Nice, but i would also like i know if the Guide Writters will be rewarded at all in the future for how much Traffic/Views their Guides Generate, having a guide that is seen by thousands every day should offer you something instead of only just recognition. Still, this is a nice start and its pretty nice to have something to wait for at the end of the month ^^.
How long does it take for the list to update? I'm not on it at all (I went through all 17 pages) despite the fact that I meet enough criteria to have at least 45 points, unless you can't get points for having a guide with a score of 75-85% and over 85% (even then I should have at least 40 because my guide has been updated)?
What if you already own
Gatekeeper Galio
How long does it take for the list to update? I'm not on it at all (I went through all 17 pages) despite the fact that I meet enough criteria to have at least 45 points, unless you can't get points for having a guide with a score of 75-85% and over 85% (even then I should have at least 40 because my guide has been updated)?
What if you already own

@HAMMERSLAYER this is part of a rewards system that we'll be evolving over time, so keep an eye on it! :) We have plenty more ideas, but we wanted to get started with a "version 1" and go from there.
@The_Nameless_Bard right now it updates hourly. We may be able to increase that though, we just want to keep an eye on how it affects the servers and if it needs any optimizing. I see on your profile that you have points, so it is working. I'll take a look and see if it's giving you the wrong points though.
I'd just like to mention that this is a bit of an open beta for the system. There will be some bugs and ticket counts may fluctuate as we fix and adjust things. Don't worry though, it recounts from scratch every hour, so you will not lose any tickets due to bugs provided we fix them before the contest ends!
@The_Nameless_Bard right now it updates hourly. We may be able to increase that though, we just want to keep an eye on how it affects the servers and if it needs any optimizing. I see on your profile that you have points, so it is working. I'll take a look and see if it's giving you the wrong points though.
I'd just like to mention that this is a bit of an open beta for the system. There will be some bugs and ticket counts may fluctuate as we fix and adjust things. Don't worry though, it recounts from scratch every hour, so you will not lose any tickets due to bugs provided we fix them before the contest ends!
Even assuming those points are accurate, I'm still not on the list. Also, if the score shown on all the lists isn't accurate, it should be altered or removed. It's misleading to show a guide has a score of 90% for months on end (because it has), but then not give points for it because apparently that's not what the score actually is. Especially because, despite the way it's supposed to work, the vote decay system primarily screws over guides that have less than 50 votes rather than dealing with the ones that have hundreds or even thousands of votes that appear to still be contributing to their scores after years.
Don't worry, it's likely the formula in the contest code that's wrong. Give me a little bit I'm still looking in to it. There is a bit of code for each contest rule that pulls guides/comments and sums up tickets, and our guide scores are quite complex. I probably just slipped up with the score calculation in the contest code. Once it's fixed, your ticket counts will automatically get corrected.
The fact that you're not showing in the list is strange, but like I said, there are going to be a few bugs. I'll get it sorted shortly, you won't lose out on any tickets.
Edit: I didn't see your comment edit about scores until after I replied. I don't want to derail this thread in to a guide score discussion, so I suggest starting a separate support thread if you like, and we'll be happy to address your concerns about guide scores separately there. However, the vote decay is there specifically to deal with guides that have years of votes. Those old votes are not counted in their scores.
The fact that you're not showing in the list is strange, but like I said, there are going to be a few bugs. I'll get it sorted shortly, you won't lose out on any tickets.
Edit: I didn't see your comment edit about scores until after I replied. I don't want to derail this thread in to a guide score discussion, so I suggest starting a separate support thread if you like, and we'll be happy to address your concerns about guide scores separately there. However, the vote decay is there specifically to deal with guides that have years of votes. Those old votes are not counted in their scores.
You need to log in before commenting.
Every month we will be giving away a prize via a raffle. It's easy to earn points, just go about your regular business! You will earn varying amounts of points for writing a build or guide, updating a build or guide, reaching a score threshold on your build or guide, responding to comments on your build or guide, and even commenting on other member's builds and guides for the guide reviewers out there!
You can find your current points for each month in a tracker on your profile page, and the points will be updated roughly every hour. You can also check the Rewards Leaderboard by clicking the link on your points tracker to see who has the top 10 most points so far this month!
Point values and how often you can get points are subject to change since this is a work in progress, but the current values are listed below.
Please keep in mind this is very much a work in progress! Point values may be adjusted during the contest as we iron things out. Also, if you have any suggestions or feedback please let us know. We'd love to expand on the system and hear what you guys would like to see. :)
The difference between a guide and a build is determined by character limit. "Guides" have 5000+ characters (characters, not words), this includes BBCode. Builds are anything under that limit.
Any attempts to subvert or cheat the system will get you disqualified from this month's giveaway, and repeated attempts may get you banned from future giveaways entirely. Keep in mind that you must follow our General Rules & Guidelines with your comments and guides. This includes rules against spamming, character count cheating, and operating multiple accounts, among others.
So what happens with all those points you earn each month? They enter you into a monthly giveaway! For each point you will have 1 "ticket" in the monthly giveaway. Even if you only have 1 point you still have a chance to win the monthly prize. The amount of winners each month will vary depending on the prize, but for this month we'll have 10 winners! Each winner will receive the following prizes:
In celebration of Galio's upcoming rework we're giving away
These are all the prizes that will be available for the month of March! At the end of the month everyone's reward points will be reset and a new monthly giveaway will start! Stay tuned each month for the new prizes.
NOTE: Even though we aren't launching this month's contest at the beginning of March, points will be rewarded based on the entirety of your March activity. So, the points you are seeing in your profiles and on the leaderboard now are based on your site activity from March 1st to now.
We want MOBAFire to be as fun and enjoyable as possible, and we hope this new rewards system spices up your MOBAFire Experience.
As always please drop us a comment with your thoughts and suggestions. We'd love to hear what you guys like about this update, any ideas you have to expand on this new feature, and even if you don't like this update. Don't be shy, comment below!