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Teamfight Tactics Item Cheat Sheet - Set 12, TFT Magic n Mayhem

How to get Teamfight Tactics Set 12 items, and what each TFT item does.

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B.F. Sword

+10% Attack Damage

+8% bonus dmg
Deal +25% dmg if target HP > 1600
At 60% HP become untargetable and shed debuffs, then gain 15% AS
Dmg heals holder and the lowest HP ally for 20% of the dmg dealt
+20% Omnivamp. At 40% HP, gain 25% max HP as shield for 5s
+5 mana per attk
At 60% HP, gain 25% max HP and 35% AD
Abilities can crit. +10% crit dmg if they already can
Holder gains the Sugarcraft trait

Recurve Bow

+10% Attack Speed

Deal +25% dmg if target HP > 1600
+6% dmg, attks and abilities deal 2% burn and 35% wound for 5s
Gain 2% AD & AP when you attack or take damage
Gain 5% AS per attack. Stacks infinitely.
Hit 1 additional target for 55% AD
Every 3rd atk deals 35 magic dmg and Shredding to 4 targets
+40% AS for 5s after casting an ability
Crits reduce armor by 30% for 3s
Holder gains the Pyro trait

Chain Vest

+20 Armor

At 60% HP become untargetable and shed debuffs, then gain 15% AS
Gain 2% AD & AP when you attack or take damage
8% reduced dmg from attks, deal 100 dmg when hit every 2s
Gain 30% max HP shield for 8s. Gain +35 AP once it expires
Gain 10 armor and MR for each attacker
At 40% HP, gain 25% max HP shield for 5s, 20 Armor and MR
Burn 1% enemy's HP and reduce healing by 33% for 10s
8% reduced dmg, at >50% HP, 15% reduced dmg
Holder gains the Frost trait

Needlessly Large Rod

+10 Ability Power

Dmg heals holder and the lowest HP ally for 20% of the dmg dealt
Gain 5% AS per attack. Stacks infinitely.
Gain 30% max HP shield for 8s. Gain +35 AP once it expires
20% bonus dmg
Enemies within 2 have -30% MR and take dmg on spellcast
+30 AP every 5s
Ability dmg burns 1% enemy HP & reduces healing
Abilities can crit. +10% crit dmg if they already can
Holder gains the Portal trait

Negatron Cloak

+20 Magic Resist

+20% Omnivamp. At 40% HP, gain 25% max HP as shield for 5s
Hit 1 additional target for 55% AD
Gain 10 armor and MR for each attacker
Enemies within 2 have -30% MR and take dmg on spellcast
Regen 5% max HP every 2s
Front 2 rows +40 AR and MR, back 2 rows +20 AP and +10 Mana every 3s
+25 AR and MR for 10s, 30% Sunder enemies within 2
+6% AS every 2s and CC immunity for 14s
Holder gains the Witchcraft trait

Tear of the Goddess

+15 Mana

+5 mana per attk
Every 3rd atk deals 35 magic dmg and Shredding to 4 targets
At 40% HP, gain 25% max HP shield for 5s, 20 Armor and MR
+30 AP every 5s
Front 2 rows +40 AR and MR, back 2 rows +20 AP and +10 Mana every 3s
Abilities cost 10 less mana. Gain 8% dmg for 8s after a takedown
Allies in 1 heal 15% HP every 5s and take 10% reduced dmg
Gain +15% AD / 15 AP. Heal 15% dmg dealt. One buff doubled at random
Holder gains the Faerie trait

Giant's Belt

+150 Health

At 60% HP, gain 25% max HP and 35% AD
+40% AS for 5s after casting an ability
Burn 1% enemy's HP and reduce healing by 33% for 10s
Ability dmg burns 1% enemy HP & reduces healing
+25 AR and MR for 10s, 30% Sunder enemies within 2
Allies in 1 heal 15% HP every 5s and take 10% reduced dmg
12% bonus max health
After dmg, abilities and attks deal 25% bonus dmg for 3s
Holder gains the Eldritch trait

Sparring Gloves

+20% Critical Strike Chance

Abilities can crit. +10% crit dmg if they already can
Crits reduce armor by 30% for 3s
8% reduced dmg, at >50% HP, 15% reduced dmg
Abilities can crit. +10% crit dmg if they already can
+6% AS every 2s and CC immunity for 14s
Gain +15% AD / 15 AP. Heal 15% dmg dealt. One buff doubled at random
After dmg, abilities and attks deal 25% bonus dmg for 3s
Equip 2 random items. Consumes 3 slots
Holder gains the Honeymancy trait


It must do something...

Holder gains the Sugarcraft trait
Holder gains the Pyro trait
Holder gains the Frost trait
Holder gains the Portal trait
Holder gains the Witchcraft trait
Holder gains the Faerie trait
Holder gains the Eldritch trait
Holder gains the Honeymancy trait
+1 unit cap
+55% Attack Damage

Deal 8% bonus damage
+30% Attack Damage
+10% Attack Speed
+20 Ability Power

Deal 25% more damage to enemies with more than 1750 maximum Health.
+10% Attack Damage
+20 Armor

Once per combat: At 60% Health, briefly become untargetable and shed negative effects. Then, gain 15% bonus Attack Speed.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
+15 Ability Power
+15% Attack Damage

Grant 20% Omnivamp, which also heals the lowest percent Health ally.
+20% Attack Damage
+20 Ability Power
+20 Magic Resist

Grant 20% Omnivamp. Once per combat at 40% Health, gain a 25% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 5 seconds.
+20% Attack Damage
+20 Ability Power
+15 Starting Mana

Attacks restores 5 additional mana.
+15% Attack Damage
+200 Health

Once per combat at 60% Health, gain 25% max Health and 35% Attack Damage.
+35% Attack Damage
+35% Critical Strike Chance

Abilities can critically strike. If the holder's abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% Critical Strike Damage instead.
+10% Attack Damage

The holder gains the Sugarcraft trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
+40% Attack Speed

Deal 6% bonus damage. Attacks and Abilities 1% Burn and 33% Wound enemies for 5 seconds.
+10% Attack Speed
+20 Armor

Grants 2% Attack Damage and 2 Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to 25 times. At full stacks, grant 20 Armor and 20 Magic Resist.
+10 Ability Power
+15% Attack Speed

Attacks grant 5% stacking Attack Speed.
+25% Attack Damage
+10% Attack Speed
+20 Magic Resist

Attacks fire a bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing 55% attack damage as physical damage.
+20% Attack Speed
+15 Starting Mana
+15 Ability Power

Every 3rd attack unleashes chain lightning that bounces to 4 enemies, dealing 35 magic damage and 30% Shredding them for 5 seconds.
+10% Attack Speed
+30 Ability Power
+150 Health

After casting an Ability, gain 40% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.
+15% Attack Damage
+25% Attack Speed
+20% Critical Strike Chance

Any physical damage dealt 30% Sunders the target for 3 seconds. This effect does not stack.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
+10% Attack Speed

The holder gains the Pyro trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
+55 Armor

Take 8% reduced damage from attacks. When struck by any attack, deal 100 magic damage to all adjacent enemies. (once every 2 seconds). Grants 5% max health.
+20 Ability Power
+20 Armor
+100 Health

Combat start: Gain a 30% max Health Shield for 8 seconds. When the shield expires, gain 35 Ability Power.
+100 Health
+30 Armor
+30 Magic Resist

Grants 10 Armor and 10 Magic Resist for each enemy targeting the holder.
+20 Armor
+30 Starting Mana

Once per combat: At 40% Health, gain a 25% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 5 seconds and 20 Armor and Magic Resist for the rest of combat.
+250 Health
+20 Armor

Every 2 seconds, an enemy within 2 hexes is 1% Burned and 33% Wounded for 10 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
+20 Armor
+250 Health
+20% Critical Strike Chance

Take 8% less damage. While above 50% Health, take 15% less damage, instead.
+20 Armor

The holder gains the Frost trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
+50 Ability Power

Deal 20% bonus damage.
+150 Health
+15 Ability Power
+25 Magic Resist

30% Shred enemies within 2 hexes. When enemies cast an Ability, they are also zapped for magic damage equal to 160% of their maximum Mana.
+20 Ability Power
+15 Starting Mana

Combat start: Grant 30 Ability Power every 5 seconds.
+25 Ability Power
+150 Health
+10% Attack Speed

Ability damage deals 1% Burn and 33% Wound to enemies for 10 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
+35 Ability Power
+35% Critical Strike Chance

If the holder's abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% Critical Strike Damage instead.
+10% Ability Power

The holder gains the Portal trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
+65 Magic Resist

Every 2 seconds, regenerate 2.5% maximum Health. Gain 9% max health.
+20 Magic Resist
+15 Starting Mana
+15 Ability Power

Combat start: Gain different bonuses based on starting position.
Front Two Rows: 40 Armor and Magic Resist. Gain 1 Mana when struck by an attack.
Back Two Rows: 20 Ability Power. Gain 10 Mana every 3 seconds.
+150 Health
+20 Magic Resist

30% Sunder enemies within 2 hexes. Gain 25 Armor and Magic Resist for the first 10 seconds of combat.
+30% Attack Speed
+20 Magic Resist
+20% Critical Strike Chance

Combat start: Gain immunity to crowd control for 14 seconds. During this time, gain 4% Attack Speed every 2 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
+20 Magic Resist

The holder gains the Witchcraft trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
+20% Attack Damage
+20 Starting Mana
+20 Ability Power

Max mana reduced by 10. When the holder gets a takedown, they deal 8% more damage for 8 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
+150 Health
+15 Starting Mana

Heal allies within 1 hex for 15% of their missing Health every 5 seconds. They also take 10% less damage for 5 seconds (damage reduction does not stack).
+15 Starting Mana
+20% Critical Strike Chance

Grant 2 effects:
+15% Attack Damage and +15 Ability Power
15% Omnivamp

Each round, randomly double 1 of these effects.
+15 Mana

The holder gains the Faerie trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
+600 Health

Gain 12% max health.
+150 Health
+20% Critical Strike Chance
+10 Ability Power
+20% Attack Speed

After damaging a shielded enemy, Abilities and attacks deal 25% more damage for 3 seconds.
+150 Health

The holder gains the Eldritch trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
+20% Critical Strike Chance
+300 Health

Each round: Equip 2 random items. Consumes 3 item slots.
+20% Critical Chance

The holder gains the Honeymancy trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
+3% Attack Damage
+3% Ability Power
+3% Attack Speed
+3% Amor & Magic Resist
+3% Mana
+33 Health

Increases your unit cap by 1.

TFT Item Cheat Sheet

Use the item chart above to quickly find the items you need in your TFT matches! We all know how little time you have between rounds of TFT to plan out what you will do with your items. That’s where our cheat sheet comes in. Updated for Set 12 - TFT Magic n Mayhem

You can click on the Item Filter to keep track of what items you currently own, and easily see what advanced items you can create with them! We use the cheat sheet format to fit all the information you could possibly need on the screen, so you can read what an item does without having to tab out of Teamfight Tactics and hover or click on the items.

Win more games and stress less by using our TFT item chart. If you're here to read what each TFT item does ahead of time we also have a complete list of every item in Teamfight Tactics below.


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Adaptive Helm +20 Magic Resist
+15 Starting Mana
+15 Ability Power

Combat start: Gain different bonuses based on starting position.
Front Two Rows: 40 Armor and Magic Resist. Gain 1 Mana when struck by an attack.
Back Two Rows: 20 Ability Power. Gain 10 Mana every 3 seconds.
Archangel's Staff +20 Ability Power
+15 Starting Mana

Combat start: Grant 30 Ability Power every 5 seconds.
Bloodthirster +20% Attack Damage
+20 Ability Power
+20 Magic Resist

Grant 20% Omnivamp. Once per combat at 40% Health, gain a 25% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 5 seconds.
Blue Buff +20% Attack Damage
+20 Starting Mana
+20 Ability Power

Max mana reduced by 10. When the holder gets a takedown, they deal 8% more damage for 8 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Bramble Vest +55 Armor

Take 8% reduced damage from attacks. When struck by any attack, deal 100 magic damage to all adjacent enemies. (once every 2 seconds). Grants 5% max health.
Crownguard +20 Ability Power
+20 Armor
+100 Health

Combat start: Gain a 30% max Health Shield for 8 seconds. When the shield expires, gain 35 Ability Power.
Deathblade +55% Attack Damage

Deal 8% bonus damage
Dragon's Claw +65 Magic Resist

Every 2 seconds, regenerate 2.5% maximum Health. Gain 9% max health.
Edge of Night +10% Attack Damage
+20 Armor

Once per combat: At 60% Health, briefly become untargetable and shed negative effects. Then, gain 15% bonus Attack Speed.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Evenshroud +150 Health
+20 Magic Resist

30% Sunder enemies within 2 hexes. Gain 25 Armor and Magic Resist for the first 10 seconds of combat.
Gargoyle Stoneplate +100 Health
+30 Armor
+30 Magic Resist

Grants 10 Armor and 10 Magic Resist for each enemy targeting the holder.
Giant Slayer +30% Attack Damage
+10% Attack Speed
+20 Ability Power

Deal 25% more damage to enemies with more than 1750 maximum Health.
Guardbreaker +150 Health
+20% Critical Strike Chance
+10 Ability Power
+20% Attack Speed

After damaging a shielded enemy, Abilities and attacks deal 25% more damage for 3 seconds.
Guinsoo's Rageblade +10 Ability Power
+15% Attack Speed

Attacks grant 5% stacking Attack Speed.
Hand of Justice +15 Starting Mana
+20% Critical Strike Chance

Grant 2 effects:
+15% Attack Damage and +15 Ability Power
15% Omnivamp

Each round, randomly double 1 of these effects.
Hextech Gunblade +15 Ability Power
+15% Attack Damage

Grant 20% Omnivamp, which also heals the lowest percent Health ally.
Infinity Edge +35% Attack Damage
+35% Critical Strike Chance

Abilities can critically strike. If the holder's abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% Critical Strike Damage instead.
Ionic Spark +150 Health
+15 Ability Power
+25 Magic Resist

30% Shred enemies within 2 hexes. When enemies cast an Ability, they are also zapped for magic damage equal to 160% of their maximum Mana.
Jeweled Gauntlet +35 Ability Power
+35% Critical Strike Chance

If the holder's abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% Critical Strike Damage instead.
Last Whisper +15% Attack Damage
+25% Attack Speed
+20% Critical Strike Chance

Any physical damage dealt 30% Sunders the target for 3 seconds. This effect does not stack.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Morellonomicon +25 Ability Power
+150 Health
+10% Attack Speed

Ability damage deals 1% Burn and 33% Wound to enemies for 10 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Nashor's Tooth +10% Attack Speed
+30 Ability Power
+150 Health

After casting an Ability, gain 40% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.
Protector's Vow +20 Armor
+30 Starting Mana

Once per combat: At 40% Health, gain a 25% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 5 seconds and 20 Armor and Magic Resist for the rest of combat.
Quicksilver +30% Attack Speed
+20 Magic Resist
+20% Critical Strike Chance

Combat start: Gain immunity to crowd control for 14 seconds. During this time, gain 4% Attack Speed every 2 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Rabadon's Deathcap +50 Ability Power

Deal 20% bonus damage.
Red Buff +40% Attack Speed

Deal 6% bonus damage. Attacks and Abilities 1% Burn and 33% Wound enemies for 5 seconds.
Redemption +150 Health
+15 Starting Mana

Heal allies within 1 hex for 15% of their missing Health every 5 seconds. They also take 10% less damage for 5 seconds (damage reduction does not stack).
Runaan's Hurricane +25% Attack Damage
+10% Attack Speed
+20 Magic Resist

Attacks fire a bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing 55% attack damage as physical damage.
Spear of Shojin +20% Attack Damage
+20 Ability Power
+15 Starting Mana

Attacks restores 5 additional mana.
Statikk Shiv +20% Attack Speed
+15 Starting Mana
+15 Ability Power

Every 3rd attack unleashes chain lightning that bounces to 4 enemies, dealing 35 magic damage and 30% Shredding them for 5 seconds.
Steadfast Heart +20 Armor
+250 Health
+20% Critical Strike Chance

Take 8% less damage. While above 50% Health, take 15% less damage, instead.
Sterak's Gage +15% Attack Damage
+200 Health

Once per combat at 60% Health, gain 25% max Health and 35% Attack Damage.
Sunfire Cape +250 Health
+20 Armor

Every 2 seconds, an enemy within 2 hexes is 1% Burned and 33% Wounded for 10 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Tactician's Crown +3% Attack Damage
+3% Ability Power
+3% Attack Speed
+3% Amor & Magic Resist
+3% Mana
+33 Health

Increases your unit cap by 1.
Thief's Gloves +20% Critical Strike Chance
+300 Health

Each round: Equip 2 random items. Consumes 3 item slots.
Titan's Resolve +10% Attack Speed
+20 Armor

Grants 2% Attack Damage and 2 Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to 25 times. At full stacks, grant 20 Armor and 20 Magic Resist.
Warmog's Armor +600 Health

Gain 12% max health.


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Forbidden Idol +200 Health
+25 Armor
+25 Magic Resist

Shields have 50% of their value converted to max Health instead.
Anima Visage +25 Magic Resist
+450 Health

Heal 2.5% max Health every second.
Blacksmith's Gloves +200 Health
+30% Critical Chance

Each round: Equip 2 random Ornn Artifacts.

[Consumes 3 item slots]
Blighting Jewel +40 Ability Power

Dealing magic damage reduces the target's Magic Resist by 4. If their Magic Resist is 0, grant the holder 5 Mana instead.
Corrupt Vampiric Scepter +60% Attack Speed

Attacks deal an additional 50% Attack Damage as physical damage and heal the holder for the damage dealt. The holder cannot cast their Ability or gain Mana.
Death's Defiance +10% Attack Damage
+30 Armor
+25% Attack Speed
+25% Omnivamp

50% of the damage the holder receives is instead dealt over 4 seconds as non-lethal damage.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Deathfire Grasp +15 Mana
+50 Ability Power

Combat start: Blast the current target for 20% of their max Health as magic damage.

For the next 10 seconds, gain 25% Damage Amp. Against the blasted target this is increased to 35%.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Eternal Winter +200 Health
+20 Armor

Enemies who damage the holder are 20% Chilled for 1.5 seconds. After 7 Chills from this them, the attacker is Stunned instead. (Cooldown: 15 seconds).

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Fishbones +35% Attack Speed
+35% Attack Damage

Doubles the holder's attack range, and causes each of their attacks to target a random enemy.
Gambler's Blade +10 Ability Power
+40% Attack Speed

Grant 1% bonus Attack Speed per gold in your bank (up to 30 gold). Each attack has a 4% chance to drop 1 gold.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Gold Collector +20% Attack Damage
+30% Crit Chance

Attacks and Abilities execute enemies below 12% of their max Health. Executions have a 40% chance to drop 1 gold .

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Horizon Focus +250 Health
+15 Mana
+20 Armor
+20 Magic Resist

Stunning an enemy causes lightning to strike them, dealing 30% of their max Health as magic damage.
Hullcrusher +35 Armor
+35 Magic Resist
+30% Attack Speed

Combat start: If there are no adjacent allies, gain 600 Health.
Infinity Force +250 Health
+25 Mana
+25% Attack Damage
+25 Ability Power
+25 Armor
+25 Magic Resist
+25% Attack Speed
Innervating Locket +150 Health
+15 Mana

The holder gains 2% of their total Mana whenever they're hit by an attack. Each cast restores 20% of the holder's max Health over 3 seconds.
Lich Bane +15 Mana
+30 Ability Power

The holder's first attack after each Ability cast deals 200-480 bonus magic damage. Damage increases based on Stage.
Lightshield Crest +50 Armor
+50 Magic Resist

Every 3 seconds, Shields the lowest percent Health ally for 50% of the holder's combined Armor and Magic Resist. On death grants this shield to all allies.
Luden's Tempest +40% Attack Damage
+40 Ability Power

100% of overkill damage plus 100 is dealt as magic damage to the three enemies nearest the target.
Manazane +15 Mana
+15% Attack Damage
+15% Attack Speed
+10 Ability Power

After casting the first time in combat, gain 120 Mana over 5 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Mittens +60% Attack Speed

Shrinks the holder, granting them increased movement speed and immunity to Chill.
Mogul's Mail +150 Health

Grants 1 Armor, 1 Magic Resist, and 7 Health when taking damage, stacking up to 35 times. At full stacks, grant 1 gold and continue gaining 1 gold every 5 seconds.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Prowler's Claw +40% Attack Damage
+30% Critical Chance

After killing a target, shed negative effects and dash to the farthest target within 4 hexes. The next 2 critical attacks deal 60% bonus Critical Strike Damage.
Rapid Firecannon +75% Attack Speed

Gain +1 Attack Range, increased by 1 whenever the holder kills an enemy.
Seeker's Armguard +30 Ability Power
+30 Armor
+30 Magic Resist

Takedowns increase the holder's Armor, Magic Resist, and Ability Power by 10, increased to 15 if they score the kill.
Silvermere Dawn +165% Attack Damage
+50 Armor
+50 Magic Resist

Grants immunity to Stuns and the holder's attacks Stun the target for 0.8 seconds. The holder's Attack Speed is locked at 0.5.
Sniper's Focus +15% Attack Damage
+15 Ability Power
+15% Attack Speed
+1 Range

Gain +1 Attack Range. Gain 9% Damage Amp against a target for each hex between the holder and the target.
Spectral Cutlass +40% Attack Damage
+20% Critical Chance

Combat start: Teleport the holder to the mirrored hex on the enemy's side of the board. After 8 seconds, the holder returns to their original location.
Suspicious Trench Coat +100 Health
+25% Attack Speed

Once per combat at 50% Health, the holder splits into 3 copies of themself each with 33% of their max Health.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Talisman Of Ascension +300 Health
+20% Attack Damage
+20 Ability Power

After 22 seconds gain 100% max Health and 120% increased damage for the rest of combat.
Tricksters Glass +10 Armor
+10 Magic Resist
+10% Attack Speed
+15% Crit Chance

Summon a clone with 70% maximum Health and 30% increased max Mana. You cannot equip items to the clone. The clone benefits from active traits.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Unending Despair +400 Health
+40 Armor

Whenever a Shield on the holder breaks, 125% of that Shield's initial value is dealt to the nearest enemy as magic damage.
Wit's End +30% Attack Speed
+30 Mana

Attacks deal 42-100 bonus magic damage. Heals the holder for 35% of all magic damage dealt. Damage increases based on Stage.
Zhonya's Paradox +45 Ability Power
+30 Armor
+30 Magic Resist

Once per combat: At 40% Health, become invulnerable for 3 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]

Elusive Emblem

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Preserver Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Preserver trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Arcana Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Arcana trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Bastion Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Bastion trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Blaster Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Blaster trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Chrono Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Chrono trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Hunter Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Altruist trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Incantor Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Incantor trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Mage Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Mage trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Multistriker Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Multistriker trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Scholar Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Scholar trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Shapeshifter Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Shapeshifter trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Vanguard Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Vanguard trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Warrior Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Warrior trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]


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Covalent Spark +350 Health
+15 Ability Power
+50 Magic Resist

30% Shred enemies within 3 hexes. When enemies cast an Ability, deal magic damage equal to 200% of the Mana spent. Also, heal 1.5% max Health per second.
Runaan's Tempest +35% Attack Damage
+20% Attack Speed
+20 Magic Resist

Attacks fire a bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing 110% Attack Damage as physical damage.
Absolution +400 Health
+15 Mana

Heal allies within 2 hexes for 25% of their missing Health every 5 seconds. They also gain 10% Durability for 5 seconds (this does not stack).
Blessed Bloodthirster +40% Attack Damage
+30 Ability Power
+20 Magic Resist
+40% Omnivamp

Once per combat: At 40% Health, gain a 40% max Health Shield that lasts up to 5 seconds.
Blue Blessing +20 Mana
+60 Ability Power
+60% Attack Damage

Max mana reduce by 10. When the holder gets a takedown, they deal 20% more damage for 12 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Brink of Dawn +30% Attack Damage
+30 Armor

Once per combat: At 60% Health, briefly become untargetable and shed negative effects. Then, heal 100% missing health and gain 85% bonus Attack Speed.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Bulwark's Oath +30 Mana
+40 Armor

Once per combat at 40% Health, gain a 50% max Health shield that lasts 10 seconds and gain 60 Armor and Magic Resist.
Crest of Cinders +60% Attack Speed
+5% Damage Amplification

Attacks and Abilities 2% Burn and 33% Wound enemies for 5 seconds.
Demonslayer +50% Attack Damage
+40 Ability Power
+10% Attack Speed

Gain 40% Damage Amp against enemies with more than 1750 max Health.
Dragon's Will +115 Magic Resist

Gain 15% max health. Every 2 seconds, regenerate 10% max Health.
Dvarapala Stoneplate +250 Health
+50 Armor
+50 Magic Resist

Gain 15 Armor and 15 Magic Resist for each enemy targeting the holder. Also, heal 1.5% max Health each second.
Equinox +500 Health
+30 Magic Resist

30% Sunder enemies within 3 hexes. Grant 50 Armor and Magic Resist for the first 15 seconds of combat.
Eternal Whisper +45% Attack Damage
+25% Attack Speed
+55% Crit Chance

Physical damage 30% Sunders the target for the rest of combat. This effect does not stack.
Fist of Fairness +40% Critical Chance
+30% Omnivamp

Gain 2 effects:
- 60% Attack Damage and 60 Ability Power.
- 30% Omnivamp
Glamorous Gauntlet +65 Ability Power
+75% Critical Chance

Ability can critically strike. If the holder's abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% Critical Strike Damage instead.
Guinsoo's Reckoning +10 Ability Power
+20% Attack Speed

Attacks grant +10% stacking Attack Speed.
Hextech Lifeblade Heal the lowest percent Health ally for 35% of damage dealt.
Jak'sho the Protean +25 Ability Power
+15 Mana
+30 Magic Resist

Combat Start: Gain different bonuses based on starting position.
Front Two Rows: 80 Armor and Magic Resist. Gain 2 Mana when struck by an attack.
Back Two Rows: 55 Ability Power. Gain 20 Mana every 3 seconds.
Legacy of the Colossus +500 Health
+40 Armor
+20% Critical Chance

Gain 16% Durability. While above 40% Health, instead gain 30% Durability.
Luminous Deathblade +105% Attack Damage
+12% Damage Amp

+105% Attack Damage, +12% Damage Amp
More More-ellonomicon +150 Health
+50 Ability Power
+25% Attack Speed

Attacks and Abilities deal 2% Burn and 33% Wound to enemies for 30 seconds.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Quickestsilver +30 Magic Resist
+50% Attack Speed
+40% Critical Chance

Combat start: Gain immunity to crowd control for 30 seconds. For 14 seconds, gain 9% Attack Speed every 2 seconds.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Rabadon's Ascended Deathcap +70 Ability Power
+50% Damage Amplification
Rascal's Gloves +150 Health
+20% Critical Chance

Each round: Equip 2 random Radiant items.

[Consumes 3 item slots]
Rosethorn Vest +120 Armor

Gain 8% max health. Take 25% reduced damage from attacks. When struck by an attack, deal 175 magic damage to all adjacent enemies (2s cooldown).
Royal Crownshield +350 Health
+50 Ability Power
+40 Armor

Combat start: Gain a 50% max health Shield for 8 seconds. When the shield expires, gain 50 Ability Power.
Spear of Hirana +50% Attack Damage
+20 Mana
+50 Ability Power

Attacks grant 10 bonus Mana.
Statikk Favor +15 Mana
+50 Ability Power
+20% Attack Speed

Every 3rd attack deals 80 magic damage and 30% Shreds 8 enemies for 5 seconds.
Sterak's Megashield +400 Health
+30% Attack Damage

Once per combat at 60% Health, gain 40% max Health and 60% Attack Damage.
Sunlight Cape +300 Health
+20 Armor

Every 1.5 seconds, deal 2% Burn and 33% Wound to an enemy within 3 hexes for 30 seconds.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
The Baron's Gift +200 Health
+55 Ability Power
+20% Attack Speed

After casting an Ability, gain 80% Attack Speed for 8 seconds.
Titan's Vow +35 Armor
+30% Attack Speed

Grant 3% Attack Damage 2 Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to 25 times. At full stacks, gain 50 Armor and Magic Resist.
Urf-Angel's Staff +15 Mana
+50 Ability Power

Combat start: Gain 40 Ability Power every 4 seconds in combat.
Warmog's Pride +1000 Health

Gain 20% max health. Heal 1.5% max Health per second.
Willbreaker +150 Health
+40% Attack Speed
+30 Ability Power
+20% Critical Chance

After damaging a Shield, gain 50% Damage Amp for 3 seconds.
Zenith Edge +65% Attack Damage

Ability can critically strike. If the holder's abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% Critical Strike Damage instead.


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Aegis of the Legion +250 Health

Combat start: Grant 25% Attack Speed and 15 Armor and Magic Resist to the holder, adjacent allies, and all allies behind them for 12 seconds.
Banshee's Veil +250 Health

Combat Start: Grant the holder and all allies within 1 hexes in the same row immunity to crowd control and 25% Attack Speed for 18 seconds.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Chalice of Power +250 Health

Combat start: Grant 25 Ability Power and 10 Mana to the holder and allies within 2 hexes in the same row.
Knights Vow +250 Health

Combat start: Grant 200 Health and 15% Omnivamp to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row.
Locket of the Iron Solari +250 Health

Combat start: The holder and allies within 2 hexes in the same row gain a 250 Shield, 20 Armor, and 20 Magic Resist for 20 seconds.
Moonstone Renewer +250 Health

Every 4 seconds, grant a 60-360 Shield (based on Stage) to the 2 lowest percent health allies for 4 seconds.
Needlessly Big Gem +250 Health

Your team deals 5% bonus damage. Each second the holder is alive, your team deals an additional 1% bonus damage, up to a total of 20%.
Obsidian Cleaver +250 Health

Damage dealt 30% Shreds and 30% Sunders enemies for 15 seconds. Your team gains 8% Attack Damage and 8 Ability Power.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Randuin's Omen +250 Health

Combat start: Grant 30 Armor and 30 Magic Resistance to the holder and adjacent allies.
Shroud of Stillness +250 Health

Combat start: Shoot a beam that 30% Mana Reaves enemies. Your team gains 60 Health.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Spite +250 Health

Combat start: The holder and all adjacent allies gain 20% Attack Damage and 20 Ability Power.

When the holder dies, Stun all enemies within 2-hexes for 2 seconds.
The Eternal Flame +250 Health

While the holder is alive, all enemies are 33% Wounded and all allies deal 8% Damage Amp. This effect refreshes every 5 seconds.
Unstable Treasure Chest +250 Health

When the holder dies, the 3 closest allies gain a temporary completed item.
Virtue of the Martyr +250 Health

Every 5 seconds, heal your team for 7% of their max Health. When the holder dies, the healing increases to 14% max Health for 2 extra heals.
Zeke's Herald +250 Health

Combat start: Grant 30% Attack Speed to the holder and allies within 2 hexes in the same row.
Zephyr +250 Health

Combat start: Summon a whirlwind on the opposite side of the arena that removes the closest enemy from combat for 5 seconds. Your team gains 8% Attack Speed.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Zz'Rot Portal +250 Health

Summon a large Voidspawn. Its strength increases with each Stage.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]


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B.F. Sword +10% Attack Damage
Chain Vest +20 Armor
Giant's Belt +150 Health
Needlessly Large Rod +10 Ability Power
Negatron Cloak +20 Magic Resist
Recurve Bow +10% Attack Speed
Sparring Gloves +20% Critical Strike Chance
Spatula It must do something...
Tear of the Goddess +15 Mana

Craftable Emblem

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Eldritch Emblem +150 Health

The holder gains the Eldritch trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Faerie Emblem +15 Mana

The holder gains the Faerie trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Frost Emblem +20 Armor

The holder gains the Frost trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Honeymancy Emblem +20% Critical Chance

The holder gains the Honeymancy trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Portal Emblem +10% Ability Power

The holder gains the Portal trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Pyro Emblem +10% Attack Speed

The holder gains the Pyro trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Sugarcraft Emblem +10% Attack Damage

The holder gains the Sugarcraft trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]
Witchcraft Emblem +20 Magic Resist

The holder gains the Witchcraft trait.

[Unique - only 1 per champion.]


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Faerie Crown After dealing damage 12 times, gain % Damage Amp for the rest of combat.

Only Faeries can hold this item.
Queenguard's Armor Gain 35% increased healing and shielding. Heal for 15% of the Queen's damage dealt.

Only Faeries can hold this item.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide