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I would like to ask your insighr/opinions on these builds and when shoukd these alterarions. Thanks once again for this guide, personally helped me out a lot!
I watch ur replays kinda a lot for like a month now.
I see you never build Abyssal Mask which is an item I build often would like to know why you think is not worth it.
What do you think about running BORK with Iceborn Gauntlet?
Also titanic hydra.
Anyways thanks for the guide !!!
there are better magic resist items for Jax, that also give you damage or attack speed, and Abyssal Mask is more of a tank rather than bruiser item, and also isn't really meta item atm.
Divine is just too good of an item to even consider any other mythic on Jax atm.
Also there are better hp items for Jax than titanic hydra, and you generally dont stack that much hp for it to be valuable buy. Jax also already has decent wave clear with his e, so titanic is just not a good option.