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Maokai Ability (LoL): Sap Magic

Sap Magic Maokai

Maokai Ability: Sap Magic
Cooldown: 30 / 25 / 20
Maokai's attacks restore 4-12.8% health (depending on level).

Using an ability or being hit by an enemy champion's ability reduces the cooldown by 4 seconds. Being hit by large or epic monster's attacks or abilities reduces the cooldown by 1.5 seconds.

Maokai's Abilities

Maokai Ability: Sap Magic Maokai Ability: Sap Magic Maokai Ability: Sap Magic Maokai Ability: Sap Magic
Sap Magic is used by Maokai

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Zordagoth (19) | February 24, 2015 7:33am
fakefetus (1) | February 24, 2015 5:51am
Do his OWN spells proc this?
IcyAuron (23) | December 3, 2014 11:57am
Shadowm22 wrote:

after doing a bit of math i learned that with a Spirit Visage this passive will heal Maokai for 8.4 % insted of 7 %

This is correct. One of the MANY reasons why you should get a Spirit Visage on Maokai.
Shadowm22 (1) | February 20, 2013 6:30am
after doing a bit of math i learned that with a Spirit Visage this passive will heal Maokai for 8.4 % insted of 7 %
IcyAuron (23) | September 17, 2012 4:57pm
I'm almost positive that it doesn't work with Summoner Spells, but yes, it works with any spells cast by any champs, regardless of team.
MarioVX (1) | April 27, 2012 9:00am
Does this only work with spells casted by allied champions, or with spells casted by enemy champions as well?
Does it also work with summoner spells?
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