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MOBAFire's third Mini Guide Contest of Season 14 is here! Create or update guides for the 30 featured champions and compete for up to $200 in prizes! πŸ†

MOBAFire Points Leaderboard

Hello and welcome to our MOBAFire Monthly Giveaway Raffle! Earning points is simple, just go about your normal MOBAFire activity! Write and update your guides, reply to your readers, or comment on other member's guides to accrue points and be entered in this month's raffle.

Rank Mobafire Member Monthly Points
121 OSG Rewynd 34
122 Trundledaddy 34
123 Veng Shotz 34
124 X_TRM 34
125 YuzukiJG 34
126 frreddi 33
127 Hades4u 33
128 Anguish333 32
129 Cookiemanman 32
130 Darksword255 32
131 Fan22 32
132 jpaul2077 32
133 Juon 32
134 Makkro 32
136 RaidenKaos 32
137 RanDomGuY060 32
138 SurferKiller 32
139 Ukantor 32
140 X3mHills 32

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide