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Morgana Ability (LoL): Soul Siphon

Soul Siphon Morgana

Morgana Ability: Soul Siphon
Morgana heals for 20% of the damage her abilities deal to champions, large minions, and large monsters.

Morgana's Abilities

Morgana Ability: Soul Siphon Morgana Ability: Soul Siphon Morgana Ability: Soul Siphon Morgana Ability: Soul Siphon
Soul Siphon is used by Morgana

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DoctorlyRob | September 20, 2012 12:12pm
No it doesn't, Ionic Spark is considered an auto-attack and spell vamp does not apply to auto-attacks
Phendranoid | April 12, 2012 6:47pm
Does the spell vamp work with Ionic Spark ?
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