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Yasuo Ability (LoL): Way of the Wanderer

Way of the Wanderer Yasuo

Yasuo Ability: Way of the Wanderer
Resolve: Moving grants flow, which is tracked on Yasuo's resource bar. Moving faster grants more flow. At maximum flow, damage from a champion or monster briefly grants 125-600 shield (depending on level).

Intent: Yasuo's critical strike chance is increased by 150%, but his critical strikes deal 10% reduced damage. Gain 0.5 bonus attack damage for every 1% critical strike chance above 100%.

Yasuo's Abilities

Yasuo Ability: Way of the Wanderer Yasuo Ability: Way of the Wanderer Yasuo Ability: Way of the Wanderer Yasuo Ability: Way of the Wanderer
Way of the Wanderer is used by Yasuo

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Juggerome | May 9, 2021 12:07pm
How do you link the resource bar “flow” to mobafire’s database?
Fruxo (327) | May 9, 2021 1:35pm
Unfortunately you won't be able to do that.
Juggerome | May 9, 2021 2:02pm
Got it, thanks for the quick reply.
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Flowstylex (34) | December 8, 2013 3:40am
Full MS Yasuo, permashield
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