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Maokai Build Guide by damodoggy

Jungle UPDATED!! [12.23] Creamy (speedy ahh fart) Mayokai Jungle Special 💦👀

Jungle UPDATED!! [12.23] Creamy (speedy ahh fart) Mayokai Jungle Special 💦👀

Updated on December 18, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author damodoggy Build Guide By damodoggy 35 9 81,233 Views 7 Comments
35 9 81,233 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author damodoggy Maokai Build Guide By damodoggy Updated on December 18, 2022
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Runes: Mayokai Full Sprint

Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

UPDATED!! [12.23] Creamy (speedy ahh fart) Mayokai Jungle Special 💦👀

By damodoggy
Who is DamoDoggy aka "Mayokai creator"

Wagwan, I'm the creamiest Mayokai player in the world; I was once #1 Mayokai Jungle in the world, I prioritise speed > damage & tankiness. This is because with speed you are able to dodge spells & clart enemies left and right which = more damage than if I were to build damage & = more tankiness as i'm able to not tank whilst tanking.

I am an avid Mayokai enjoyer & to be able to call yourself a mayokai player you must know the way of the mayo (speed)

I have a 60% winrate with Mayokai which would have been higher if it wasn't for the absolute bean heads in my game.

My -
Runes Royale
It's time to talk about the Runes.

The ultimate cream supreme runes are the ones you can see below...

These are the best possible runes for Mayokai, they have every slither of speed; they provide the most cream & nothing can beat it. Don't change anything within this rune page as it won't be Mayokai afterwards; it'll just be Maokai.
The Cream Royale Gameplan
Starting Blue side

- 1st sapling at 1:02 & next at 1:12, Then place another at 1:22 which you will drag the blue buff into. Repeat with another one and it's creamy. // You want these in the brush & close to the blue buff to maximise on the viscosity of the cream.

- Smite Gromp > Wolves > Raptors > Red > Smite Scuttlewank. Then either do krugs or creamy gank to get 900 gold & back and GET SWIFTY BOOTS first item... // It's the creamiest first item power spike on ANY CHAMPION.

- Continue clearing as usual, when you see a gank opportunity do the creamy (Predator Swifty > Ghost) Mayo Combo; once you W onto an enemy mash them backwards so that the ally laner can get a succulent amount of damage on them to secure the kill.

- Get Bami's cinder next item (mega creamy jungle camp masher)

- Get Dark seal when you're ready for the thickening of the cream.

- Utilise your speed to cream on every enemy you see, focus the high DMG dealers & make sure you do the ((Ghost > Predator > Youmoos) (Mega Cream Combo))
When to pick Mayokai?
Wallahi Mayokai can only be picked in the jungle; this is due to the lack of cream in the mid, bot & top lane, don't bother with those lanes as Jungle is the natural habitat of Mayokai... This is where he thrives with all his cream.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author damodoggy
damodoggy Maokai Guide
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UPDATED!! [12.23] Creamy (speedy ahh fart) Mayokai Jungle Special 💦👀

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