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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Threats & Synergies
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Bastard assassins, long range champs, control mages, heavy dive comps, anti-burst items, Corki
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡: CC heavy allies, defensive tanks, damage enhancement, invincibility, wall champions, push champions
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡: CC heavy allies, defensive tanks, damage enhancement, invincibility, wall champions, push champions
Champion Build Guide
As the yordle who can't decide what he wants to do, and so decides to do it all - Corki is an odd laner that functions as an AP/AD hyprid caster-midlane marksmaner explosion-maker murderer death guy with lots of bullets and rockets and stuff. Corki is painfully overlooked alot of the time who can effectively play burst and poke at the same time, easily become a carry champion and make plays with the Hextech Munitions's special delivery passive that can win entire fights - and entire games.
+ Safe blindpick + Effective in skirmishes and teamfights + Ability to poke and oneshot + Insane scaling + Good waveclear that is easy to perform + Underappreciated champ = advanatge on opponent Corki can be blindpicked due to his naturally safe and slow farming lane and with the knowledge that he can effectively impact the tides of the late game. Corki's hybrid capabilities ensure that he can be adaptable and flexible based on the enemy team and itemize in ways that he can fend off against both tanks and carries alike. |
- Awful base MS of 325 - Gold-reliant powerspikes - Noticeable mana issues during laning - Not a drop of CC - Has trouble making a comeback - Lategame is decided by a good package Corki can be painfully squishy. Assassins will love you very much, with a low base MS, healthpool and singular escape tool ( Valkyrie) that suffers from a long cooldown for a large duration of the game. Furthermore, this champion has no stuns or slows to account for, save for the very infrequent CC provided by The package. Corki is also heavily skill reliant, with his main damage coming from his Phosphorus Bomb (Q) and Missile Barrage (R), both being skillshots that are slow and predictable or fast and thin; respectively. |
Corki's ideal team compositions are ones that can help him to deal the damage that he needs to do. Understanding this, Corki ideally wants one thing above all else - crowd control. With our enemies immobilized, we have a much easier time hitting our most-damaging skillshots like Phosphorus Bomb and Missile Barrage; and in the best scenario: We have our enemies trapped in our Hextech Munitions Special Delivery. Example champions that we want are champs like Bard and his Tempered Fate in which we can place The Package over foes forced into stasis. Another would be Taric with his Cosmic Radiance which enables us to make riskier dives with our Special Delivery. Lastly, champions with wall abilities like Jarvan IV or Anivia allow us to knock enemies into these walls with our Special Delivery and force them to be stuck there. |
Whilst previously mentioned to be a safe pick, Corki still obviously has some issues to face. The first of these are champs like Katarina or Zed who will entirely zone you and force fights that you often may not be able to help in - and have the killing power at level 6 to oneshot you with relative ease. Next, champs with exceptional range like Xerath or Syndra (my personal permaban), will slowly wittle you away whilst always managing to very effectively stop your dives or avoid your Gatling Gun. |
First Strike | ★ A genuine necessity for Corki. First Strike gives us a DELICIOUS 7% damage for our lategame state - giving us the devastating power to obliterate squishies. Beyond that, the gold we farm early on from poking with this rune only helps to accelerate us to this state of the game by getting our items earlier. |
Biscuit Delivery | ★ Corki makes excellent use of Biscuit Delivery not only through the smidge of extra damage he eventually gets through muramana's mana scaling - but mainly the extension of his laning phase and as an answer for his very expensive spell costs. |
Cosmic Insight | ★ Cosmic Insight is less of an exceptionally needed rune but more simply the best option we have for this area of the rune tree. This being said, the haste on our flash or ghost, or teleport make us respectively more likely to survive or chase for kills; as well as maintain superior farm over the other peons in the game. |
Eyeball Collection | ★ Corki loves Eyeball Collection purely for the extra damage we can obtain with it - providing us with a considerable chunk of 18 total AD when fully stacked (following a few adventures to botlane to pillage their lands), and making all of our abilities just that more lethal. |
Ultimate Hunter | ★ Corki just synergizes too well with Ultimate Hunter, with an already short cooldown - we can eventually start firing rockets off every other second. This means more Big Ones, which means more damage and poke, which means more DESTRUCTION. With Ultimate Hunter especially, this morphs our game plan to immediately traverse to botlane as soon as our Hextech Munitions is ready - with the ideal scenario beinga botlane double kill, two new Ultimate Hunter stacks that we can take back to lane to poke our laner down more often. |
Absolute Focus | ★ Absolute Focus simply gives Corki a nice chunk of AD that scales over the game. The nature of the rune forces you to play a bit pokier, but combined with an item like Bloodthirster, as well as gathering storm - your rockets are going to obliterate everything in your path. |
Gathering Storm | ★ Not much to say about Gathering Storm. More damage the longer a game goes. Goes very well with a lategame-centric champion like Corki. |
Hail of Blades | ★ This rune legit makes Corki feel like a champion early. It's NUTS. The three quick autos gives us a very easy-to-perform trading pattern that we take into our hardest matchups like Zed or Katarina so that we can effectively bully these laners before they get their level 6 powerspike and insta-kill us. This gives us some much-needed breathing room that lets us transition into the mid-game much easier. |
Taste of Blood | ★ Best option for this rune line. We can't use the lethality from Sudden Impact and we have no CC to use Cheap Shot - so we take the option that gives us some decent sustain whilst laning, helping us stay alive during and after trades. |
Eyeball Collection | ★ Corki loves Eyeball Collection purely for the extra damage we can obtain with it - providing us with a considerable chunk of 18 total AD when fully stacked (following a few adventures to botlane to pillage their lands), and making all of our abilities just that more lethal. |
Ultimate Hunter | ★ Corki just synergizes too well with Ultimate Hunter, with an already short cooldown - we can eventually start firing rockets off every other second. This means more Big Ones, which means more damage and poke, which means more DESTRUCTION. With Ultimate Hunter especially, this morphs our game plan to immediately traverse to botlane as soon as our Hextech Munitions is ready - with the ideal scenario beinga botlane double kill, two new Ultimate Hunter stacks that we can take back to lane to poke our laner down more often. |
Biscuit Delivery | ★ Corki makes excellent use of Biscuit Delivery not only through the smidge of extra damage he eventually gets through muramana's mana scaling - but mainly the extension of his laning phase and as an answer for his very expensive spell costs. |
Grasp of the Undying | ★ Grasp of the Undying has RIDICULOUS damaage early. Tank Corki with grasp completely transforms Corki from a pathetic little weakling early to an utter annoyance poking you down 24/7. Combined with your E { Gatling Gun), your laning phase will consist of poking down the enemy laner with grasp off of cooldown - chunking down their HP to the point where you have early kill potential with a full Valkyrie and Gatling Gun dive followed by a Phosphorus Bomb. |
Demolish | ★ Similar to Cosmic Insight on the DPS build, demolish is simply the best option we have to take here. This being said, with a winning lane and momentum; Demolish can get us more plating, more gold and earlier items. |
Second Wind |
★ Second Wind gives us some much needed sustain for the perma-auto poke we employ with this playstyle - ESPECIALLy into ranged champs, giving us that little extra smidge of health after our Gatling Gun ends. |
Overgrowth | ★ Overgrowth just gives us a bit more of what we want. A bit more health, a bit more of a chance to survive. Furthermore, an easier time fully stacking our Gatling Gun on the enemy. |
Biscuit Delivery | ★ Corki makes excellent use of Biscuit Delivery not only through the smidge of extra damage he eventually gets through muramana's mana scaling - but mainly the extension of his laning phase and as an answer for his very expensive spell costs. Furthermore, with this tank setup on Corki; Biscuit Delivery enables us to farm more total Grasp of the Undying + Gatling Gun procs. |
Doran's Blade The usual go-to for Corki was cull, because we want our items as fast as possible. However, following recent buffs from Riot regarding the Doran items - not taking this item is putting you at a disadvantage. 10 AD, 100 health and 3.5% life steal gives us a stronger early game and some much needed sustain following our Gatling Gun trades. |
Tear of the Goddess A necessary item for our Manamune that we want to start stacking ASAP. Beyond that, Tear of the Goddess gives us some mana just around the time we run out of our Biscuit Delivery so we can manage our expensive spells and sustain Missile Barrage poke. |
Cull Greed. Corki? Greed. Everything belongs to you when you play Corki. Money is everything. Buy, buy, buy. Cull gets you items faster. Scale faster, harder. Hurt them good. Bombs. Ammunition. War. War never changes. Fallout. Nuclear fallout. Suplhur bomb. Phosphorus Bomb. Watch them burn. They deserve it. |
Manamune DPS or TANK, Manamune is a no-brainer, bread and butter item for Corki. AD that grows furthermore when this item upgrades into Muramana ensures a nice boost of damage for entering the early stages of midgame. The mana also gives us more agency in laning and teamfights by giving us more ability rotations. |
Malignance 20 ultimate haste gives us more poke with Missile Barrage. Magic resistance is shred for as long as they remain in the resulting Malignance puddle up to a certain cap - resulting in more damage from our magic-based autos. |
Eclipse Bought mostly for the absurd 70 AD base stat. The passive also compliments Corki's spellweaving playstyle after we use a combo like Gatling Gun and Valkyrie or Gatling Gun and Phosphorus Bomb. |
Maw of Malmortius Take this into games where there are multiple sources of burst magic damage (for example an Evelynn) or the enenmy carry is AP. This item allows us to survive their burst and grants us omnivamp following this so that we have a chance to regain our strength. |
Terminus Season 14's introduction of Terminus has been awesome for Corki. 30 magic damage on-hit, and the stacking resistances and penetration mean you can take extended fights with tankier enemies. This item is pretty reliable and if you are confused on what to go this shouldn't hurt. |
Trinity Force Trinity Force is a great item for it's solid stats and sheen passive enabling us to output more damage as we weave our spells and autos. The 20 move speed also gives us some kiting possibilities. |
Blade of the Ruined King Still a nice option into tanks that also works well into squishies. Gives all the stats that Corki enjoys. Furthermore, the slow we proc on our auto gives us a better chance at landing our Phosphorus Bomb and Missile Barrage. |
Bloodthirster Beyond the absurd life steal we get from this item, the base AD Bloodthirster gives us is honestly ridiculous. The nature of this item does insist you play a bit pokier with your rockets - but you'll be poking with rockets that are getting 95 AD from ONE item at level 18. |
Guardian Angel This item serves Corki well into teams where he remains vulnerable very frequently throughout the game. It gives us a chance to dish out more dmamage in crucial teamfights after a revive - or versely allows us to make riskier plays when we have a lead. |
Chempunk Chainsword Our grievous wounds item of choice for healing-heavy enenmy compositions. Nice stats. Build into champs like Dr. Mundo and Sylas. |
Infinity Edge One of our best raw damage output items. This is an item where i'd prefer to build Berserker's Greaves over my usual Sorcerer's Shoes. If you build this item you'll want to try and itemize to have some other crit items as well. Performs well into immobile champs that you can effectively kite out. |
Mercurial Scimitar Our Quicksilver Sash item of choice. Build this into enemy team compositions that are heavy on the CC and are actively limiting your potential damage because of this. Remember to use the resulting movespeed after activation to focus on dodging the other skillshots they'd be trying to use to CC chain you. |
Void Staff Void Staff is bought into team compositions that have stacked magic resistance - which will result in our magic damage conversions from Hextech Munitions doing far less. |
Manamune DPS or TANK, Manamune is a no-brainer, bread and butter item for Corki. AD that grows furthermore when this item upgrades into Muramana ensures a nice boost of damage for entering the early stages of midgame. The mana also gives us more agency in laning and teamfights by giving us more ability rotations. |
Spear of Shojin Certainly a core item for tank Corki. Good AD and HP with lots of ability haste in a new season where this stat has been gutted from so so many items. Furthermore, the damage ramping passive gives us a stronger teamfight the longer our fights go on. |
Chempunk Chainsword Our grievous wounds item of choice for healing-heavy enenmy compositions. Nice stats. Build into champs like Dr. Mundo and Sylas. |
Black Cleaver Take Black Cleaver into enemy team compositions full of tanks stacking armor. With Black Cleaver we can comfortably shred enemy armor whilst staying nice and healthy. Works best against champs like Rammus or Wukong. |
Hullbreaker Really enjoying this one honestly. Good take when you're on splitpush duty or you know you'll have to do it because your team is useless. Furthermore, the fact that we get empowered autos every 6th AA against enemy champions makes this a good pick into extended teamfights. |
Sterak's Gage I've found myself buying this item alot recently. It gives us some tanky stats and some nice tenacity. The beauty of this item though is obviously it's shield that allows us to live extreme bursts of damage in this season that has become very prominent. |
Eclipse Bought mostly for the absurd 70 AD base stat. The passive also compliments Corki's spellweaving playstyle after we use a combo like Gatling Gun and Valkyrie or Gatling Gun and Phosphorus Bomb. For a tank build, we build this item if we find ourselves having a sufficient amount of health and we need more DPS. |
Experimental Hexplate Not sure how to feel about Experimental Hexplate. We get decent AD and attack speed - but the real idea comes from the 30 ultimate haste we obtain without having to sacrifice AD from buying Malignance. The extra haste gives us more damage output overall with more Missile Barrage charges. The burst of attack and movement speed after casting our Missile Barrage also benefits our larger HP pool and supports a better "all-in" playstyle. |
Bloodthirster Beyond the absurd life steal we get from this item, the base AD Bloodthirster gives us is honestly ridiculous. The nature of this item does insist you play a bit pokier with your rockets - but you'll be poking with rockets that are getting 95 AD from ONE item at level 18. Built on tank Corki when we want fat AD stats and some lifesteal for our bigger HP pool. |
Death's Dance I like Death's Dance into team comps that are heavy in AD burst are not specifically very bursty in nature. With enemies dealing moderate amounts of damage we can stay alive longer as the damage dealt to us is dealt over time. The passive health Death's Dance provides also gives us some nice sustain. |
Sorcerer's Shoes > ABILITY DAMAGE For Corki i'd say take this in 90% of your games. We have ridiculous synergy with this item due to our Hextech Munitions passive converting our damage into 80% magic damage, without having to sacrifice any spent gold on lacklustre AP stats. Berserker's Greaves > AUTO DAMAGE This item is very situational and i'm really not a fan of attack speed corki in general. Build this if you plan on going crit Corki so you can get more damage out of items like Infinity Edge. |
Hextech Munitions (P) RANGE: N/A COST: N/A COOLDOWN: N/A |
Hextech Munitions allows Corki to build both AP and AD items effectively, and employ The Package to make massive plays during teamfights. INNATE - HEXTECH SHRAPNEL SHELLS: Corki's basic attacks are modified to deal 80% AD magic damage and 20% AD physical damage. INNATE - THE PACKAGE: After 10:00, The Package is delivered to both corners of the allied fountain, which can be selected by Corki to pick up after channeling for 1 second. Upon completion of the channel, Corki gains one cast of Special Delivery for 60 seconds, replacing Valkyrie (W) for the duration. While holding The Package, Corki gains 40% bonus movement speed out of combat and ghosting. |
- Corki cannot start the channel to pick up the package while he is unable to cast abilities.
- Corki can pick up the package even if he does not have a skill point in Valkyrie.
- Corki's Valkyrie can be cast immediately after The Package has been used - allowing for swift getaways or positional adjustments if performing a risky dive.
Phosphorus Bomb (Q) RANGE: 825 COST: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 COOLDOWN: 8 |
Phosphorus Bomb is a standard 2009 champ poke ability - big circle, does damage. Can be deadly lategame. ACTIVE: Corki launches a bomb at the target location that explodes upon impact, dealing magic damage to enemies hit. The bomb also grants sight of the area for 6 seconds reveals enemy champions hit for the same duration. |
- Vision mechanic can be useful for checking bushes for enemy champions waiting to ambush you or your team when wards are on cooldown.
Valkyrie (W) RANGE: 600 COST: 100 COOLDOWN: 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 |
Corki's only means meaneuvering the map - with the unique addition of a damaging trail behind him. ACTIVE: Corki dashes to the target location and drops bombs that leave up to 3 blazing patches along his path, depending on the distance traveled. Each patch lasts 2.5 seconds. Enemies within the patches are dealt magic damage every 0.25 seconds. ACTIVE: (Special Delivery from Hextech Munitions): Corki dashes with displacement immunity to the target location, knocking aside all enemies in his path 500 units and leaving behind a trail of fire for 5 seconds, which grants sight of the area for its duration and for 3 seconds afterwards. Enemies hit by Corki's dash or within the trail are burned and slowed by 90% for 2 seconds, refreshing every 0.25 seconds while inside the area. |
- Gatling Gun can be cast during the dash. Valkyrie will cast at max range if cast beyond that.
- Valkyrie can cross considerable distances, being able to scale most "fat walls" with some exceptions.
Gatling Gun (E) RANGE: 690 COST: 50 COOLDOWN: 16 |
Unique DOT ability with both magic and armor shred - making tankier targets weaker and squisher targets squishier. ACTIVE: Corki sprays bullets in a cone toward his facing direction for 4 seconds, dealing equal parts physical and magic damage every 0.25 seconds to all enemies hit as well as reducing their armor and magic resistance with each tick, lasting for 2 seconds, refreshing on subsequent ticks, and stacking up to 8 times. |
- The direction of the gun firing changes depending on where Corki is facing.
- Corki will turn to face in the direction of the cursor upon casting Gatling Gun.
- Gatling Gun's area of effect can hit closeby enemies next to and behind him, due to hitting enemy boundary edge.
- Useful for shredding resistances before using other abilities like Phosphorus Bomb and Missile Barrage for more overall damage.
- Useful for revealing invisible champions like Shaco or Evelynn.
Missile Barrage (R) RANGE: 1300 COST: 20 COOLDOWN: 2 |
Corki's absolute bread and butter ability. A consistent poke that turns into a deadly lategame nuke. ACTIVE: Corki fires a missile in the target direction that explodes upon the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage to enemies within the area. Corki periodically stocks a Missile Barrage charge, up to a maximum of 7. He gains maximum charges upon respawning and when picking up the The Package. Every third missile Corki fires is a Big One, dealing 100% increased damage as well as gaining increased range and explosion radius. |
- Missile Barrage being unlocked at level 6 is one of your considerable powerspikes - allowing you to farm safer, clear waves faster and poke your enemy laner down.
- The splash radius of Missile Barrage, especially The Big One, can be used to punish laners who stand too close to minions.
What lane does this champion go in? |
A: MID. You are MID. In the MIDDLE of EVERYTHING. In close proximity to EVERY resource. ADC Corki is kinda terrible nowadays and is EVEN worse thanks to season 14's new terrain changes that have made botlane more vulnerable. Tank Corki specifically can also be played top if wanted but I would only reccomend this into immobile champs you can pester with your Grasp of the Undying procs. |
Are there any items / consumables important to this phase of the game? |
A: Your main item priorities at this stage of the game are Tear of the Goddess (eventually leading into Manamune) and Cull - meaning that your ideal gold on your first back is 950. If you only have enough for one, tear is first; to help with your mana issues. |
Do you stay safe and farm? Are you aggressive? |
A: Yes, yes, yes and more yes. Farm, farm, farm and more farm. You want your items ASAP. Your level of aggression is based on matchups. DPS or tank Corki you'll often be poking with Phosphorus Bomb and Gatling Gun at most. |
What should you pay attention to on the map? |
A: In the early stages of the game, we are paying attention to the map at all times whilst farming to stay wary of any junglers - namely at the 3:30 minute mark when the first scuttle crab is fought over. Other than that, you should remain focused on your lane. Avoid skirmishes more often than not unless REALLY in your favor. |
What CS should you aim for? |
A: All of it. All the CS. It's all yours. Corki needs items to hurt people. We need money. Funding. Munitions. Hextech Munitions. Knowing this, learning to CS PERFECTLY should be one of your first priorities whilst learning Corki. It all belongs to you. When your jungler finishes their pet, you have full reign to steal raptors and wolves. All the money. Take it. |
What Summoner Spells should I take? |
A: Always Teleport. Teleport, Teleport, Teleport. More farm. We roam with Hextech Munitions at 10 minutes and murder the enemy botlane in cold blood. We go back to our lane and we catch the CS. Money. All the money. Flash is best used on DPS Corki but is good on tank Corki too. Ghost on tank Corki is also really good - lower cooldown summoner spell than flash, a longer-lasting effect and provides better kiting capabilities. |
When should you leave your lane / group? |
A: This is actually the easiest decision for Corki. We leave when our Hextech Munitions is ready to be picked up in which we attempt to set the tone for the rest of the game. This is done by either grabbing a gold lead via a well-placed package behind the enemy ADC and Support, or by using this package to force and take objectives. |
Are there any items / consumables important to this phase of the game? |
A: At this stage of the game we start to focus on our core items of the build. For DPS Corki this would be getting our Malignance and Eclipse for pure raw damage. For tank Corki we focus on acquiring our Sundered Sky and Spear of Shojin in which we can then start to front/midline harder. |
When do you start team fighting? |
A: You want to be team fighting whenever your package is up. Use it to your advanatage and communicate with your teammates that have CC to pick up kills or secure objectives. Without package, we just want to keep farming and getting our items and components ASAP. |
How should you position for team fights? |
A: Depends on your choice of build. Going DPS Corki? You're going to sit in the back and behind your tanks and CC-heavy allies and look for engages to get picks with your Phosphorus Bomb and Missile Barrage Big Ones, or poke the enemies with your Missile Barrage if they are heavier in the dive region. For tank Corki, you have far more leniency in your positioning thanks to your added HP - still remaining around CC champs for your burst damage but being able to walk up to enemies more confidently. |
What is your strategy for team fights? |
A: Deal damage. Deal so much damage. Deal ALL the damage. Okay not really (yet) - but anyway you SHOULD be focusing on looking for optimal angles in teamfights with your package in which you are able to hit the most enemies with your package and preferably ensnare a few within it by either using walls or with the help of your allies CC. Beyond that, you also want to be thinking about where you will be landing following the package, and whether or not you are risking your positioning by doing so. Preferably, having a freind on the other end of the package will help support you and give you room to breathe, or alternatively you should consider walls or bushes you can traverse over or through with the Valkyrie you have after. |
What objectives should you secure? (Dragons, turrets, etc) |
A: Flash, Cleanse, Ignite, Exhaust and Heal are the best defensive/offensive Summoner Spells on Ashe, and it's up to personal preference on which you'd rather get. If you are not yet level 12, pick up Ghost and Heal. |
What things should you pay attention to on the map? |
A: Keep your eye on big groups of enemies or if you see the enenmy begin to congregate towards an objecive. These are the ideal situations for your package. |
New season. New map. Same old package.
Well-deserving of it's own chapter; Corki's Hextech Munitions and The Package that comes along with it are where his biggest playmaking opportunities come to life. First spawning in at 10 minutes, and 5 minutes after every time picked up - The Package is a means of turning the tempo of the game in your favour, either by snowballing a pre-existing lead and dominating the enemy, or by being given a chance to almost CONFIRM a kill and come back from a disadvantage either from a bounty pickup or multikill.
Within this raw strength however comes a need for a greater understanding of how to most effectively utilize the singular 5-minute-cooldown ability, and how you will need to interact with the map alone in a lot of cases to do so.
Here's an example of what we're talking about:
With all that said - here is our same new map with more possible package angles you can look out for in your own games (there are way more than this!).
Where should you be? |
A: Lategame is what you have been playing for. This is where you murder your foes in cold blood. You are fighting. Fighting. 4 million CS. Destruction. Shoot your Missile Barrage at anything that moves. Put holes in them. Blow them up with phosphorus. Burn them all. |
Are there any items / consumables important to this phase of the game? |
A: By this stage of the game you now have to decide for youself what is best for you based on the situation. Refer back to the Items section for what to consider. |
What is your strategy for team fights? |
A: Hang a bit further back, regardless of your build at the time. By now the enemy will know of your strength and they will actively try to get picks on you. Wittle down your foes with Missile Barrage and chuck your Phosphorus Bomb on anything forced to stand still. |
What objectives should you secure? (Baron, inhibitors, etc) |
A: Rarely should your job be to splitpush. This is more likely to occur on tank Corki. Fight at objectives like dragons and barons and use your carry potential to secure these objectives. |
What things should you pay attention to on the map? |
A: The same idea. Packages are your wincon as you have become the carry for your team now. Look for CC combos with your Hextech Munitions and aim to wipe the team ASAP. look for groups. Pray your support can ward like a human. |
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