League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why is Lulu mid more popular?
Posted in Champions | Tags: Lulu 6,776
Why is Lulu mid more popular?
What I'm asking is why AP Lulu mid a better/more seen pick than before in S3. What items have been buffed or nerfed that help her? Are there certain FoTM champions that she goes well against? Are utility mages simply better based on team comps? I understand her Pix, Faerie Companion now scales off AP but that was quite a long time ago.
Then the meta switched to more of a poke / siege style, which Lulu is decent at. Most importantly though, with the AP ratios on her W, she synergizes way better with other champs.
Imagine AP lulu mid with an evelynn jungle. Lulu W's on stealthed Evelynn, Evelynn W's, and instantly you have an quick and easily unexpected flank tool.
She basically provides utility, like Orianna.
One of the downsides to her is her cooldowns (especially if you go with Lich Bane - you need to be able to proc it). Koreans have started running CDR blues + quints on her instead of the traditional Mres/AP blue and AP quints. Also, Athene's is like the most common 1st buy on her.
With Athene's and CDR runes (Sorcery optional - you could take fury instead for more AA harass), you'd nearly maxed CDR. Pop a blue pot (after you get deathcap - your AP is a little low until then) and you're pretty much maxed out. When you go CDR runes, your jungler can also take blue after you get Athene's or donate it to another lane.
Not sure if she'll still be popular after Lich Bane gets nerfed. Then again, some already do her mid without Lich Bane.
For instance, a lulu mid usually either goes even, or destroys a leblanc throughout most stages of the game, since her Help, Pix! gives her the ability to harass leblanc back, after leblanc trades & disengages.
Later in the game, her shield and ult will give your allies a lot of safety, and damage. You'd be surprised how much Pix, Faerie Companion will increase a high AS carry's DPS.