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Lookin through this guide was quite fun! Glad to see that there's variety offered too! Enough to the point of givin me motivation to peer deeper to see what could work with this champion.
I ran the old Skarner from AP to Lethality- I loved how versatile is, and do not enjoy how one dimensional the new one is. But fair to say this has sparked me to see how the more 'odd ball' items work on him!
Well written guide!
With this said, building either of those second after Sundered Sky instead sounds like a much better plan. I've hesitated to recommend Sundered thus far because it got nerfed hard this patch, but if the item doesn't stop being as strong then it might be inevitable that I will suggest a build path centered around it.
I'm playing Skarner with heartsteel + titanic hydra, feels good with hail of blades. What do you think about it?
Also, did you consider sundered sky instead of shojin? Just for +dmg and heal instead of haste (just bc hail of blades in my case).
I appreciate your thoughts! great guide :)
As a matter of fact, I've been trying out sundered sky in a few games lately and can confirm that it is pretty decent for when you want consistent damage. The thing is, it is about to get nerfed heavily in patch 14.9 so I'm holding out on those going live because it will most likely not be as good anymore in a matter of days
Thanks for your help with this guide ! Can I have your in name game to check games you played to improve myself ?
Have a good day <3
With this said, worrying about early game with this set up is the wrong thing to do to begin with. Anyone who wants to stomp early game and disregard scaling should just avoid playing Skarner
You asked for a guide review from my review service, so here it is. Apologies for the delay.
I'll say this to you as well. Thank you! Thank you for updating the guide actively!
I made my own guide before when nobody was updating theirs- so that Skarner players could have something to grasp onto when in need of help. Now far better players (such as you) have started updating their guides!
Now all new and old Skarner players can get the help they need!