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Recommended Items
Runes: Tanky
+8 Ability Haste
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Boots of Swiftness
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Plated Steelcaps
Celestial Opposition
Solstice Sleigh
Locket of the Iron Solari
Zeke's Convergence
Knight's Vow
Abyssal Mask
Kaenic Rookern
Frozen Heart
Jak'Sho, The Protean
Randuin's Omen
Sunfire Aegis
Force of Nature
Hollow Radiance
Ability Order Always
Triumphant Roar (PASSIVE)
Alistar Passive Ability
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Champion Build Guide
Welcome to my guide! I'm PψkΣugeØ, Italian Pyke OTP, and in this guide, I'll be sharing all of my experiences with Alistar. After Pyke and Rell, Alistar is among the point guards I like to play the most, and I'm here to show you why. I will show you its strengths, how to play it, teaching you some macros, tips on warding etc.., how to make the best choices and increase your chances of winning.
Laning Phase:
Laning Phase:
The itemization for Alistar requires Utility, flexibility and adaptability. It's essential to carefully evaluate the game situation and the needs of your team to build a set of items that maximizes Alistar's effectiveness and support on the battlefield. This is a standard tank build for Alistar: Plated Steelcaps: These boots provide Alistar with increased resistance against physical damage, allowing him to be more durable during combat phases. Celestial Opposition: This item offers Alistar damage reduction and the ability to slow surrounding enemies, enhancing his survivability in fights and enabling better battlefield control. Locket of the Iron Solari: This item amplifies Alistar's support capabilities, providing valuable protection to his team during skirmishes and teamfights with its area-of-effect shielding. Kaenic Rookern: This item grants Alistar a magic shield after not taking damage from champions for 15 seconds. This shield, amounting to 18% of your maximum health, provides a valuable layer of defense against burst damage or sustained magical attacks, enhancing your survivability in crucial moments of combat. Knight's Vow: This item extends Alistar's longevity in combat and strengthens his ability to protect his allies by reducing the damage they take and sharing a portion of the damage they receive with himself. Jak'Sho, The Protean: This item further boosts Alistar's resilience and makes him harder to take down during combat phases, allowing him to survive longer and continue protecting his team.
In the realm of League of Legends, vision control reigns supreme, and as a skilled support player piloting Alistar, you possess the power to turn the tide of battle through strategic warding. To further elevate your vision control game, this section delves into the importance of visual aid when it comes to placing wards effectively. Securing Strategic Vision on the Blue Side: Spoiler: Click to view
Gaining Deep Vision Against Invisible Junglers: Warding against invisible junglers like Evelynn, Shaco, Rengar, Talon is crucial for staying one step ahead in the game. With their ability to sneak around undetected, having deep vision becomes your greatest ally in keeping track of their movements and thwarting their surprise attacks. Spoiler: Click to view
By diligently maintaining deep vision with well-placed wards and utilizing Control Ward to unmask invisible threats, you can neutralize the advantage of stealthy junglers. This proactive approach to vision control will not only protect you and your teammates from ambushes but also empower your team to exploit the weaknesses of these elusive opponents, leading your team to victory in the Summoner's Rift. Securing Strategic Vision on the Red Side: Spoiler: Click to view
Warding against invisible junglers remains crucial on the Red Side, just as it is on the Blue Side. With stealthy champions like Evelynn, Rengar, Talon and Shaco sneaking around undetected, having deep vision becomes even more critical to track their movements and thwart their surprise attacks. Spoiler: Click to view
By upholding diligent deep vision with well-placed wards and making strategic use of Control Ward, you can neutralize the advantage of stealthy junglers, regardless of the side you play on. This proactive approach to vision control will protect you and your teammates from ambushes and empower your team to capitalize on the weaknesses of these elusive opponents, leading to success in the Summoner's Rift. |
Talking of wave management, Alistar wields strategic prowess as a support. With her versatile toolkit, she navigates the delicate balance of controlling minion waves to gain advantages for her team. From orchestrating fast pushes to orchestrating freezes, each technique serves a distinct purpose in her quest to secure lane dominance and pave the path to victory.
Alistar is a versatile support champion known for his crowd control and tankiness, making him a formidable presence in teamfights. While he excels in disrupting melee or close-range compositions, he can hold his own against higher-range teams if they lack heavy poke or disengage. With his ability to engage or peel for his team, Alistar synergizes well with compositions that possess strong engage or protective capabilities, mitigating his vulnerabilities. Despite a relatively modest early game, Alistar's potential shines in the late game, where he can dictate teamfights and secure victories with his disruptive kit and strategic playstyle.
Early in the game, Alistar lacks significant burst damage for quick trades, but he possesses strong engage potential with his Q Pulverize, W Headbutt, and taking advantage of the passive Triumphant Roar, healing himself and nearby allies after casting spells. Utilizing his Q to knock up enemies and W for repositioning or isolating targets, he can set up favorable trades and potential kills, especially if he reaches level 2 before his opponents. Incorporating the Hextech Flashtraption rune, Alistar can surprise enemies with unexpected engages from brush to gain trading advantages. When poking or trading, Alistar players should aim to maximize damage output by using Q and W in quick succession, ensuring to land Q without hitting minions for maximum damage. Moreover, using W for engage when enemies are near their minions or your tower can pressure opponents and create advantageous trading opportunities, especially when coordinating with your jungler or mid for a potential gank. Alistar's E, Trample, serves as an engage or disengage tool to start a fight or avoid getting killed, but caution is advised to avoid being baited into using it prematurely. As Alistar reaches level 6, his engage potential increases significantly because of his ultimate ability, Unbreakable Will, making him a potent threat in gank setups. By consistently poking, trading efficiently, and out-sustaining opponents, Alistar can create opportunities for all-ins and potential kills, especially with the added durability provided by his ultimate. Transitioning into the mid-game, Alistar should prioritize roaming towards the mid lane or invading the enemy jungle with his jungler, utilizing his crowd control to secure objectives and establish deep vision for map control and objective control.
Transitioning into the mid-late game, Alistar's role becomes pivotal in teamfights and securing objectives. With his crowd control abilities and tankiness, he excels at initiating fights and protecting his team's carries. In teamfights, Alistar should prioritize locking down high-priority targets with his Q Pulverize and W Headbutt, disrupting enemy formations and enabling his team to secure kills. His ultimate, Unbreakable Will, can turn the tide of teamfights by providing significant damage reduction and allowing him to soak up damage while providing crowd control. Moreover, Alistar's ability to engage and peel makes him invaluable in securing objectives such as dragon, Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor. His crowd control can zone enemies away from crucial objectives or lockdown priority targets during objective fights, giving his team a significant advantage. Additionally, Alistar's tankiness allows him to soak up damage while his team secures objectives safely. Overall, in the mid-late game, Alistar should focus on using his engage potential to initiate favorable teamfights, protect his carries, and secure objectives to push for victory. Coordination with teammates and proper positioning are key to maximizing Alistar's impact on teamfights and objectives in the later stages of the game. |
As a playmaker support, Alistar stands as a beacon of strategic influence on the Summoner's Rift. With her ability to initiate and dictate the flow of team engagements, she transcends the traditional role of a support, becoming a pivotal figure in orchestrating macro-level plays. Whether it's leading the charge in coordinated jungle invasions, facilitating mid lane ganks with her crowd control prowess, or spearheading objective control with her disruptive presence, Alistar embodies the essence of a playmaker support. In the hands of a skilled player, her strategic acumen and decisive actions can tilt the scales of battle in favor of her team, securing victories through calculated macro plays and unparalleled map control.
In this section, I'll delve into bot lane matchups, focusing on how Alistar support fares against various types of enemy supports. I'll categorize them based on their playstyles: engager-disengagers, peelers, tanks, mages, enchanters, poke mages, poke burst, and playmakers. It's important to note that some supports may fall into multiple categories, and item builds can significantly impact their playstyle. Additionally, the support matchup often holds more weight than the ADC matchup, particularly in higher elos, influencing lane dynamics and overall strategy.
Enchanter Champions
When facing Enchanter Champions like Lulu, Soraka, Sona, and others, Alistar's gameplay dynamic shifts. These champions primarily focus on protecting and empowering their ADC rather than directly engaging. Conversely, Alistar excels in crowd control and setting up skirmishes with her crowd control abilities. Dealing with Enchanters can be an initial challenge due to their healing and shielding potential, but Alistar can counter them with consistent pressure and well-timed engagements. It's important for Alistar and her ADC to look for opportunities to punish Enchanters during windows of opportunity when their abilities are on cooldown. Aggressive play and proper skirmish management can undermine the effectiveness of Enchanters, allowing Alistar and her team to gain lane control and potentially secure victory.
Playmaker Champions
When facing playmaker supports like Pyke, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Rakan and others, Alistar must adapt her approach due to their aggressive engage potential. These champions thrive on catching opponents out of position and starting fights. However, they often lack sustain and rely heavily on landing skill shots to engage effectively. Alistar can exploit this by playing cautiously and avoiding getting caught by their crowd control abilities. She should focus on using her own crowd control to disrupt their engages and peel for her ADC. Additionally, punishing their missed skill shots or engaging when their abilities are on cooldown can create opportunities for favorable trades and turn the tide of the lane in Alistar's favor. It's crucial for Alistar to maintain vision control and communicate effectively with her ADC to anticipate and counter the aggressive plays of playmaker supports.
Poke-Burst Mage Champions
When facing poke-burst supports like Lux, Karma, Brand, Zyra and others, Alistar must approach the matchup with caution due to their high damage output and long-range abilities. These champions excel at harassing opponents from a distance and can quickly burst down squishy targets if left unchecked. However, they are typically squishy themselves and lack sustained crowd control. Alistar can capitalize on this by engaging when their key abilities are on cooldown or when they misposition. Utilizing her tankiness and crowd control, Alistar can disrupt their poke patterns and create opportunities for favorable trades or all-ins. Additionally, maintaining bush control and vision denial can limit their ability to land skill shots and poke effectively. Communication with her ADC is crucial to coordinate engages and avoid unnecessary poke damage. By playing smart and capitalizing on windows of opportunity, Alistar can neutralize the threat posed by poke-burst supports and secure lane dominance for her team.
Peeler-Tank Champions
When facing peeler-tank supports like Taric, Tahm Kench, Braum and others, Alistar must navigate their formidable defensive capabilities and crowd control. These champions excel at protecting their ADCs and disrupting enemy engages with their crowd control abilities. However, they can be susceptible to being kited or outmaneuvered due to their lack of mobility. Alistar can exploit this by utilizing her mobility (if Alistar is building Boots of Swiftness, Solstice Sleigh and Trailblazer) and crowd control to create opportunities for engages and picks. She should focus on disrupting their peel attempts and isolating priority targets with her crowd control abilities. Additionally, Alistar can punish their mispositioning or overcommitment by coordinating engages with her ADC. It's important for Alistar to play patiently and avoid all-in engages when their defensive cooldowns are available. By maintaining vision control and capitalizing on moments of vulnerability, Alistar can overcome the defensive prowess of peeler-tank supports and secure advantages for her team. |
In this section, I'll explore the synergies between Alistar support and various ADCs, focusing on their compatibility and effectiveness in different playstyles. I'll categorize ADCs based on their strengths and playstyles: Snowballing Champions, Long Range Hypercarries, Poke/High Range AD Carries, and Short Range All-In ADCs. It's crucial to understand these dynamics as they heavily influence lane dynamics and overall strategy, often outweighing the significance of the ADC matchup in higher elos.
Snowballing Champions
When paired with snowballing ADCs like Tristana, Draven, Samira, Lucian and others, Alistar can capitalize on their aggressive playstyle and early game dominance. These ADCs excel at securing kills and building leads, making them ideal partners for Alistar's crowd control and engage potential. Together, they can apply immense pressure in lane and secure kills with well-timed engages. Alistar's tankiness and crowd control abilities provide these snowballing ADCs with the safety and support they need to thrive in aggressive matchups. Against enemy bot lanes, Alistar and her snowballing ADC should look to establish lane dominance early and punish any missteps from the opposing duo. By coordinating engages and capitalizing on their early game strength, they can secure kills and objectives to snowball the game in their favor. Communication and vision control are key to exploiting the weaknesses of the enemy bot lane and securing victory for Rell and her snowballing ADC partner.
Long Range Hypercarries
When paired with long-range hypercarries like Xayah, Aphelios, Vayne, Kog'Maw and others Alistar can provide strong frontline protection and crowd control to enable their scaling potential. These ADCs excel in the late game with their immense damage output and range, and Alistar's tankiness and crowd control abilities complement their playstyle perfectly. Alistar can peel for these hypercarries effectively, ensuring they can deal damage safely in team fights. Additionally, Alistar's engage potential can create opportunities for these ADCs to capitalize on their long-range abilities and secure kills from a safe distance. Against enemy bot lanes, Alistar and her long-range hypercarry should focus on farming safely and scaling into the late game. They should be cautious of aggressive engages from the enemy duo and prioritize vision control to avoid ganks. Coordination and communication are essential to capitalize on their scaling advantage and secure objectives in the later stages of the game. With proper positioning and teamwork, Alistar and her long-range hypercarry partner can dominate team fights and carry their team to victory.
Poke/High Range AD Carries
When paired with poke/high-range ADCs like Miss Fortune, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Varus, and Ashe, Alistar can provide strong zoning and engage potential to complement their poke abilities. These ADCs excel at harassing opponents from a distance and whittling down their health before engaging in an all-in fight. Alistar's crowd control abilities can help these ADCs create space and control the battlefield, allowing them to safely poke from a distance. Additionally, Alistar's engage potential can catch enemies off guard and set up opportunities for her poke-focused ADC partner to land crucial abilities. Against enemy bot lanes, Alistar and her poke/high-range ADC should focus on establishing lane dominance through consistent harassment and zoning. They should prioritize vision control to avoid enemy ganks and punish mispositioned opponents with well-timed engages. Coordination and communication are key to maximizing their poke potential and securing objectives during the laning phase. With proper positioning and teamwork, Alistar and her poke/high-range ADC partner can control the pace of the game and dictate the outcome of team fights with their combined poke and engage capabilities.
Short Range All-In ADCs
When paired with short-range all-in ADCs like Kai'Sa, Tristana, Xayah, Lucian, Aphelios, Kalista, and Vayne, Alistar can provide strong engage and follow-up potential to capitalize on their burst damage and mobility. These ADCs excel in close-quarters combat and rely on quick engages to secure kills in lane and team fights. Alistar's crowd control abilities can help them lock down targets and unleash their full combo, ensuring maximum damage output. Additionally, Alistar's tankiness and peel can protect these short-range ADCs during fights, allowing them to stay in the fray longer and deal sustained damage. Against enemy bot lanes, Alistar and her short-range all-in ADC should look for opportunities to trade aggressively and punish opponents for mispositioning. They should coordinate engages and focus on bursting down priority targets quickly to gain an advantage in fights. Vision control is crucial to avoid enemy ganks and maintain pressure in lane. With proper communication and teamwork, Alistar and her short-range all-in ADC partner can dominate the laning phase and snowball their lead into a victory. |
Thank you for reading my guide up to this point, I hope you enjoyed it, and if you liked it, leave a +vote and a comment if you want to ask me something. Stay updated because my next guides will be: Nautilus support, Lulu support, Nocturne Jungler, Jarvan IV Jungler and Talon Midlaner.
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