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MOBAFire's third Mini Guide Contest of Season 14 is here! Create or update guides for the 30 featured champions and compete for up to $200 in prizes! πŸ†
Camille Build Guide by LilPicky

Top Season 14 Camille Guide by Bachirrka (Beta Version)

Top Season 14 Camille Guide by Bachirrka (Beta Version)

Updated on August 5, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LilPicky Build Guide By LilPicky 5,598 Views 0 Comments
5,598 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LilPicky Camille Build Guide By LilPicky Updated on August 5, 2024
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Runes: Most matchups

1 2 3 4 5 6
Grasp of the Undying
Shield Bash
Bone Plating

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
Easy Matchups
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Abilities & Sequence
How Camille works
Items & Runes
Runes & Items description
Pros & Cons
Champion strenghts & weaknesses
Which spell you should choose
How Camille should be played
Tips, Tricks & Lore
Camille Extras!

Adaptive Defenses
Camille's passive, gives her a shield when she attacks an enemy champion. This shield changes based on the main type of damage her opponent deals physical or magical and protects her more against that specific kind of harm for 2 seconds. This helps Camille to fight and trade blows with enemies more giving her the upper hand in one-on-one battles and small fights. The shield doesn't last long, but it can change how a fight turns out.
Precision Protocol
Camille's Q, boosts her next basic attack. This attack deals extra physical damage and makes her move faster for 1 second. After using it, Camille can trigger it again soon to land another powered-up attack. If she waits a bit before the second hit, it will cause much more harm and turn some of the damage into true damage. This makes it work better against targets with lots of armor. This skill helps Camille do well in trades and take down her enemies.
Tactical Sweep
Camille's W ,makes her slash in a cone-shaped area in front of her. Enemies caught by the outer half of the cone suffer extra damage, which increases based on their missing health, and experience a brief slowdown. Camille also restores her health based on the harm she causes to champions in this outer area. This ability lets her jab at enemies from a safe distance, recover health during exchanges, and manage the battlefield by slowing down opponents who try to run away or attack.
Camille’s E, makes her to throw a grappling hook to the terrain which will pull her to where it latched on. If she generates the connection with the terrain, she can then use it again to dash off in the desired direction. In this second part of the ability, if Camille's Enemies clash with her she stuns them for a short time and gains bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. This ability serves Camille well in the pursuit, attack, or withdrawal in fights and can be used in a way tap in on the enemy or approach targets quickly.
The Hextech Ultimatum
Camille’s R, puts her on the back of the targeted champion and she pulls the champion inside a hexagonal field. The enemy cannot move outside the zone while inside Camille gets bonus magic damage on her attacks. Other enemies are pulled away when she lands, and cannot invade the zone. This ability allows the target to be rooted and that is when Camille can take them down or put her focus on during a fight. That is why it is particularly useful for designating specific opponents and receiving an additional opportunity to engage them one on one.



















Dead Man's Plate
Forte for Camille as it increases her mobility and tankiness. The bonus movement speed assists her to move or chase/flee more efficiently in a fight, the additional health and armor make her tougher in actions. Also, the power of passive is based on the item momentum that adds extra damage and increases her next basic attack, which perfectly fits to her playstyle of chasing and focusing targets.
Death's Dance
Increases her capacity to live and keep on living through battles. The item helps her deal good damage and take hits because it has attack damage, armor, and ability haste. Its passive is particularly special – Camille can transfer a part of the received damage to a bleeding effect, thus dividing it by time rather than receiving all the harm in one moment.
Offers damage per second and survivability while not outshining burst damage too much. Also, the item’s passive gives her a shield and bonus movement speed every time she hits an enemy champion with two different abilities in sequence, which is totally to the point of her style of engaging and dealing bursts of damage.
A strong item for Camille when she is in the stage of split-pushing and dueling. The item increases her attack damage and health, which are useful for her in 1v1 fights, to a large extent. Its passive gives extra resistances to the cannon minions and an increase to the tower damage every fifth attack, which makes her a better addition against structures.
Kaenic Rookern
It complements her with improved endurance and longer spells of fighting ability. Its abilities may be such that it will receive more health, armored health, and magic resistance to increase Camille’s durability in long fights. Also, it could have a passive ability that completely complements her abilities and play style.
Maw of Malmortius
Good item for Camille when she is facing teams which have strong magical damage dealers. Naturally, the item boosts attack damage, magic resist, and ability haste – all valuable in Camille’s fight against her opposition. Its main characteristic is the passive guardian that activates when Camille receives magic damage and her health is below a certain value. This shield takes a decent amount of magic damage for a few seconds, which enables Camille to survive from burst damage that mages can deal. The item also provides bonus lifesteal and spell vamp when the shield is up, which is helpful.
Ravenous Hydra
Improves her wave-clear, sustain and damage output in general. The item gives a lot of attack power and lifesteal, enabling Camille to restore her health coming from the damage she inflicts to the rivals, making her able to stay alive longer during battles. Its passive and active effect means that her attacks and abilities will also apply area of effect damage to nearby enemies and thus she can easily control minion waves and pressure side lanes.
Spear Of Shojin
Supports her to be more effective in long confrontations. Attack damage, health and ability haste are among the things this item gives her, and they work well with the necessity of frequently using abilities while in combat. When she hits an empowered attack like Q, its unique passive diminishes the time until Camille’s basic skills are ready for use again. Allowing for faster successive use of her abilities, this keeps Camille under pressure and enables mobility during fights.
Spirit Visage
In different circumstances, Camille should consider using the item to obtain more resistance against magical damage and enhance her self-healing. It provides magic resist, health, health regeneration, and cooldown reductions all of which help her stay alive for a longer time. Its exclusive passive boosts any healing effect that Camille receives including those from her own abilities like W and life steal from other items too. Her amplified restoration makes it even tougher for her to be killed during battles especially when playing against groups with high magic damage.
Sterak's Gage
Survivability and damage, both in huge quantities. The item has an additional health points to withstand more damage and deal out heavier strikes. When Camille takes a large amount of damage in a short time, the passive ability named Lifeline gets activated causing her to have a significant shield that scales with her AD. This makes it easier for her to absorb burst damage in order to live longer in fights. Furthermore, Sterak's Gage provides Tenacity which cuts crowd control durations upon her.
Sundered Sky
Her sustain is improved and she can trade quickly, especially against bruisers and heavy bruiser match-ups. It’s the item’s healing that makes it a good choice for creating a meaningful health difference between her and the opposing champions in the early game. In addition to being little bit less than Divine Sunderer, which was popular before its removal, as Camille needs such kind of sustainability.
Trinity Force
The core item for Camille is one that offers a well-rounded combination of statistics that complement her aggressive style of play. These stats will enhance Camille's fighting capabilities as they are made up of attack damage, attack speed, health and ability power. The Spellblade effect is perfectly in sync with her kit, particularly when combined with her Q skill – this enables her to cause extreme burst damage with her next basic attack. Also this ability helps her to stick to targets and change position quickly in fights due to the bonus movement speed she obtains from Threefold Strike.
Iceborn Gauntlet
Camille can be made really tanky by the armor and passive slow effect of the Iceborn Gauntlet, which is a good way to keep enemies slowed all the time when mixed with her W ability. Moreover, it is inexpensive and works in harmony with other items like Sterak’s Gage thus making it an option worth considering. In essence this is useful against low mobile champions like Darius.


β†’ Very adaptive champion that can overcome many situations,
β†’ Extremely high outplay potential,
β†’ Feels very rewarding and satisfying when played right,
β†’ Can splitpush well,
β†’ Good late game,
β†’ Good mobility,
β†’ Scales well,
β†’ Good 1v1's,
β†’ Effective Engage and Isolation,
β†’ Versatile Build Paths,


β†’ Weak early game,
β†’ One of the hardest champions in the game,
β†’ Requires very high micro and macro knowledge,
β†’ Mistakes are very punishing,
β†’ No wave clear until you build hydra,
β†’ Item dependent,
β†’ Vulnerable to CC,
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LilPicky
LilPicky Camille Guide
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Season 14 Camille Guide by Bachirrka (Beta Version)

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