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Maokai Build Guide by torstenthepwner

Middle S13 Tank Maokai mid (Inspired by Midkai from BR)

Middle S13 Tank Maokai mid (Inspired by Midkai from BR)

Updated on January 12, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author torstenthepwner Build Guide By torstenthepwner 20,781 Views 0 Comments
20,781 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author torstenthepwner Maokai Build Guide By torstenthepwner Updated on January 12, 2023
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Champion Build Guide

S13 Tank Maokai mid (Inspired by Midkai from BR)

By torstenthepwner

Whats up Torsten here with another guide for free LP gains, disclaimer: this is my first build where i have text and I have no idea how to make it look nice so it will just have to look like ****.Start off Season 13 Strong by trying out this CRAZY Tank Maokai in the mid lane and soar through the ladders of ranked in the upcoming season.

Chapter One Runes

Resolve Tree, LIVE FOREVER
TLDR: Grasp gives you permanent max HP, heals you and deals alot of damage and is activated by attacking the enemy 3 seconds after entering combat
Demolish bonks towers for massive damage increased by 35%max HP with a cd of 45 seconds (basically the only way to deal tower damage as a full tank builder)
second wind regens health increased by missing hp and is taken against poke, bone plating reduces 3 instances of damage after taking damage from a champ against only that champ cd:55s and is taken against burst matchups.
overgrowth gives you max HP every time 8 enemy minions have died near you and after 15 stacks gives a nice bonus.
Biscuit Delivery gives you cookies at 2, 4 and 6 mins and when consumed restores missing HP and Mana over time and instantly increases max mana.
Time warp tonic makes pots and biscuits give 1/3 of their stats instantly and gives you movement speed under the duration.
Keystone: Grasp of the Undying.
PASSIVE: Entering combat generates 1 stack every second for the next 3 seconds. Additional stacks may be generated by entering combat again after 2 seconds, refreshing the duration with each instance of combat and stacking the effect up to 4 times. At maximum stacks, your next basic attack on-hit within 6 seconds against an enemy Champion champion consumes all stacks to deal bonus magic damage equal to (Melee 3.5% / Ranged 2.1%) of your maximum health, Heal power heal you for (Melee 1.7% / Ranged 1.02%) of your maximum health, and permanently grant (Melee 5 / Ranged 3) bonus health.

Strength: Demolish
PASSIVE: Generate stacks every 0.5 seconds on enemy Turret turrets within 600 units, up to 6 after 3 seconds. Your next basic attack against a turret with 6 stacks is empowered to consume all stacks to deal 100 (+ 35% of your maximum health) bonus physical damage. Cooldown: 45 seconds. Range: 600.

Choose second wind against poke and bone plating against burst.
Resistance: Second Wind
PASSIVE: After taking damage from an enemy Champion icon.png champion, Health regeneration regenerate 3 (+ 4% of your missing health) health over 10 seconds.
The effect is refreshed upon receiving damage during its duration.
Resistance: Bone Plating
PASSIVE: After taking damage from an enemy Champion icon.png champion, for 1.5 seconds, the next 3 spells or attacks you receive from the same enemy champion deal 30 − 60 (based on level) less damage (including Hybrid penetration.png true damage).
The triggering instance of damage will not have its damage reduced by Bone Plating.
Bone Plating only blocks damage from the champion who triggered it; it can only be active against one champion at a time until its next activation.

Vitality: Overgrowth
PASSIVE: Every 8 Monster icon.png monsters or enemy Minion icon.png minions that die near you permanently generates a stack. Each stack grants 3 bonus health. This effect can stack indefinitely.
After gaining 15 stacks (120 monsters or minions), you gain additional bonus health equal to 3.5% maximum health.

Tomorrow: Biscuit Delivery
PASSIVE: Every 8 Monster icon.png monsters or enemy Minion icon.png minions that die near you permanently generates a stack. Each stack grants 3 bonus health. This effect can stack indefinitely.
After gaining 15 stacks (120 monsters or minions), you gain additional bonus health equal to 3.5% maximum health.
Beyond: Time Warp Tonic
PASSIVE: Consuming a potion or biscuit immediately restores 30% of the health and mana (if applicable) it would restore. Health/mana per tick is then reduced by 30% for the effect's regular duration. If consumables are stacked, the instant restoration is applied after the duration of the initial consumable ends.
Additionally, you gain Movement speed icon.png 2% bonus total movement speed while under the effect of a potion or biscuit.

Chapter Two Itemisation

First item you buy when summoned to the rift is Corrupting potion and first time back in base with a little bit of pocket money you want to purchase tear so you can start stacking. For first item choose between abyssal mask(magic resist vs ap matchup) and randuins omen(armor vs ad matchup), then build boots of swiftness into mythic of choise and then upgrade your tear into winters approach and finish off with either thornmail or spirit visage again depending on if the enemy team deals more attack damage or ability power, thornmail can also situationally be built against heavy ap teams with a lot of healing.

Chapter Three General Guidelines

Sapling Toss gives vision thus it can be used to prevent ganks with addition to the use of stealth ward.
Twisted Advance(W) into Bramble Smash(Q) is Maokais bread and butter combo throughout the game and it works as an insec(knocks enemies towards your own team).
Nature's Grasp(R) is to be cast sideways against enemies close by and in turn roots almost instantaneously and is not as easily dodged.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author torstenthepwner
torstenthepwner Maokai Guide
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S13 Tank Maokai mid (Inspired by Midkai from BR)

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