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Lucian Ability (LoL): The Culling

The Culling Lucian

Lucian Ability: The Culling
Range: 1200
Cooldown: 110 / 100 / 90
Cost: 100
Lucian rapidly fires 22 (+1 per 4% critical strike chance) shots in a direction for 3 seconds or until he recasts. Each shot deals 15 / 30 / 45 (+15% of ability power) (+0.25 per attack damage) physical damage to the first enemy hit. While firing, Lucian may use Relentless Pursuit.

Lucian's Abilities

Lucian Ability: The Culling Lucian Ability: The Culling Lucian Ability: The Culling Lucian Ability: The Culling
The Culling is used by Lucian

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whybother34 | May 9, 2017 5:46am
Has the highest base damage in any ability in the game with 1500 damage at level 3. Level 1 it's only 400 so it's quite the damage spike. It's also 1500 damage with 600% AD scaling
rcepicness | February 11, 2015 6:22am
I wish you could manipulate the direction of the shots. If you could aim it would be so op.
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