I know this is kind of a preference thing but what do you think, which is the strongest jungler right now: Zac - Hecarim - Volibear? (i allready got udyr, lee, amumu, malph and naut)
I really love Rammus as a jungler. His ganks are reliable and can almost guarantee summoner spells if you can get close to them. Level up your taunt first, and if you can get that off and if your laner follows up, it will almost always end up in a death for the gankee.
Zac is one of the best ganker,if not the best,for me,hecarim ganks very well too and he can just dont leave an escape when he comes, at lvl 6 is insane. Udyr is good for jungle sustain and clear time, but his ganks are kinda meh,just a flash and bb. Elise has a good damage, and can jump on u, but if she fails her stun the gank is probably going to fail. Nunu is really good for sustain clear time and his slows on ulti and e are great and his speed buff is nice for both you and your teammates, but just warding good and dont push too much and it shouldnt be a problem. Malphite is really weak in jungle for me, clear time is neither bad nor good, and his ganks are really bad, only when he gets ulti can be a problem, but not so much at all, cause is really slow, needs farm and after R-Q hasnt anything else for gank, and his ulti has a pretty long cd. So for me on of the best should be zac, cause if placed good, you just can see him coming for his E range, and once he is here, his slow and ulti(plus teammate cc if he has) is really an hard time,especially without flash.
There is of course the fact that you should be able to play the champion before you are strong with it, but out of the 3 champions you listed, Zac is (according to throatslasher, who is no dummy) the best.
He's not that difficult~
There is of course the fact that you should be able to play the champion before you are strong with it, but out of the 3 champions you listed, Zac is (according to throatslasher, who is no dummy) the best.
but it's all personal preference and what your team needs, but Hecarim is really strong in the jungle solo queue