League of Legends (LoL) Question: Top Lane Alistar Build
Posted in Champions | Tags: Alistar 5,350
Top Lane Alistar Build
Top Lane Alistar is really a thing now.
So I have to ask...how exactly should he be built. Most streamers/ pro players I've watched rush Trinity Force. However, what's the best buildpath after that. Some tend to build Statikk Shiv whereas others go full defense.
Also what's the best rune and mastery setup?
So I have to ask...how exactly should he be built. Most streamers/ pro players I've watched rush Trinity Force. However, what's the best buildpath after that. Some tend to build Statikk Shiv whereas others go full defense.
Also what's the best rune and mastery setup?
Full AP, np.
Full AD, np.
Full utility, np.
For top lane you just go trinity and adapt to the game afterwards tbh.
Vs AD comp: Frozen Heart
VS AP top: Spirit visage/banshees
You're ahead and your team is tanky, buy some more AD.
As for masteries/runes.
Hybrid penetration marks.
health seals/mana regen seals
MR glyphs/Scaling/flat cooldown glyphs.
Armor/movement speed quints
You kind of need some mana regen somewhere to stay in lane longer. Start with flask and you can even buy a doran's ring when you have to back early.
You also need CDR badly.
Also, people copy the LCS. If they ever start to go Poppy mid, people will play Lollipoppy mid. Just like they'll start going AD Tristana mid now whenever someone picks Kassadin.