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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why would i take overheal on Kayle

Posted in Champions | Tags: Kayle 3,768

  • Raagna

    Why would i take overheal on Kayle

    Hi everyone, i'm still kind of a begginer on Kayle and I wanted to know your thoughts on taking the rune "Overheal" on Kayle. Why ? Your Z costs so much mana and is so important in laning phase to avoid the "all-in" of your opponent or things like this.
    Thx for your answers <3
  • Answers (1)

    aurus666lol | May 16, 2021 10:27am
    You are taking it beceuse you are building Riftmaker and taking double healing from Domination runes. And, of course, it is easy to stack after lvl 11 (getting range form instead of melee one)
    Hope I could help.
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