ult to be a stun, then which way is Katarina facing while she is ulting?
stereks is core on aril now?
idk if I'm missing something but this seems like by far the best option on her for a second maybe third item as it increases her trifrce procs and allows u to dive adc and get out with passive
Why ?
Why is there no Gatekeeper Galio icon on MOBAfire?