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League of Legends Tank

What is a Tank?

Tanks are durable, front-line champions that help lock down enemies and start fights. They're usually found leading the charge, choosing the right times and situations to initiate aggression. Many tanks can also protect their more fragile teammates by stunning or pushing around dangerous foes and limiting their damage potential.

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Traibowguides | February 5, 2019 9:16am
A tank is a champions mostly played in the toplane and jungle that got a lot of health (around 2800-5000). A tanks job is to absorb the enemy teams damage while being their frontline. when your team are not teamfighting you should be splitpushing in a sidelane (mostly if you are a toplane tank).
Inhumaniac | September 18, 2012 4:06pm
I remember playing a full 5 tank game...Team beefcake...That game took so long.
Death D (4) | June 29, 2012 3:36pm
u saw me at support right?

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