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Kayle Build Guide by justitia

Top Season 14 Complete Kayle guide: (Top/Mid) (AP, On-Hit) (Patch 14.5)

Top Season 14 Complete Kayle guide: (Top/Mid) (AP, On-Hit) (Patch 14.5)

Updated on March 6, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author justitia Build Guide By justitia 23 9 73,743 Views 0 Comments
23 9 73,743 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author justitia Kayle Build Guide By justitia Updated on March 6, 2024
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Runes: Top Lane

1 2 3
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Lane phase tips
- Use and to damage your opponents, try to kill minions without using skills as long as possible to be better prepared for trades.

- You are kinda strong level 1 so you can try to kill some champions with the help of minions. To do that you should know Kayle's limits and champions who are stronger, for example: or

- Always think twice before trading with somebody before lvl 6, most of the duels will be deadly for you.

- Always ward river top lane bushes. You need to be safe because you are very weak before level 11.

- If you are a completely new Kayle player, try to play passively to feel you power spikes better without feeding enemy team.
Power spikes
- Your first power spike is level 6 when gives you chances to dominate easy matchups with ranged attacks.

- Second power spike is which gives you a lot of damage. This power spike is only actual for top lane Kayle.

- Level 11 is one of the most important power spikes for Kayle. Starting from here, Kayle is a full champion who can influence the game.

- The final one is level 16 when along with ability power items give you a possibility to kill any champion quickly.
Notes about Threats/Synergies
- It is very hard for Kayle to comeback a game after losing lane to one of the "Extreme" threats. That is why I ask you not to pick Kayle when you see one of these champions. If you did, try to change lanes with your mid laner, because there are very big chances of you being 0/5/0 from the begining of the game.

- I didn't write any "Synergies" because Kayle is good with every champion who has a strong control options. Examples:
- In the end, I want to give you some advice about Kayle, they are very simple but useful for new players.

- Try to begin your duels with because it reduces your opponents's defense.

- You need to have a good cs in every game, always watch a map finding some free minions when there is no any other things you can do with your team.

- Remember that when you play Kayle on the Top lane, there is no bruiser champion in your team, so, don't pick Kayle in all games just to play this champion. Always analize your setup because sometimes you don't need another carry champion in your team.

- To play Kayle on a good level you need to have kiting skills. It is very important, espesially when we speak about top lane.

It was my first guide for Mobafire, so I hope you guys will enjoy it and find it useful. I will update this guide with up to date information.
Wish you a lot of good games with Kayle.

This guide is still being apdated
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League of Legends Build Guide Author justitia
justitia Kayle Guide
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Season 14 Complete Kayle guide: (Top/Mid) (AP, On-Hit) (Patch 14.5)

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