League of Legends (LoL) Question: Thoughts on Jarvan IV Top?
Tags: Jarvan IV 4,098
Thoughts on Jarvan IV Top?
So I've recently bought Jarvan IV and I've played a games with him in the Jungle, but now I'm wondering if his viable in Top lane?
What makes him viable, and what would you build on him?
Thanks for answers!
So I've recently bought Jarvan IV and I've played a games with him in the Jungle, but now I'm wondering if his viable in Top lane?
What makes him viable, and what would you build on him?
Thanks for answers!
As for a build, do something like this;
Doran's Blade start, rush The Brutalizer. Grab a Tiamat if doing very well. Randuin's Omen, Locket of the Iron Solari/ Banshee's Veil. Then finish your Ravenous Hydra and Black Cleaver.
Some good optional items would be Hexdrinker, Sunfire Aegis, Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage and Guardian Angel.
Source; Jarvan IV is one of my most played champions in ranked, and I play him exclusively top lane.
TLDR: He is Wukong, build him like it.