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League of Legends Voidgrub

The Voidgrub are neutral monsters on Summoner's Rift. Their camp is located in the baron pit. The Voidgrub camp consists of three epic Voidgrubs. Every 12 seconds in combat, each Voidgrub also spawns four lesser Voidmites.

Killing this camp awards gold and experience, as well as grants a stack of the Touch of the Void buff to all team members for each Voidgrub killed. Touch of the Void grants bonus damage over time to structures as well as a stack of the Hunger of the Void for each stack beyond the fourth. While in combat with structures, the Hunger of the Void summons allied Voidmites that attack nearby enemy structures.

Each Voidgrub can spawn up to two times per game. The camp despawns permanently at 13:45, or 13:55 if in combat. A group of Voidgrubs only spawns a second time if they were first slain before 9:45. The Rift Herald spawns in the same position at 14:00.

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