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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Wanna play lulu on top.Any suggest who must im ban/what item i must buy?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Lulu 3,308

  • Pelangirainbow

    Wanna play lulu on top.Any suggest who must im ban/what item i must buy?

    What doyou think?
  • Answers (2)

    LuxIsMyCrush (13) | March 5, 2019 11:04am
    start doran ring/corrupting potion if you want to go an ap build then go luden - ardent - sorcery - morello/nashor and the rest is situational.
    As rune you should pick aery or electrocute, also you need a hypercarry jg, preferable premade with you. smth like yi, jax, twitch.
    LuxIsMyCrush (13) | March 5, 2019 11:04am
    or so i think
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