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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Syndra tips and tricks?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Syndra 2,961

  • SportJAK

    Syndra tips and tricks?

    Some tips for me to be better Syndra?
  • Answers (1)

    Tauricus2017 (120) | May 11, 2021 2:04am
    You can check out some cool and well made Syndra guides around here. My personal recommendation would be The Antisocial Dark Sovereign made by BlueImperial. You can also watch this video for cool Syndra combos as well as sneaky fake animations and unique tricks. In case you would be a BOOST user of, you can also check their combo page for some more cool ability rotations. You can also experiment with different builds and rune pages to come up with even more unique and unpredictable stuff. Things like Hextech Rocketbelt for combos from huge distance or experimental runes like Glacial Augment for easy undodgable combos might just be what you are looking for in terms of cool tricks. Try to test different boots and starting items to find the one that suits your playstyle the most. You can also watch some Syndra streamers to find the real gameplay. Ask them questions and watch their mechanics. A cool Syndra streamer you could watch can for example be Sepukuu. Watch your own gameplay, find your weaknesses, suppress them.
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