League of Legends (LoL) Question: What Summoner Spell is Best for Supports?
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What Summoner Spell is Best for Supports?
I am just getting into the support role and I am a little confused, which summoners are best for supporting?
I see a lot of people taking Exhaust, but aren't Clairvoyance, Clarity and Heal good summoner spells for a support? Maybe even with Teleport you could support other lanes?
Are some better for certain supports or lane matchups than others? When do you pick which summoner, or should you always take the same one?
I see a lot of people taking Exhaust, but aren't Clairvoyance, Clarity and Heal good summoner spells for a support? Maybe even with Teleport you could support other lanes?
Are some better for certain supports or lane matchups than others? When do you pick which summoner, or should you always take the same one?
Heal has a reduced effect on nearby champions and is a lot less useful lategame.
Clairvoyance is a niche pick, and was used mainly to keep track of the enemy jungler or avoid facechecking.
Clarity is generally bad, specially late game. You can't compare having mana to reducing movement speed, attack damage and ability power of a single target.
Teleport is mainly used for splitpushing, it has a relatively long cooldown and it takes some time to get you somewhere. As a support, you may arrive too late to help and your damage will hardly collect you kills (unless everyone is level 3 and you're a friggin' Sona). Besides, abandoning the AD Carry during lane phase doesn't sound like a good plan.
Clairvoyance for vision and Heal for the team-fights
Exhaust gives you the most lane dominance. You'll usually be best off with it unless your AD carry picks it up. Most ADCs will leave it to the support though.
Heal isn't bad, but the fact that it heals less for nearby allies means it's almost always taken by the AD carry whenever it's taken at all. In season three, Heal is getting a buff where it will heal allies for the same amount as the caster, so it might see more use.
Ignite is sometimes used if the AD carry doesn't take it and you and your ADC decide to lane without Exhaust. This is relatively uncommon, though.
I wouldn't recommend anything else for supporting. Clairvoyance sacrifices too much of your lane presence, Clarity is very outclassed and Teleport typically weakens your bot lane (and therefore your AD carry). Not to mention most people can't really pull off good plays with Teleport.
You see a lot of people taking Exhaust because it allows you to do the most for your carry in lane, and support is all about helping your carry in lane. If you're useless to them in lane, your team might as well be fighting 4v5. With the debuff, it creates kill opportunities for your carry, or dissuades pursuers.
Clairvoyance sucks. It was powerful when there was literally 1 jungle path, but the jungle has changed, and Clairvoyance got nerfed. Clarity is for level 10 people. Even Riot has said this. But Heal is perfectly acceptable on a support versus strong AoE teams as you won't be able to Exhaust every AoE damage dealer at once.
Flash is a universal agreed spell as it can secure kills, escape from ganks, initiate fights.
Exhaust is primarily another spell for a support as it allows you to shut down an enemy AD Carry so that you can focus them in teamfights or remove them as a threat
For soloQ I'd still recommend flash exhaust, and in general having 2 exhausts in your team will never hurt, or even 3 if you got Karthus mid :P
Try Soraka with Clarity and Jinx as the ADC. Massive pushing power there especially early game. Fishbones comes out and he stays out!
Not so useful with Tristana as a lanemete though. seeing as she rarely has any issues with manna.
It all depends on synergy. Who are you playing as? Who is your Carry? Always try to Sync with your Carry. Even the lowly Clairvoyance can have a place with the right pair of champions.
My advice would be: Try out different combinations and see what works best for you, and ask your ADC what he would prefer. Good Luck!