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Sivir Ability (LoL): Ricochet

Ricochet Sivir

Sivir Ability: Ricochet
Range: 500
Cooldown: 12
Cost: 60
For the next 4 seconds, Sivir's gains 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% attack speed and her auto attacks are empowered to bounce to additional surrounding enemies dealing 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% AD physical damage each bounce for up to 8 bounces. This ability deals 65% damage towards minions.

These bounces critically strike if the auto attack generating them does. Bounces execute minions with less than 15 health.

Sivir's Abilities

Sivir Ability: Ricochet Sivir Ability: Ricochet Sivir Ability: Ricochet Sivir Ability: Ricochet
Ricochet is used by Sivir

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Janitsu (569) | November 2, 2013 11:49am
The damage to additional targets does not apply on-hit effects or crit.
NotSoPro | November 2, 2013 11:45am
Had a game yesterday where I hit over 100 targets with Ricochet. Im not sure if this is confirmed, but dosn't Ricochet proc on hit effects? Wouldn't that mean this would proc Manamune? If it does, Manamune is a must have on her.
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