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Vladimir Ability (LoL): Sanguine Pool

Sanguine Pool Vladimir

Vladimir Ability: Sanguine Pool
Range: 350
Cooldown: 28 / 25 / 22 / 19 / 16
Cost: 15
Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, gaining 37.5% decaying movement speed for 1 second and becoming untargetable and ghosted while slowing enemies in the pool by 40%. Vladimir deals 20 / 33.75 / 47.5 / 61.25 / 75 (+2.5% of bonus health) magic damage every 0.5 seconds and restores health equal to 30% of the pre-mitigation damage dealt.

Vladimir's Abilities

Vladimir Ability: Sanguine Pool Vladimir Ability: Sanguine Pool Vladimir Ability: Sanguine Pool Vladimir Ability: Sanguine Pool
Sanguine Pool is used by Vladimir

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Philantrophe | June 22, 2012 3:40pm
Actually it costs 20% of his current health so at low health that isnt much when you are about to heal yourself for 12.5% of the damage done
MouseKime (1) | December 1, 2011 11:06pm

More like Sanguine Troll.

Vlad will always get away thanks to this skill. Always. It can also turn a fight around seeing as it heals himself. So while you're still at low health, he's trolling around as a puddle gaining some of his health back. Guess what he's going to do when he pops back up? Oh yeah, take some more life back from you!

Is it worth mentioning that it costs 20% of his total health? which can mean over 500 damage to himself, just to cast it...
HateThyKing (6) | April 4, 2011 6:47am
More like Sanguine Troll.

Vlad will always get away thanks to this skill. Always. It can also turn a fight around seeing as it heals himself. So while you're still at low health, he's trolling around as a puddle gaining some of his health back. Guess what he's going to do when he pops back up? Oh yeah, take some more life back from you!
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