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Lulu Build Guide by Wicked Cherry

Support [WIP] Snowy Lulu - Queen of Crowd Control

Support [WIP] Snowy Lulu - Queen of Crowd Control

Updated on April 3, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wicked Cherry Build Guide By Wicked Cherry 251 11 433,669 Views 62 Comments
251 11 433,669 Views 62 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Wicked Cherry Lulu Build Guide By Wicked Cherry Updated on April 3, 2023
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Lulu
    Classic Support - poke & CC
  • LoL Champion: Lulu
    More aggressive


Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Font of Life

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Ideal Synergies
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Champion Build Guide

[WIP] Snowy Lulu - Queen of Crowd Control

By Wicked Cherry

I'm Wicked Cherry, I'm playing mainly Support since season 4 and this is my first guide.
Lulu was my very first champion ever and I instantly fell in love with her.

+ high utility
+ compatible with about every ADC
+ skills can be used on allies and enemies
+ very adaptive playstyle possible
+ one of the best peels and disengages in game
+ SHE'S GOT PIX! +_+
- can't really start teamfights
- needs at least one frontliner
- especially aggressive playstyle can be quite mana-consuming
- squishy (but lovable ♥)
- not much sustain
- struggles hard when being focused
- kind of relies on fed carries

Lulu's Passive is a little helper that's always by her side. It will obey every command you give and be your most faithful ally.

Lulu and Pix each shoot a magical bolt into a target direction. The first target hit will be slowed.

You can cast this ability either onto your ally or on an enemy. If cast on an ally, that ally or Lulu will gain movement speed and attack speed, depending on the ability's level. If cast on an enemy, they will transform (polymorph) into a critter (or a black cat or pufferfish - depending on the skin). This is your most important peeling ability!

Pix, Faerie Companion will always be right beside you - if not, the little fairy will either be protecting one of your allies on your command or damaging and enable vision of the enemy you cast your E on for a short amount of time.

As the name Wild Growth says, your ally will grow in size. Additionally, nearby enemies will get knocked up. This ability is always good for a nice surprise for your enemies and can turn fights to your favor. Your ally will also gain health and and slightly slow enemies within a relatively small range.

Click to see recommended rune page

Since Summon Aery consists of two components: Damage and Shield power, it's what you'd consider as perfect match with Lulu's playstyle. Aery gives her the early game aggressiveness that you need and the ability to improve shields on your allies.
I like to go for this rune because as support, as I might have already said, you can’t join a fight too early and the additional movement speed after casting my ultimate has allowed me to either catch up with fleeing enemies and run from them myself. So you can pretty much use this rune for chasing or running. Either way, I consider it as really helpful – you can even pass through units now!

The additional free cooldown reduction will allow you to either buy a rather aggressive item instead of another CDR item. Also, if you exceed the limit, the abundant amount of CDR will transform into adaptive magical damage which should also be something you can’t really decline.

Basically, this is your damage rune. It will allow you to deal enough magical damage with your whole kit, but especially with Glitterlance and Help, Pix!. You might notice that enemies will try to evade getting hit by you because the range of your W is rather large. Furthermore, even if you’re being forced to go completely defensive, you’ll still have at least the damage from this rune.

Alternative Rune choices

You can choose this rune if you're facing hard matchups which will make it clear that you will have to rely on your E Help, Pix! to mitigate damage - such matchups could be a Brand whose passive is dealing damage over time. It will come in handy in matchups with Brand, Lux, Leona etc. and help you with your possible mana problems.

You can't say No to movement speed because you're basically the running "ambulance" of the team. I promise you, there won't be a moment when you're realizing that you've joined a fight too early - rather the opposite, that you've been too late.

I know most people prefer Scorch, but I like the adaptive damage more in late game because ... well, it's damage that can help your team mates. And many undererstimate the power of Lulu, especially late game because everyone just focuses on the carries.

Healing your allies although you're not a Soraka should be witchcraft, aye? This rune just works really well with your Q Glitterlance and I feel that in low elo, it even helps your team mates to focus more on certain champions because you have the extra visual effect.
It's just the round up of a perfect combo together with all the shields ( Help, Pix!) and heal ( Wild Growth and Redemption) you'll do.

Aggressive Rune path

This rune will allow you to collect gold per unique takedown, allowing you to reach late game ahead of your role opponent quicker in terms of itemization. Furthermore, you generate more gold for pink wards. More vision (especially against stealthy or invisible champions like Shaco, Viego or Twitch can help you and your team win trades, team fights and even the game.

! However, you only wanna use this aggressive rune, when you're comfortable with getting a lead in the early game, as you're comfortable with winning lane and therefore roaming toward mid game to get the remaining unique takedowns for this rune. !

Since one of your most crucial tasks is to provide vision for your team as also denying it for the enemies, this rune is perfect. You will want to use your Oracle Lens once your support item Spellthief's Edge has transformed into Frostfang. Whenever you or you have attacked (! not necessarily killed) an enemy ward, in its place, a friendly one-health ward will remain with no expiration time. Since this is technically a ward you've placed, it will also count toward your vision score and, more importantly, will provide more vision for your team. It will not expire unless being hit by the enemies (in which case they'll gain 1 Gold) and does not count toward your maximum of three wards placed. Amazing. If you're going for the Domination runes, take this rune.
This bloody rune will allow you healing again which is in my opinion really valuable because Lulu doesn't have much healing potential besides her ultimate Wild Growth and maybe some add-on items. And since you should not expect the enemy to allow you to harass them without trying to counter-attack you, this rune should definitely on your list to mitigate their damage in advance.

This one is your standard item. It's one of the most important ones because it will transform into Frostfang which will act as your warding item. Later on, it will transform even further into Shard of True Ice and you will not have to spend a single coin of gold for it after buying the basic item, Spellthief's Edge in this case.
On top of that, it will provide you with some amount of AP damage, which will allow you to be as aggressive as need be.

I really tried playing without this item but it's pretty hard because it just matches so perfectly with your Help, Pix! and Wild Growth. It improves your shields by 8% and even boosts your carry's Attack Speed by 10 to 30%. Whimsy and Celerity even stack with Ardent Censer and therefore enhance one another.

Redemption also enhances your healing and shielding power by 8%. But it also grants you more access to mana which means: More shields, more damage, more Lulu!
Furtermore, you can heal your allies with its active. Whenever a teamfight starts, I make sure to use it as soon as possible because it takes 2,5 seconds to become active.

I love to build Twin shadows whenever I feel to game might turn out into my team's favor. It will allow you to chase after enemies with its active or run from them whenever you're outnumbered. It will also give your 7% movement speed, 70 Ability Power and 10% of Cooldown Reduction.

Standard Boot Upgrade. The movement speed allows your to actually become the "ambulance" your team might need. If it doesn't, it will still need your damage and hard CC. You can swap these for Boots of Swiftness if the enemies have a lot of Crowd Control. If you're rather going for the more aggressive build, you might want to buy Sorcerer's Shoes. I know that many people like to go for Ionian Boots of Lucidity but I usually experience that I'm already at the 40% Cooldown Reduction limit and that buying these would be a waste.

I love the aura (additional shield) that this item's actives grants to all nearby allies. This is probably my favorite Magic Resistance item. And it will also give you some (30) Armor which means you don't have to choose when you're indecisive toward building Armor or Magic Resistance because you're getting both plus an additional shield! How awesome's that? (:

Defensive item choices
  • You can choose these items depending on the match up and how the game's going for you and your team. When it's obvious that you'll face a hard laning phase, do not hesitate to rush for example Locket of the Iron Solari.

Aggressive Choices
  • It's not a bad choice to buy Ability Power items. I'd probably prefer Liandry's Torment because the passive adds Grevious Wounds to enemies and these will lower healing effects. However, it can also be a wise decision to buy Morellonomicon if no one on your team will purchase it.
  • I usually only buy Ability Power items when I notice that the game will turn out in our favor, my team lacks AP champs or that the enemies aren't buying Magic Resistance.

Flash is pretty standard. I allows you to handle small positioning mistakes or jump into teamfights while your team unexpextedly dashed forward. Exhaust is also a standard support summoner.
It slows the targeted enemy by 30% and reduces their damage by 40%.
Ignite is usually a good indicator for aggressive playstyles. It damages the targeted enemy for 5 seconds, dealing true damage and canceling out all healing effects by 40%. Choosing Heal is a bit uncommon but you can pick it if your Marksman decides to go Barrier. However you two should communicate that matter in advance to rule out any misunderstandings.

You are pretty much the ambulance of your team. I know, usually that's what you'd call Soraka but Lulu is not that different - after all you're the support.
You have to make sure that ...
  • ... your team gets the peel it needs.
  • ... your carries survive or at least are able to get out their damage.
  • ... you have enough vision of the crucial parts of the map. I put you a map with helpful tips in the warding section below!
  • ... check where the enemies are on the mini map and help your team with pings to prevent ganks or traps.
  • ... in laning phase you can try to bully the enemy ADC as much as possible. This way, they would have to focus on staying away from you which would result in losing CS.
  • ... you don't lose too many objectives. Sometimes you cannot prevent it but you can always try to steal a Baronor Dragon with the help of your team!
  • ... you don't go off warding and dewarding alone while you have no vision and no idea where the enemy team is at right that moment.
I could probably point out many things more but I think it's really important that you at least try to keep the basic ones in mind and focus on them. I know it sounds a lot at first glance but you'll get used to them more and more. Like try to focus on one or two things you want to improve on several games. Once you feel aquainted with them you can focus on the next ones. :)

Since there are different situations and game phases, I will try to point out the ones that occur most of the time.

Early to Mid Game

You're winning the lane and are ahead
  • Try to deep ward, such as warding the enemy jungler's buffs in order to track their activity and prevent ganks in an early mode
  • Ward objectives like the Dragon and some part of the river
  • If the enemy team has Supports that rely on skillshots and are extreme threads for you, such as Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab, you should either watch your positioning very carefully or ward any bush that you feel you would need vision of. If you don't feel the enemy match up as threat at all (which should be a rare occasion), you might want to ward jungle bushes behind you, since you might consider going for an early First Blood Tower and swap lanes with your Toplaner.

You're behind and risk losing the lane
  • In this occasion you usually do not have to opportunity to deep-ward a lot. However you should try to ward as much as possible. Why? Wards can save lives.
  • Ward one of the lane bushes.
  • Ward the river and the Dragon pit.

One more thing about early game: Ask your Jungler and/or Toplaner to ward the Rift Herald because you don't want to give one (or more!) Towers for free to the enemy team, do you? They might even come bot and destroy your winning lane this way. That's not your intention - is it?

Mid to Late Game

You're winning - Yay!
  • You should use that advantage nicely. Ward objectives!
  • If you notice that the enemies tend to prefer one side of the map, e.g. topside, try to ward the one slightly more.
  • Ward the enemy jungler's buffs or often used bushes and pathways, such as the area around the Red Buff.
  • Animate your teammates to ward if they aren't doing it already! You can't ward the whole map alone with 3+1 wards!

You're losing - oh no! Time to turn the game around.

I know that warding alone will not win you a game, you'll also have to pay very close attention to the mini map and it is not a joke when I'm saying that it should become one of your very best friends in the game. Like I'm only Gold but I'm kinda spending 40% of the whole game's time watching the mini map, looking out for ganks or where to position my next ward because once you notice a certain behavior, you might realize what the enemy might want to do in their next couple of moves. Okay, I get this might sound like you should take a look into the fortune teller's crystal ball but it's not that mystic or weird.
I'll give you an example:
Say you realize that the enemy team kinda keeps pushing mid and bot lane. Meanwhile you see that the enemy Jungler or Support clear out your river wards. What would they want to do next? Right! They'll go for the Dragon. Another crucial point is to keep an eye out for the timers, like Dragon timer or Baron timer, but you might also want to know about the Buff timers to at least roughly guess when enemies will show up in that area - which is also always nice to catch them off-guard. But beware because you will probably want to ward the area carefully before you set up your surprise trap.
So let's get back to warding when losing:
  • Keep an eye out for objectives and ask teammates to go warding with you because let's say you only have all base towers that remain but want to ward Baron. The likelihood that you'll get caught is at about 65% roughly guessed.
  • Try to have as many pink wards out as possible - I'd recommend close to buffs.
  • Ward around camps, such as the wolves.
  • Use the vision plants whenever it is possible and safe

When you're going kind of equal.
  • Study the opponents' way of walking around the map and warding it. When you see that they rarely use wards, try to bait them in the jungle or just wait until one or two of them start fighting camps.
  • I might be repeating myself but: ALWAYS WARD Dragons AND Baron
  • Ward often used pathways, mostly the river
  • Try to ward their jungle, but try not to go alone or do not stray too far from your teammates.

Here's an example for warding especially for the bot side (you're team blue and start at the left bottom of the map):
  • Icy blue dots are for your vision cones. Do not hesitate using them unless you want to save them for special events like a soon spawning dragon.
  • Red dots are for the blasting cones (bomb plants).
  • Green numbers are for your usual vision wards. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 display the best vision spots where you should want to place your wards every time. I know that it's not always possible for various reasons (like you don't know where the enemy jungler and/or mid laner are or you're losing the lane and you don't really care about having vision of the enemy jungler). For these situations, I added the numbers 4 and 5. However, you should try to ward the blasting cone inside the enemy jungle as well.
    I know there number 5 is there twice but that's because ensuring vision of one of the side brushes will depend where you are "tower hugging" or the enemy's freezing the lane.
One more thing which might occur as a frequent question:
Why ward the blasting cone instead of the brush underneath it?

Well, imagine that the enemy jungler just finished Gromp and now checks if they could gank bot lane. He'd probably walk through the tribrush and either use the blasting cone (ward 3) or walk back to the blue buff and then walk through ward 2. Either way, you'll spot him. If you just warded the brush below the blasting cone,you will still see him but by that it'll be probably too late to escape - especially if you've pushed the lane.
  • Lastly, pink numbers are for Control wards. The lower the number, the better the position. If you feel that you need a Control Ward in your tribrush, you could always ask your ADC to buy one. When you're playing rather defensively, I would advice placing a Control ward at position 1 or 2. But if you're going equal or winning, you should definitely try to place it as deep into the enemy jungle as possible (one of the number 3 positions). I wouldn't recommend putting a Control Ward into position number 4 because both number 3s are more valuable and the enemy will walk through either your stealth ward or the Control Ward in position number 3. :)

Since this whole chapter is already quite detailed, I'll try to keep it short, promise.
Laning Phase & Early Game
Personally, I like to think that this phase of the game can be one of the most important. Why? You might say that you're not able to do much but that's not completely true. Remember how they say when you see a person the first few seconds will manipulate your opinion of them? It's not that much different from that. I'll give you an example.

I've had to face a Vayne and a Blitzcrank or Sona (doesn't matter that much, really). I knew that I wouldn't have much chances against them in late, even though Lulu actually spikes up in late, but a late game Vayne isn't really something that will turn out in your favor.
So what did I do?
You may say, I got a bit reckless, but I actually harassed that Vayne with all I could. Whenever I had enough Mana and Health, I'd just harass her with all that I had - Help, Pix! and Glitterlance mostly. My ADC could farm safely in the mean time and the enemy support couldn't do much against it because Vayne never got the chance to counter the attack appropiately. We won eventually the game because that Vayne never truly got back because of losing so many CS in her attemps of evading my harassments.
I'm not saying that it's always wise to go full harassive, but sometimes it might be your only choice when you're countered badly.
Playing safe would also be a wise move when you're playing against real harassive champions or ideal combos, such as Lucian and Braum or Brand and Jhin/ Jinx. You get the idea, I hope (if not please don't hesitate to ask me via PN or leave a comment ♥).

Mid Game
In mid game you should have the feeling of where this game will go. Will it turn out in your favor or do you have to work hard to keep up with the rest of your team?
Winning lane & being ahead
Most people think it's easier but it's actually the same -
keep it cool and...
  • deep ward (objectives!!, crucial paths etc.),
  • watch your enemies' steps,
  • don't start fights when you have no vision.
  • only force teamfights when you know you'll easily win them.
  • never lose focus and sight of the enemies' carries.
  • communicate with your team via pings (such as when to do objectives).
  • try to move around as a team, set up traps and
  • stay as close to your carries as possible - sometimes it's worth if a Zed misclicks and kills you with his ult if your ADC/carry will stay alive in return.
  • never go off alone.

Losing lane & what it means to play passive
  • Playing defensive means you can't afford forcing team fights or harassing the enemies as much as you might want to. But it's crucial to ensure your ADC to keep on farming and at least to not fall even further behind.
  • Ask your team for help: Ask your jungler to gank, maybe your top can Teleport into a deep ward and help your ADC get some kills or your mid lane might want to ensure your ADC to scare the enemies off and recall so your ADC will hopefully manage to either get a kill, an assist or at least some more creeps. :)
  • Having to play defensive doesn't mean that you can't ward, but you might want to have only one or two deep wards out. You should go warding when you know where the enemy jungler is (like ganking top lane) to place your deep wards.

Late Game
Late Game is mostly the same as Mid Game but you should consider your steps more carefully, because the enemies might have full builds as well as your team, therefore ...
  • check the builds of your carries and see what the enemies' answer is in their builds. Do they build Armor because your ADC is fed? Does your ADC have Armor penetration in return?
  • Waaaaaards! Try to animate your team mates to ward with you.
  • Don't fall into traps and watch your enemies' movements closely to be able to prevent potential objective losses. You woudn't want to risk losing a Baron Nashor just because your whole team showed on bot lane half a minute ago.
  • Try to go in groups or communicate if split pushing would be an option to obtain more objectives.
You can or should roam when ...
  • your lane looks safe (like the enemies just recalled or don't have much pressure against your ADC)
  • your ADC just recalled but you don't have to (like full mana)
  • you got a lot of vision, especially deep wards (!!) and you know where the enemy jungler is (like up top)
  • your mid hasn't much pushed and asked for help
  • your jungler will gank mid soon and it's enough time for you to run mid
  • your team decided to take the tower down and has lane priority
  • your team decided to summon the Rift Herald to take the tower
  • your ADC has pushed the bot lane to reset the wave and you got some capacity to gank/roam (remember: wards, mana, spells available)
  • you got lane priority on bot
  • you're going even on bot but need some extra money to get lane priority
  • mid is going even or feeding and a shut down would benefit the whole team
  • the roam wouldn't be in vain (imagine a LeBlanc, Ezreal or Talon mid who can simply hop or dash away from you and you've just wasted your time while your enemy bot can safely get CS while you're missing out)
  • your mid and/or jungle are fighting in the jungle or river and your help would turn the fight in your team's favor
  • you know the enemies don't have wards on the paths you're walking or you deward while walking. In this case you might want to consider that the enemies are cautious though.

As you can see, there are sooo many possibilities to roam. Of course there are also quite some things to consider (Is it worth it? Do I have enough vision? Will my team benefit if I roam right now?). Now, I can't answer these questions for you because they're situational ones. But I can say that if you roam, the likelihood that you'll help your team even more and you can give them some advantage will be higher compared to not roaming at all.

Also, you probably realized by now that mid lane will be your most favored lane to roam to. You can also roam to top lane but this will most likely only happen when the enemies have already diminished the first tower and are pushing towards the second while your top laner is exasperated and can only watch. It's not always favorable too because you cannot simply run back to bot lane which would allow the enemies to pressure your lane freely.
It's favorable to roam with your ADC but not completely necessary.

You should consider recalling, when ...
  • your ADC indicates you he/she can buy an important item (like B. F. Sword) or has a larger sum.
  • it's obvious that the enemy jungler will most likely gank your lane very soon.
  • you've pushed your lane all the way up to the enemy tower.
  • you need to reset the lane.
  • there's no risk of losing the turret.
  • if it's impossible to protect your turret.
  • you've run out of wards.
  • you have to possibility to help another lane and you won't lose objects (turret, drake etc.) in the meantime. This is also known by snowballing and you should only consider this move when going equal or you're winning your lane.

One more thing.
Never forget that League is a team game - you will most likely not win this game all alone by going solo. It's just not happening. You're with the people you entered the game with until it's over. So make sure to treat everybody accordingly and with honor and niveau - just the way you'd expect them to treat you plus another 10% of honor, because you can make this community better by your own behavior. If they flame you, don't get triggered. We all make mistakes but we can only change ourselves.

  • Warding is very important - it saves lives and wins games.
  • Don't go warding alone (or stray too far from your team), especially when you don't know where the enemies might be.
  • Keep an eye on the mini map to guess your enemies' next steps and use that knowledge against them.
  • Objectives are important! Don't forget them.
  • Peel for your team by polymorphing their carries and keeping your allies healthy.
  • Know your strenghts just as well as your weak spots and play accordingly.

The Fae Sorceress

Perhaps more than any other Yordle, Lulu marches to the beat of her own drum. During her youth in Bandle City, she spent most of her time wandering alone in the forest or lost in a daydream. It wasn't that she was antisocial; the day-to-day bustle of Bandle City just couldn't compete with the vibrant world of her imagination. She saw wonder in places most people overlooked. This was how she found Pix, a fae spirit, pretending to be stuck in a birdhouse.

Click to continue reading

(copyright by RiotGames, see here.)

What is Pix?

"Bandle City is but one of many places within the spirit realm, which glitter in colors unseen by those who do not pass through the barriers that separate it from the mortal realm. Lulu has asked her companion, Pix, many times about his origins. Instead of answering, he usually dives headfirst into the center of the nearest lilyflower. Lulu has taken this to mean that he was born as a seed-pod, and later sprouted into the fae spirit he is now."

Associate Writer, Worldbuilding
(copyright by RiotGames, see here.)

"That squirrel looks familiar..."

Special Thanks!
I'd like to thank Fruxo for sharing his honest opinions and helping me out whenever I had almost given up on some mischievous BB Codes. Make sure to check out his guides because they're awesome. :]

You've made it so far, thank you for reading my guide to the very end. I hope I could help you with possible questions or decision to make! I'm happy to help and I'd appreciate it if you left a comment to let me know what you're thinking about this guide.

Cheers, Wicked Cherry!

P.S.: If you feel like you could still learn more, click on a picture below. :]
  • 23/11/2018 Creation of the guide.
  • 26/11/2018 Added some headers, corrected typos
  • 27/11/2018 More spaces and better readability update; screenshot of Runes added
  • 29/11/2018 Completed the more aggressive build (runes, items, threats & synergies)
  • 03/12/2018 Added the summary chapter
  • 11/12/2018 Added the map for the warding section along with explanations.
  • 18/12/2018 More BB Codes, colors and typo correction
  • 01/01/2019 Created the table of contents, skin display & about lulu sections, and the 'return to table of contents' button)
  • 03/01/2019 Changes to the runes and item sections (added a alternative rune suggestion, improving readability)
  • 12/01/2019 Lore update :] (What is Pix?)
  • 24/01/2019 Added the whole gameplay section plus the recall details.
  • 27/04/2019 Added the roaming section, added some more BB Codes and some pictures, readability and just made it look a bit prettier.
  • 09/06/2019 Exchanged banners - it's a winterwonder Lulu guide now! :D
  • 10/06/2019 Fully winterwonder-themed pictures throughout the whole guide and refurbished the rune section, also added the harassive rune choices (finally)!
  • 27/10/2019 Changed some rune descriptions and column widths.
  • 29/06/2022 After almost 3 years of break, I decided to update my guides bit by bit. Please be patient with me. I'm currently working on runes & items. Thank you. :3

To do List:
  • Item overhaul, mythic items & deleted items
  • Almost done. Let me know if there is anything I should change, add or explain more detailed. :]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures (animated or still) shown on this website.
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