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Jax Build Guide by stefanko

Top [14.14] Stefanko's Challenger In Depth Jax Guide

Top [14.14] Stefanko's Challenger In Depth Jax Guide

Updated on July 21, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author stefanko Build Guide By stefanko 265 13 561,927 Views 24 Comments
265 13 561,927 Views 24 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author stefanko Jax Build Guide By stefanko Updated on July 21, 2024
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Soz_z77 | August 12, 2024 9:42pm
hi, how viable are the builds for 14.15 and 14.16? and could i get your general opinion on ravenous hydra?
stefanko (2) | August 13, 2024 2:18pm
The builds are still the same pretty much. I'd say ravenous hydra isnt the optimal choice pretty much ever. However if you enjoy playing hydra, you want to try to play on side lane as much as possible, cause you will lack tankiness to teamfight. You also want to try to get advantage by proxying cause you can oneshot wave, and then try to make moves on the map, or try to take enemy jungle camps
Baby_Driver | March 23, 2024 5:21pm
Is Botrk viable? What do you build vs tanks?
stefanko (2) | March 23, 2024 10:49pm
I never build botrk right now. Usually vs tanks if you are ahead and game is stable/you can win lane, go trinity and play normally. If game is fast paced and you want to avoid laning, you can rush ravenous hydra, and play to clear waves, you can outsustain tanks damage, and just play to have prio(can look for proxy angles too if enemy jg is botside and you cant get punished for it, and then maybe look to take camps, make a play elsewhere or just keep proxying if there is no play to be made on the map). Generally its really hard to kill tanks as jax in season 14, so its better to just avoid them and get a lead by having better tempo.
Mpoulian | February 3, 2024 7:52am
Hello. I wanted to aske a few questions about the standard build, especialy the first item. I see many high elo players go titanic first, abusing the wwave clear and damage it gives, which is comparable to triforce at 1 item, and go triforce second with some of them defaulting to it every game and just not rushing tiamat when not needed(wao) i also see some players skip titanic and go for sunder sky second item, to help sidelane dueling and healing for skirmishes. I also see many people not go sterakz second and go sunder for cdr+sustain or jak sho/frozen heart/wits for tankiness

I would like to ask your insighr/opinions on these builds and when shoukd these alterarions. Thanks once again for this guide, personally helped me out a lot!
stefanko (2) | February 9, 2024 10:02am
Hey, glad i could help. I always go trinity first(sometimes botrk), cause i think it gives your better laning phase stats than titanic as a first item. I would only go tiamat rush if i want to ignore enemy top and go proxy or catch waves and rotate. I'd never rush sund sky, i dont think its the optimal rush on Jax in any game.
Alberta Animal | August 15, 2023 12:24pm
Thoughts on Naafiri matchup?
stefanko (2) | August 15, 2023 5:32pm
Havent versed one yet, will update when i do. I think its free matchup from level 2 with lethal tempo, since she has no way to kite your e, so you can q on her off your e cooldown.
radu1233 | June 1, 2023 3:07am
Hey, I just wanted to ask what you think about the new rageblade and trinity and if you think they could work on jax. I love your guide btw it helped me go from a bronze 1 a month ago to gold pushing for plat right now.
stefanko (2) | June 1, 2023 7:19am
Divine is still a must go mythic for Jax as its just the strongest by far. With that build Jax would be too squishy, and Jax needs defensive stats, the only damage only items you can get away with are botrk and hydra. Happy to hear it helped, keep going :)
Zeppelix | March 24, 2023 1:23pm
Amazing guide, went from low master to mid grandmaster with Jax only this season. This helped me a lot.
stefanko (2) | March 24, 2023 1:24pm
Nice, hot
Er Saimon | March 16, 2023 3:24am
Top Guide! I would like to ask a questione about anti-heal. For the new Jax, what can we build? Thormail (But works only vs auto-attacks)? Morello or Chempunk? But Morello: dealing magic damage applies grievous wounds, and only W, E and the passive of R deals magic damage. And Chempunk: dealing physical damage applies grievous wounds, and only auto-attack and Q deals physical damage. Thanks for the guide!
stefanko (2) | March 16, 2023 6:03am
Thanks, i generally never build anti-heal unless i need it to match enemy side-lane as then my teammates heal reduction won't help. I let ignite do the job in the lane, and i don't like delaying mythic item spike. Your teammates that do aoe damage should be ones building it. However, since executioner, orb and bramble got buffed to reduce 40% from 25% its okay to rush executioner or bramble if you can't win the lane without them(depending on what feels better in the game), and sit on them till last item, and finish them as the last item.
Lilander | March 8, 2023 5:51am
Good Guide 💯💯🔥🔥
stefanko (2) | March 8, 2023 9:37am
Mpoulian | February 27, 2023 4:23am
Hello.Very nice guide.I would like to ask a question about boots.How come u never run lucidity boots into lanws where mercs arent needed? Steelcaps seem good but ability haste for e would provide more value even into mostly ad comps.cheaper also and summoner spell haste seems even better if u do not run teleport.
stefanko (2) | February 27, 2023 7:28am
Hey, i tried them many times, but having deffensive stats just feels better and stronger for me, just feels like steelcaps give me more value in lane.
Mpoulian | February 27, 2023 10:35am
Agreed but from what i see u are not rushing it so oftrn with magical footwear. Or u mean more value out of lane?
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AdderallXR30mg | January 20, 2023 7:17am
Really useful guide, specially for explaining the matchups. Got a few questions about some items tho if youll be kind to explain lol.
I watch ur replays kinda a lot for like a month now.

I see you never build Abyssal Mask which is an item I build often would like to know why you think is not worth it.
What do you think about running BORK with Iceborn Gauntlet?
Also titanic hydra.

Anyways thanks for the guide !!!
stefanko (2) | January 20, 2023 9:10am
Thanks mate,
there are better magic resist items for Jax, that also give you damage or attack speed, and Abyssal Mask is more of a tank rather than bruiser item, and also isn't really meta item atm.
Divine is just too good of an item to even consider any other mythic on Jax atm.
Also there are better hp items for Jax than titanic hydra, and you generally dont stack that much hp for it to be valuable buy. Jax also already has decent wave clear with his e, so titanic is just not a good option.
Tolis slayer (19) | January 8, 2023 3:59am
wait isnt shojin spear good on jax?
stefanko (2) | January 8, 2023 6:00am
I dont find it that good from what i tested, i would only build it if i need hp item, and i dont get good value out of black cleaver or steraks which happens really rarely. It doesnt really give you any noticable cooldown reduction, so i think it definitely doesnt have 3400 gold value.
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[14.14] Stefanko's Challenger In Depth Jax Guide

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