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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Top Laner

Posted in Champions | Tags: Maokai 4,039

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    Top Laner

    Is Maokai in the meta for a good top lane champion?
  • Answers (2)

    Davicab | October 10, 2015 12:14am
    I think yes, i played him sometimes this week and his a really strong and safe pick. You'll win a lot of trades early on, and deal a lot of damage in late game while you're extremly tanky.
    Ekki (86) | October 8, 2015 6:47pm
    He's probably not a very "meta" pick, mostly since there are lots of powerpicks in top lane. He's a decent pick though. I use him as a vladimir counter in my ranked team and his initiation once you built Turbo Chemtank makes him a great pick inside or against AoE team comps. He can also steal a jungle camp by himself with his sapplings, or just take the razorbeaks in your own jungle.
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