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Ziggs Build Guide by Shark of Void

Middle The Big Bang Theory with Ziggs!

Middle The Big Bang Theory with Ziggs!

Updated on April 7, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shark of Void Build Guide By Shark of Void 25 2 38,902 Views 12 Comments
25 2 38,902 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shark of Void Ziggs Build Guide By Shark of Void Updated on April 7, 2023
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Runes: Against mages

1 2 3
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3 4 5
Flash + Teleport
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The Big Bang Theory with Ziggs!

By Shark of Void

Hello everyone!
I am Shark of Void. My highest elo is the Grandmaster. This is my first guide, so judge strictly.

I'll tell you what I like/dislike about this champion.


  1. He is universal!

  2. He's a funny psycho.

  3. The only splitpush mage-midlaner.

  4. He has beautiful combinations.

  5. Always deals high damage, even if you are 0 10!

  6. One of the few mobile mages.


  1. Sometimes it annoys me that I can't hit enemy with skills.


+ Deals AP damage.
+ Has a good poke.
+ One of the few mobile mages.
+ The only splitpusher mages.
+ Has a small number of bad matchups.
+ Can play 1 vs 9.


- Squishy.
- All skills are skillshots.
- If you thoughtlessly throw skills, mana will quickly run out.

Ziggs is a poke champion, the Arcane Comet allows him to deal more damage with a poke, which will quickly force the enemy to leave the lane and allow you to farm and break the tower. Also, the comet's cooldown decreases when hit by a skill, and since Ziggs uses them often, he will use the comet frequently.

Ziggs has higher mana costs in general. Manaflow Band allows you to stay on the line longer, that is, get more gold, experience, poke the enemy and break the tower.

Transcendence allows you to use skills more often, that is, you will be able to poke better and drive the enemy off the line faster. 20% recharge after killing will allow you to make more impact in team fights.

I take the Scorch against melee champions because I can easily use it on them and drive them off the line faster.
The Gathering Storm is good against mages, because we won't be able to use the Scorch on them often, so it's better to scale into late game.


Presence of Mind is a great rune because Ziggs can sometimes have mana issues, even with Manaflow Band. It's really helpful in teamfights especially!

Legend: Alacrity makes it easier to farm, more to poke, and faster to destroy the towers, a great rune! Since it has to accumulate, it is worse in the early game than Coup de Grace. So, take it against enemies you don't intend to kill early.
For the adaptive runes I take first 2 slots I take 2 adaptive AP is great for early game and snowballing, and the attack speed from the Legend: Alacrity is enough.
Third slot: This should be the resistance you're going against - magic resist against AP mids or armor vs AD mids.

Coup de Grace is useful for dealing more damage to targets that have little current health. Attack Speed in the early game gives more attack speed than Legend: Alacrity, which allows you to put more pressure on the opponent. I take such runes against those matchups that need to kill the enemy early.
Third slot: This should be the resistance you're going against - magic resist against AP mids or armor vs AD mids.

P.S. The others runes are useless for Ziggs.
FLASH: is the most important spell in the game. It helps you from escaping nasty situations and also for chasing and killing enemies whenever ​you can't reach them. Always take this every game!
TELEPORT: I take it against mages when I'm not sure I can kill them. It allows you to play the map in a versatile manner. If you make a mistake with wave management, it will help you get back on the lane and fix it.
EXHAUST: This spell helps a lot against champions that has reliesing on autoattacking a lot such as Yasuo, Yone etc.
BARRIER: helps against champions that have a lot of burst damage like Zed, Fizz, Katarina, etc.
IGNITE: I use it against Vladimir or in cases where I need to get an advantage early, more in Detailed Matchups.
CLEANSE: should be taken against such champions as Lissandra, Zoe, Annie etc. This will remove their stun and Ignite if they go all in.

Now let's delve into the items.


Always take Tear of the Goddess at the beginning with Ziggs - although you will be delaying the purchase of Archangel's Staff, the additional 360 mana stacking is great for poking throughout laning phase.
Two Health Potions will help you stay on the lane longer until the first back.


This item is really good against teams that don't have a lot of tanks/bruisers.
Gives all the characteristics that Ziggs needs. Passive allows you to burst the target and also better push the wave.
We take this mythic if the enemy has a lot of tanks/bruisers. Thanks to passive, we will burn well with % damage. Also, thanks to the mythical bonus, we will be able to use skills often.
The Sorcerer's Shoes gives us speed for the kite, penetration for more damage.
Archangel's Staff is one of the core Ziggs items in terms of mana sustain and powerful scaling. After the improvement to Seraph's Embrace it gives a lot of ability power depending on mana. Also, a passive shield will help you live longer.
Gives the most AP in the game. Required for purchase as a 5-6 slot.


Disclaimer: you can buy these items in any slot, depending on the need.

First situational item, that you want to use whenever you are standing against any composition, that can easily get through your team straight on you. You should consider buying this against things like Talon, Zed, Camille and so on. Or generally when your opponents are having heavy-AD team composition.
My favorite magic penetration item, that will make sure that you are able to deal damage during mid/late game. You should always look around how much MR are your opponents having and then decide, when do you want to buy this item.
A useful item against initiators and Nocturne (because it will allow you to see everything even if he use Paranoia) and also against full AP teams.
Must-have item against sutain champs like Vladimir, Aatrox, Samira, Nami, Maokai etc. Even though you can poke well, it's not so useful if your opponents can heal it up.
I take it against full AD teams, also Ability Haste and Mana synergize with Archangel's Staff.
I take it against full AP teams, also Ability Haste and Mana synergize with Archangel's Staff.


Stealth Ward will allow you to survive the lane phase, protecting you from the enemy jungler.
Never use an Oracle Lens, only with a backdoor!
After the lane phase, always buy a Farsight Alteration, it will allow you to see the approaching enemy in advance and help give an overview of the object that you want to steal with a Mega Inferno Bomb.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

This is a base Maxing Order. If you are playing against champions that can dash and kill you (like Tristana) at the second level, take Satchel Charge at the second level.

Time to take a look at Ziggs skills!


Every 12 seconds, Ziggs' next attack deals an additional 20βˆ’160 (+50% of ability power) magic damage (depending on level). It deals 150% more damage to structures.

Ziggs' abilities reduce this cooldown by 4 / 5 / 6 seconds.
Use your skills when you are destroying the tower to speed up the recharge of the passive skill.


Ziggs throws a bouncing bomb that deals 95 / 145 / 195 / 245 / 295 (+65% of ability power) magic damage.
Q This is our bread and butter. He deals the main damage and is a good poke on the lane. The more often you hit it to them, the faster you will win!


  • Throw Q in front of the enemy, so there are more chances to hit.


Ziggs flings an explosive charge that detonates after 4 seconds, or when this ability is Recast. It deals 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+50% of ability power) magic damage to enemies and knocks them back. Ziggs is also knocked away, but takes no damage.

Satchel Charge will automatically destroy towers below 25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 / 35% of their health..
W is our main source of mobility and CC. Use it with imagination and don't forget to break towers with it!


  • It flies over the wall, no matter how wide it is.
  • Gives an overview in the bushes.
  • During the flight, you can use other skills.
  • You can push enemies into your skills.
  • W can throw you over the wall.


Ziggs scatters proximity mines that detonate on enemy contact, dealing 30 / 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 (+30% of ability power) magic damage and slows by 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50% for 1.5 seconds. Mines last 10 seconds.
E is our main zoning tool that helps keep enemies away from you and makes objects easier.


  • Do not throw E into the wall, the mines disappear!
  • Use Q after hitting E, it's easier to hit a slow-motion target.
  • Enemies with clones like Neeko can clear your mines.


Ziggs hurls his ultimate creation, dealing 300 / 450 / 600 (+110% of ability power) magic damage in the center of the blast radius, or 200 / 300 / 400 (+73.33% of ability power) magic damage at the edge.
A good mass long-range ult.


  • Gives an overview in the bushes.
  • Help other lanes with R
  • Sometimes it's worth leaving the ult to throw it at an immobilized target.

Let's look at the Ziggs combos! There are not so many of them, but there are interesting interactions.

E + Q + AA

Spoiler: Click to view

E + R + W + AA + Q

Spoiler: Click to view

W + Ability

Spoiler: Click to view

Q + Flash

Spoiler: Click to view

To begin with, you must DEFINITELY choose a skin Pool Party Ziggs because his skills are the worst visible and it will be easier for you to land them.

Jungle tracking

You want to know where the enemy jungler is starting, same goes for your jungler.

Every good Jungler is going to be on the river at around 3:20 mins into the game, which is the spawn time of the Scuttlers. Gank is going to have a place before or after this timer. The optimal ward time is around 2:50.

Before that time you should ward the side he is pathing towards. Trying to get priority for the river around 3:20 timer for your jungler sounds great, but don’t force it if you can’t.

Warding on the map

β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €Blue outline - when you are for the blue team.
β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €Red outline - when you are for the red team.

I always use only this arrangement of wards, because it is universal and effective.
Explanation: she reveals ALL positions of the jungler's gank from this side, shows the river, and few people notice such a control ward.

Wave managements

I could write it myself, but this video explains everything very well)


Roaming in its simplest form is where you rotate or move from one lane to another.

On Ziggs, it is very rare when it is profitable to roam, since it is better to damage the tower. Usually we just use Mega Inferno Bomb for roaming, this is enough to have some influence on the map and not lose the advantage on the lane.
But sometimes you can still go roaming. When you have pushed the lane and a passive enemy is standing against you, against whom it is dangerous to stand under the tower (like Azir), we can go roaming.

Early game

At the beginning of the game we go to get stacks of Tear of the Goddess and Manaflow Band. We have to back to the base when there are 37 seconds left before the spawn of buffs. Don't go too far, if you don't get the skill, it's okay.
On the lane you have to poke and farm without being exposed to the gank. Your goal is to drive the enemy off the lane or even kill him to damage the tower as much as possible. At the first back, it is advisable to get a Lost Chapter to stand on the lane even longer. Once you get the Luden's Tempest, you can really start impacting the game.

Mid game

In the mid game, keep farming and pushing. If your team is coping at the facilities without you, destroy the towers and distract attention to yourself. If the team needs you, help them pick up objects and deal damage!
If you somehow end up on the losing team, don't lose focus because Ziggs outscales most midlaners lategame! Try stalling the game by clearing waves until you are strong enough to carry. People always make mistakes when they are ahead because They think it's won and lose focus or they don't know how to close out the game. When they keep making mistakes and get punished for it, they will eventually get tilted, and that's when you can turn the game and make a comeback.

Late game

Late game is the time when each decision might cost us the game, death timers are long and objectives are the most important. One lost fight and opponents can finish the game. You have to group with the team and poke the enemies BEFORE team fight. Beware of enemy assassins and initiators, keep an eye on them and do not be substituted, remember, the longer you live - the more damage you do!
Also remember that Ziggs in Late is the best splitpusher, your team can provoke enemies on team fight, and at this time you can finish the game on the sidelane. 3 passive-enhanced auto attacks are enough to demolish the Nexus!


1. Poking.
Before the start of teamfights, try to poke the enemy team as much as possible with Bouncing Bomb, The less health the enemy champions have when you join the battle, the better the teamfight will be.

2. Stay back and land your spells at your enemies.
Since you are squishy, positioning is the key to winning teamfight. The longer you live, the more damage you do, the more useful you are. Use Satchel Charge to knock over the enemy. During the knocking, the enemy cannot use skills, so your team will be able to kill such heroes as Kayle, Zilean, Xayah, etc.

3. Use your ult whenever there is a good chance to hit the center.
For example, if Zac from your team hit enemies with Elastic Slingshot, use the ult, so you are guaranteed to hit the center. Remember that you have to do the most damage in teamfights, so you should not leave the ult to finish off.
Of course you can use the ult to finish off fleeing enemies with a small hp but my point is to try to use your ultimate as effectively as possible!

4. Burst enemy carries.
Try to use your combinations on enemy damagers, but do not forget to be careful, because remember that dead Ziggs - bad Ziggs! Be sure to look at the enemy items, if the enemy has a Zhonya's Hourglass, I do not advise you to focus on him right away, because he just dodges your damage by using the Zhonya's Hourglass.

Some unpopular tricks that any heroes can use.

Click on the champion icon to move to the matchup.


Matchup: HARD
Ahri is a lane bully champion who can easily kill you if you make a mistake and get caught by her Charm, so try to dodge it. Take Cleanse, it will allow you not to die for a mistake and will clean the Ignite.

If she tries to approach you to hit Fox-Fire or Charm, use Satchel Charge to push her away from you. Stand behind the minions so that she doesn't hit Orb of Deception.

If she has used Charm and Fox-Fire, you can approach her and hit her with a combo. Try to ult when she spends Fox-Fire, otherwise she will easily dodge.

After level 6, beware of her all-in with Spirit Rush, flip her with Satchel Charge, at the same time dodge Charm and Orb of Deception.

If she is fed, buy a Banshee's Veil.


Matchup: HARD+
Take Barrier.

You push the waves better, so try to deal as much damage to her as possible up to her 3rd level, your well-being on the lane depends on it. Then she won't be able to risk attacking you.

If she hits you with Shuriken Flip, then put Hexplosive Minefield in front of you so that she drives over the mines, then knock her away with Satchel Charge. After level 6, try to ALWAYS dodge her Shuriken Flip, otherwise you will die!

Buy a Zhonya's Hourglass as early as possible, it will allow you not to die if she wants to dive under your tower.

Your goal in this matchup is to farm more, die less, preferably kill Akali with your jungler.


Matchup: HARD+
Take Exhaust.

Akshan is a dangerous opponent who can easily kill you if you don't play good.
Don't stand behind the minions, or he will easily hit you with a Avengerang.
If he pressed Heroic Swing, knock him away with Satchel Charge so as not to take a lot of damage.

Use Exhaust on him if you missed Satchel Charge or he went to all in.
If he spent Heroic Swing, you can trade with him.
With Satchel Charge you can undo his Comeuppance, remember that!

Your goal in this matchup is to farm more, die less, preferably kill Akshan with your jungler.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Teleport.

Dodge her Flash Frost, otherwise you will lose the trade. You can knock her away with Satchel Charge so that she can't press Flash Frost2 and not stun you.
After level 6, you can cancel her Glacial Storm with Satchel Charge.
You can also jump over her Crystallize.

If it does not hit you with Flash Frost, you can go to trade.
Farm, kill her and win!


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Cleanse to take off her Ignite or stun if she goes all in with a Flash.

I do not advise you to approach her at all, poke and farm, there is no point in killing her risking your life, just drive her off the lane and destroy the tower.

Remember that she will burst you if she hits you with all her abilities and you don't use Cleanse!

If suddenly she misses Summon: Tibbers, you can all in.

Aurelion Sol

Work is underway...


Matchup: EASY
Take Teleport.

He's good at long battles, so try to hit him with a combo quickly and get out.

Do not fight with him if he has 3 soldiers, otherwise you will "like" his damage.

Remember that he can throw you to his tower and easily kill you, so either do not approach it, or get ready to react. If he still threw you under the tower, you can jump over his Emperor's Divide to with Satchel Charge.

In the late game, try not to approach him, otherwise he will easily burst you even with two soldiers.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Teleport

Dodge his Sear and Pillar of Flame, do not stand behind the minions so that he does not hit you with Conflagration. If Brand approach you to use Pyroclasm, use Satchel Charge to knock him out.

You can approach him and beat him if he missed skills.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Teleport or Ignite if you are genius.

You are an artillery mage, and she is a short-range mage, so you can easily poke him without getting anything in return.

Be sure to dodge her Noxious Blast so she doesn't kill you with her Twin Fang!

Don't turn to face her.

If you try to press Satchel Charge in her Miasma, you will not be knocked.


Matchup: HARD
Take Teleport

Do not get close to him, otherwise you will get a lot of damage.

After level 6, try to dodge his Missile Barrage.

If Corki has a package, tell your team to back off. if he presses Valkyrie on you, try to get out of the Flash or Satchel Charge, you will not win the trade in any way.

In this matchup, I advise you to farm passively and not approach to him.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Barrier.

Poke Diane as much as possible up to level 3 so that she can't play all-in on you.

Dodge her Crescent Strike so that she doesn't reset Lunar Rush, If she hit you with Lunar Rush, knock her out with Satchel Charge.

Remember that with the help of Moonfall, she can pull you even if you jump on Satchel Charge.

I do not advise leaving the tower for a long time, Diana breaks them well.

In teamfights, do not stand in the crowd, otherwise her Moonfall will cause a lot of damage to you!


Matchup: HARD
Take Barrier.

Do not stand behind the minions, otherwise his Timewinder will easily hit both you and them.

If you can't see him, be careful - he can throw Parallel Convergence!

Since his Phase Dive is a teleporter to the target, he can ignore the knock from your Satchel Charge, so use Satchel Charge after he hit you with Phase Dive.

If it is difficult for you to stand against it, buy Verdant Barrier.


Matchup: HARD+
Take Barrier.

You push the waves better, so try to deal as much damage to him as possible up to her 3rd level, your well-being on the lane depends on it. Then he won't be able to risk attacking you.

You can knock him out during Urchin Strike with Satchel Charge, you won't even take damage.

After level 6, dodge his Chum the Waters in ANY WAY, otherwise you will die!

Buy Banshee's Veil as early as possible, it will allow you to live on the lane.


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Barrier.

Dodge his Winds of War, which is the main damage.

I recommend trading by putting a Satchel Charge under yourself to knock Galio if he presses Justice Punch.

He has a lot of AP resists, so I advise you to focus on farming.

You can knock his Hero's Entrance with Satchel Charge.

I do not advise you to be under his Shield of Durand, otherwise, even though you will knock out, but you will approach him because of provocation.


Matchup: EASY
Take Teleport.

Break his kegs!

Do not get close to him, so that he does not cause you a lot of true damage with Trial By Fire.

In general, if you do not let him near you, you will easily win. Remember that he restores health with Remove Scurvy.


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Barrier.

Poke him early, because he won't do anything to you before upgrade Body Slam.

Try to stand behind the minions, then he will not be able to get to Body Slam.

You can shoot down his Body Slam with your Satchel Charge, but he can also shoot you down in flight after Satchel Charge with his Body Slam.

Try to deal him the main damage before/after his Drunken Rage!

After level 6 I advise you to use Flash to dodge his Explosive Cask If he throws you to him.


Matchup: EASY
Take Teleport.

Stand a little further than the distance of his End of the Line, so that you are not hurt.

Stand behind the minions so that he can't hit you with auto attacks. If he's using Quickdraw, you can knock him out with Satchel Charge.

If you have a good reaction, you can manage to evade his Collateral Damage with the help of Satchel Charge.

Easy matchup, the main thing is not to let him come to you.


Matchup: EASY
Take Teleport.

Break his H-28G Evolution Turret with Bouncing Bomb+AA.

Dodge his CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade at all costs, otherwise you will be hurt!

In this matchup, I advise you to focus on farming.


Work is underway...


Matchup: UNREALY!
The second worst matchup after Cassadine

Take Exhaust.

Buy a Zhonya's Hourglass as early as possible, it will allow you not to die if she wants to dive under your tower.

Buy Oblivion Orb as early as possible, it will allow you not to die if she wants to dive under your tower.

You will not win this lane in any way, do not approach the minions AT ALL, otherwise you will die from her Bladesurge. If it hits you Flawless Duet, you die. If after lvl 6 you're haven't Stopwatch you die.


Matchup: EASY
Take Teleport.

Buy Sorcerer's Shoes as early as possible, so it will be easier for you to dodge.
Dodge his Lay Waste and stand in minions to take less damage.

Don't get too close to him so that he can't do damage to you with Defile.

You can interrupt his Requiem with your Satchel Charge.


Matchup: UNREALY!


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Barrier.

Try to poke it up to level 3, so it will be easier for you on the lane.

After the third level, be careful, she has a lot of damage from auto attacks and she can stupidly kill you with Shunpo.

If you know how to predict her dagger jumps, you can poke her well. Do not stand near the daggers, so as not to take damage.

Use Satchel Charge to stop her Death Lotus.

If your team feeds her, buy Zhonya's Hourglass.


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Barrier.

Like against Galio, before trade use Satchel Charge to knock her out if she use Distortion.

Try to dodge her Ethereal Chains.

Use Hexplosive Minefield to the place where she started Distortion.

If you're having trouble with it, buy a Banshee's Veil.


Matchup: EASY
Take Teleport.

Dodge his Thundering Shuriken, knock him out with a Satchel Charge if he comes up to you to use Lightning Rush or Slicing Maelstrom.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Cleanse.

Don't stand behind the minions so she doesn't hit you with Ice Shard.

Use Hexplosive Minefield and Satchel Charge next to her if she starts using Glacial Path.

Use Cleanse to remove stun with her Frozen Tomb.

The main problem is not her, but her jungler, who will surely camping you, so focus on tracking the enemy jungler.


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Barrier.

A very nasty match, her Lucent Singularity is very difficult to dodge.

Try to dodge her Light Binding, and don't let her use an Illumination on you.

I advise you not to fight her, but to focus on farming.


Matchup: EASY
Take Barrier.

Just beat him early and buy a Banshee's Veil as early as possible, and then he won't be a problem for you.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Teleport.

Dodge his Call of the Void and don't stand next to the "infected minions" so as not to get Malefic Visions.

Kill his Voidlings to get gold and stop his push.

After the sixth level, beware of the enemy jungler, because they will easily kill you with Malzahar's Nether Grasp.


Matchup: EASY
Take Ignite.

I always take the Ignite to the Mordekaiser, as this is an easy matchup and I can safely kill him.

Dodge his E, kite and poke, after that kill him!

Since the mid is a short lane, him Realm of Death is useless, since you will go under your tower.


Matchup: EASY
Take Teleport.

Dodge her Dark Binding and don't stand in her Tormented Shadow.

If she pressed Soul Shackles, destroy her Black Shield with Hexplosive Minefield and knock her out with Satchel Charge to reset the chains.


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Cleanse.

Dodge her Tangle-Barbs and Blooming Burst at any cost, otherwise you will lose 70% of health!

Her Shapesplitter can destroy your Hexplosive Minefield, know that!

After the sixth level, use Cleanse to remove the immobilization from her Tangle-Barbs and not get under Pop Blossom. knock her out with a Satchel Charge when she uses Pop Blossom.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Barrier.

Don't fight him in minions, so he will get less heal with Umbra Blades.

Dodge his Duskbringer so he can't get close to you. Otherwise, use Hexplosive Minefield+ Satchel Charge to destroy his Shroud of Darkness and knock him.

After the sixth level, if he uses Paranoia, use Hexplosive Minefield+ Satchel Charge to destroy his Shroud of Darkness, break the chain of Unspeakable Horror and knock him out from yourself.

Nunu & Willump

Matchup: EASY
Take Teleport.

Take a Satchel Charge at the first level to knock down his Biggest Snowball Ever!, then he won't be able to get the second level quickly!

At the second level, he usually goes roaming, so LET YOUR TEAM KNOW!

Your Satchel Charge can knock down his Biggest Snowball Ever! and Absolute Zero, as well as recline so that he does not immobilize you Snowball Barrage, act on the situation.


Matchup: EASY
Take Teleport.

This is a battle of poker, whoever is better will win.

The only thing I can advise is not to delay trades with her so that she does not use
Clockwork Windup.


Matchup: HARD
Take Barrier.

You need to have a good reaction to survive in this matchup.

Before trading, always use Satchel Charge for yourself to knock him during Shield Vault.

Try to dodge his Comet Spear.

If you give all the damage in his Aegis Assault, you lose.

Use Hexplosive Minefield and a little later Bouncing Bomb under his spear with Grand Starfall, so you are guaranteed to get.


Matchup: EASY
Take Teleport.

This is such an easy assassin matchup on the mid that I take a Teleport.

Just dodge his Bone Skewer and knock with Satchel Charge if he use Phantom Undertow and win!


Matchup: HARD
Take Barrier.

Do not approach the minions, she will press Audacity + Edge of Ixtal and cause you a lot of damage.

Do not approach the walls so that she cannot ger Supreme Display of Talent.

Try to buy Zhonya's Hourglass as early as possible!

You ask me why I don't advise you to do as in other heroes, approach trading with Satchel Charge? And I will answer that it doesn't work against Qiyana!
Her combinations are so fast that you can react even to Pantheon's Shield Vault.


Matchup: EASY
Take Teleport.

Dodge his Gleaming Quill.

Go to the trade by putting Satchel Charge under yourself to knock Rakan if he use Grand Entrance.

Keep him away from you and win easily!


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Exhaust because he break Barrier with Ruthless Predator.

Buy Zhonya's Hourglass as early as possible, because he will dive you often.

Go to the trade by putting a Satchel Charge under youself to knock him out if he presses Slice and Dice.

Focus on farming, not killing.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Teleport.

Dodge his Electro-Harpoon.

Don't get too close to him so he doesn't get Flamespitter to you.

If it comes at you using Scrap Shield, knock him out with Satchel Charge.

If he overheated, you can come up and beat him, the main thing is not to let him inflict auto attacks on you.

Do not stand in his The Equalizer, otherwise you will burn very much.


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Teleport.

Don't stand next to the minions, so he won't hit you Spell Flux through them.

Dodge his Overload as possible.

I advise you to focus on farming and poking from a safe distance because he is strong up close.


Matchup: EASY
Take Ignite.

Free matchup, dodge her skill and always kill.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Exhaust.

Buy an Oblivion Orb as early as possible, it's help you with Pit Grit.

Knock him out if he presses Knuckle Down and runs at you.
Also Knock him out if Sett hits Facebreaker or charges Haymaker.

Use Exhaust if he use The Show Stopper.

Kite him and you will win!


Matchup: HARD
Take Barrier.

When he gets the second level, don't forget to tell your team that he has gone to roam!

He is usually played through his forester, so the only advice I can give is try to survive.


Matchup: HARD
Take Teleport

You have to dodge his Nevermove, otherwise you will be VERY hurt.

You will not be able to kill him in any way, since you die if he hits you Nevermove, just try to farm what he gives.


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Barrier.

Dodge his Chain Lash and Abscond / Abduct

Use Satchel Charge if he hits Kingslayer or Abscond / Abduct.

Just like with Swain, you won't be able to kill him, so just farm.


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Ignite.

Dodge her Dark Sphere+ Scatter the Weak combo and go to trade.

If you manage to kill her a couple of times, it will be a very easy match. If not, you will lose the game, because she have a crazy scales.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Teleport.

Dodge her Threaded Volley and Seismic Shove.

Don't use Satchel Charge on her Unraveled Earth!

She doesn't have a combat ult, so after the sixth level you can easily kill her.

She is good at roaming with Rock Surfing and Weaver's Wall, so always notify the team if she is not on the lane.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Barrier.

Beware of the second level! if it hits Rake and Noxian Diplomacy, you will die!

If he can't put a Blade's End on you, you win him easily.

Just knock him out with Satchel Charge when he use Shadow Assault.

To the teamfights, buy a Zhonya's Hourglass to easy dodge Talon's damage.


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Exhaust.

If you manage to take the second level before Tristana, take Satchel Charge.
After the second level, if you have taken a Satchel Charge, knock her out when she use Rocket Jump onto you. If you're still level one, tap Exhaust!

Always hold the Satchel Charge to knock her out after the Rocket Jump!

She can't jump over Hexplosive Minefield, she'll still take damage.


Matchup: HARD
Take Exhaust.

Up to level 6, he is not dangerous, calmly poke him and throw away with Satchel Charge if he uses Spinning Slash on you.

By level 6, try to buy a Stopwatch to survive the dive.

After level 6, you need to buy Zhonya's Hourglass to survive the dive. Use Exhaust if you don't have them.

Twisted Fate

Matchup: EASY+
Take Cleanse.

Dodge his Wild Cards and don't let the Stacked Deck be used on you.

If you follow the above rules, you will easily win him.

After level 6, don't forget to tell your team that he's roaming.


Matchup: HARD
Take Cleanse or Barrier, that depends on your reaction.

At the first level, do not approach him, he will do a lot of damage with Hail of Blades.

If you know how to dodge his Piercing Arrow and Chain of Corruption, you will win, otherwise he will burst you.


Matchup: EASY
Take Ignite.

You need to get an advantage over him first because Veigar is very good in late game.

On this lane, you need to focus on killing him.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Teleport.

This is a battle of skill, whoever hits better with skills will win, the only thing I can tell you is to use Satchel Charge to stop him Life Form Disintegration Ray.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Barrier.

Be sure to buy a Sorcerer's Shoes with the first item, otherwise you will very often fall under her Looming Darkness. With Sorcerer's Shoes dodging her Mistral Bolt will easy.

Don't let her get close, otherwise you'll get hit by Personal Space. Remember that Doom 'n Gloom stops dashes, so don't use Satchel Charge when it's near you and Doom 'n Gloom is charged.

Dodge her Shadow Surge. If you don't dodge it, use Flash, otherwise Vex will burst you.


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Barrier.

Do not stand near the minions, otherwise you will receive damage from Relentless Force.

If it charges Vault Breaker, put a Satchel Charge under it to knock her out if Vi use Vault Breaker at you.

Since the mid is a short lane, if she presses Cease and Desist on you, use Flash under your tower and try to kill her.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Teleport.

At the first level, do not approach him, he has good trades with Siphon Power.

Use Satchel Charge to get out of his Gravity Field or Chaos Storm.

In this match, I advise you to focus more on farm, but if he is bad, you have a great chance of killing him.


Matchup: HARD
Take Ignite.

In this match, you need to kill him as much as possible.
Go to trade always when his Transfusion is on recharge.
Stand behind the minions so he doesn't hit you with Tides of Blood.

Buy an Oblivion Orb as early as possible.

If he used Hemoplague, RUN away, or he'll burst you!


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Barrier.

Try to do short trades, otherwise he will defeat you with Stone Skin.

Knock him out with Satchel Charge if he uses Nimbus Strike.

In this matchup, your task is to farm and keep him away from you, you have little chance of killing him.


Matchup: EASY+
Take Teleport.

Don't let him use Mana Surge on you.

This is a battle of skill, whoever hits better with skills will win, the only thing I can tell you is to use Satchel Charge to stop him Rite of the Arcane.


Matchup: EASY
Take Exhaust.

All Yasuo players are self-confident fools.

Before trading, break his Way of the Wanderer.
Dodge his Steel Tempest3 and free poke.

If he uses Sweeping Blade to you, press Hexplosive Minefield and Bouncing Bomb under yourself and he will roll over all of them, after that he will die.

Remember that his Wind Wall blocks all your skills and auto-attacks, except for Mega Inferno Bomb.


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Exhaust.

When he uses Soul Unbound, put Hexplosive Minefield in front of him and knock him out with Satchel Charge.

You can trade when he use Mortal Steel3.

If Yone use Fate Sealed, use Flash to dodge it, or Exhaust, to get less damage.


Matchup: HARD+
Take Barrier.

Buy Sorcerer's Shoes as early as possible to dodge his Razor Shuriken.
Also try to buy Zhonya's Hourglass to survive if he dive you.

After his Death Mark, use Satchel Charge under yourself and dodge his Razor Shuriken.
Remember, if it hits Razor Shuriken, you will die.

Try to survive on this lane and farm everything you can.


Matchup: EASY
Take Teleport.

You can't kill him, he can't kill you. Just farm.


Matchup: MEDIUM
Take Cleanse.

Use Cleanse, if Zoe hit you with Sleepy Trouble Bubble.

Stand behind the minions, so she won't hit either Paddle Star or Sleepy Trouble Bubble.

Use Bouncing Bomb when Zoe use Q2, you can easy land this!

Buy Banshee's Veil if Zoe is hard for you.

Use all the skills to the place where it will appear after using Portal Jump.


Matchup: EASY
Take Teleport.

Dodge her skills and kill easily!
If you want to climb, you need a good mindset. Here are some rules to follow:
  • Play for improvement, not for LP
    Stop thinking about LP. Firstly, you worry, afraid of losing them and start making mistakes or playing too passively. Secondly, if you play well, LP will come to you.
  • NEVER blame anyone else but yourself for losing games
    Yes, there are always losing games because of the team, but you can't control your allies. You ALWAYS make mistakes, find and fix them, and there will be fewer losing games.
  • Disable Chat
    If you are not in high elo, then chat is a useless thing. You will be distracted by him, maybe spend time on correspondence, annoying the team even more. All this leads you to defeat, so don't do it!
  • Know when to stop
    Tilted? Mad? Tired? Stop playing. It is better to play 3 games with a good mood and win them than to lose 5 games with a bad mood.

Focus on yourself, and only yourself.
Thank you for reading my guide!

If you have any questions, please let me know about it.

Thanks inginium#1994 for sponsoring this guide!

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