I'm willing to give it a try, I dont play any fighter champos so my yasuo is streight up garbage, especially if you factor in I am only an silver 4 pleb who mains tanks and mages.
I'm on EUW servers though.
Yes, totally. I made it to onslaught 3rd form Kayn several times with 4 augments (I can even go down to 2 with Yasuo, he doesn't need more) but I never beat it. I always end up top damage by far with Yasuo or Jinx but there's only so much you can do to carry feeders and trolls, it's very frustrating. I won't beat this without a good team, especially the 2 augment challenge. You can add me, summoner name in my profile.
EDIT : finally beat it on 4 augments with a good team, almost made it on 3.
Hope this helps,
I'm on EUW servers though.
I do have almost al augments btw.
EDIT : finally beat it on 4 augments with a good team, almost made it on 3.