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Aurora Build Guide by Niemi

Top Aurora's Arcane Grimoire: Unleash the Bunny Mage

Top Aurora's Arcane Grimoire: Unleash the Bunny Mage

Updated on July 31, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Niemi Build Guide By Niemi 51 9 139,711 Views 7 Comments
51 9 139,711 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Niemi Aurora Build Guide By Niemi Updated on July 31, 2024
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Runes: Fleet Footwork

1 2 3 4
Fleet Footwork
Absorb Life
Legend: Haste
Cut Down

Manaflow Band

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
Flash + TP
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Aurora's Arcane Grimoire: Unleash the Bunny Mage

By Niemi
Table of Contents

Hello everyone, I am Niemi, a toplane off-meta enthusiast, who enjoys Thresh, Briar and now Aurora top.

Personally I was hooked on Aurora as soon as I saw her in the spirit of Hearth-home event.
When her gameplay was first revealed I was quite intrigued. Her abilities are really strong and she has the holy grail of a 3-hit passive

Anyway this guide is for those who wish to play Aurora as a toplaner and to help you grasp the best builds, runes and what the character is good or weak at.(In my opinion ofc)

Sadly though my brain isn't the best at going into great detail about the matchups, so if you want more some more in-depth tips about Aurora's matchups you won't find them here. I can give the general idea though.

(This guide is subject to change, especially since the champion launched recently, so I will update this guide when I get some time. All comments, good or bad are welcome)

+High burst potential
+She is fun
-Skillshot reliant
-Mana dependance
-Cooldowns are high
-Limited CC


When Aurora damages an enemy three times with her spells or attacks, she performs an exorcism. This exorcism deals a percentage of the enemy's maximum health as magic damage and releases a spirit that follows her for a few seconds. While the spirit is active, Aurora is healed every second and gains bonus movement speed. The amount of movement speed increases with each additional spirit that follows her.
Ability Preview

Aurora fires a blast of cursed energy in a direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and marking them with spirit energy for a few seconds.

Recast: Aurora ends the curse, drawing back the spirit energy, and dealing additional magic damage to enemies based on their missing health. Damage is reduced beyond the first hit.
Note that both the initial hit and the recast counts for Aurora's passive.
Ability Preview

Aurora hops in a direction. Upon landing, she enters the spirit realm, becoming invisible and entering Spirit Mode for a short duration. Takedowns on enemy champions will reset the cooldown of this ability. Aurora can hop over small walls with Across the Veil.
Ability Preview

Aurora opens a window to the spirit realm, sending out a blast of spirit magic that deals magic damage in an area and applies a decaying slow to enemies. The force of the blast knocks Aurora back slightly, allowing her to traverse small walls.
Ability Preview

Aurora leaps in a direction, sending out a pulse of spirit energy upon landing that deals magic damage and slows enemies. The area remains active for a short duration, empowering Aurora's Spirit Mode and allowing her to jump from one edge of the area to another. Enemies attempting to cross the boundary are slowed and pushed back toward the center. Aurora can recast this ability to end the effect early.
Ability Preview
Aurora's combos & tech

If you're starting to play as Aurora in the top lane, I'd recommend taking Teleport over Ignite. It's simply the safer option. However, once you gain more experience with Aurora and her low hp, using Ignite could give better results. Since Aurora has good mobility, you can just manage without Teleport IF you know what you're doing.

TL;DR: If you're 100% confident you can win and don't need TP take Ignite. But if you're new to Aurora top or aren't confident in your matchup, take Teleport. Taking Teleport every game isn't bad; it's safe and takes some pressure off. With Aurora's low base HP, you should always consider taking Teleport.
You may have noticed that in every single on of my rune pages I have the Precision path used, even though Sorcery is the more popular option. The reason is quite simple, which is... *drum roll* Precision is completely busted, it's way too good not to use. Presence of Mind is literally infinite mana if you can hit your shots and poke, you can get Legend: Haste which is awesome and damage from Coup de Grace or Cut Down. Precision is way too good not to use.


Arcane Comet is like Summon Aery, but the enemy can escape the comet with proper movement. Arcane Comet has the potential to be quite powerful and useful. It gives you good pressure and you should be able to proc it often while laning and fighting. You can consider Summon Aery, but it is pretty useless. The damage on Comet is better and Aery falls off too fast for it to be truly viable,
Row 1:

Out of these two, Manaflow Band is way better than Nullifying Orb. But I wanted to list both of them, just for the niche times you'll want Nullifying Orb. But it's pretty much useless 99% of the games you play and even on that 1% of games where you might consider taking it, why would you? The main reason to run Nullifying Orb is if you're using Presence of Mind and don't want to take Manaflow with it
Row 2:

Transcendence and Celerity are quite good minor runes for Aurora. Transcendence gives a good amount of ability haste and after level 11, every takedown reduces 20% of current cooldowns, which allows ability spam if you start getting multikills.
Celerity allows Aurora's ms boosts to get kinda crazy. Celerity makes kiting, running and chasing easier. Overall Celerity is quite the simple rune.
When choosing between Celerity and Transcendence it mostly comes down to preference.
Row 3:

Scorch is a valuable rune that provides a significant damage boost by applying a burn with a 10-second cooldown. It's straightforward yet effective, particularly excelling in the early game. However, in longer matches, Gathering Storm offers greater value.

Gathering Storm is another excellent rune, made for late-game scenarios. Unlike Scorch, which shines early on, Gathering Storm grants a substantial amount of AP as the game progresses, making it far more advantageous in extended matches.

You can assume if the game is shorter or longer depending on what champions both teams are running. If champions like Nasus, Kassadin or Kayle to name a few are picked, you could pick Gathering Storm


Electrocute is in my opinion the best keystone in for Aurora in general, boosting her damage, especially in earlygame and it has a short cooldown. The rune also stays releveant throughout the game. With 1 AA and Q you can proc Aurora's passive and Electrocute.

Dark Harvest isn't a rune I like using. Your gameplan is to consistently throughout earlygame keep your enemy laner under 50% hp, so you can keep procking Dark Harvest as soon as it's off CD. This rune offers little to none bonuses earlygame, it's main focus is mid to lategame. It's kind of a gamble, either you get alot of stacks and you're a walking nuke, or the alternatice which is when you can't get stacks or your team forfeits before you can stack enough.
Row 1:

Taste of Blood is all about giving Aurora more sustain, especially since Aurora is a very squishy champion. You can take this to the tougher matchups or the onces with alot of poke, allowing you to sustain more damage and stay in lane longer.
Sudden Impact is a decent rune, offering Aurora bonus damage after she uses her W. You should only pick this if you 100% will win, meaning that you're againts a tank or some other champion with low mobility, so you can heal through your passive.
Neither of these options are game changing, but the option I would go with is Taste of Blood for the extra heal
Row 2:

Eyeball Collection will offer permanent adaptive force for every takedown (kills and assists. It's the only option that will give proper results for Aurora top
Row 3:

With Relentless Hunter you can get a good chunk of extra MS which is fine, but Ultimate Hunter gives faster ults, it's the better option of the two.


Fleet Footwork is a rune I overlooked at first and thought it's only use was with the on-hit playstyle, but I'm happy to be wrong. Fleet offers extra healing and bonus MS. The healing while it isn't substantial, it will add up if you kite well enough and procc Aurora's passive.
Row 1:

Absorb Life helps with Aurora's hp management, especially if you're running Fleet Footwork. Getting more sustain along with her passive is really amazing

Presence of Mind is amazing, it gives a good chunk of mana per kills and increases mana regeneration when you hit an enemy, which pretty much means infinite mana if you can keep up the poke. Either this or Manaflow Band is pretty much required.
Row 2:

Legend: Alacrity is great, offering bonus AS, allowing Aurora to stack her passive faster, it also helps with kiting and farming.
Legend: Haste is good, giving you extra ability haste allowing you to spam more abilities, it's quite simple.
The best choice between the two is haste, unless you're building attack speed or you can consider it with Fleet Footwork.
Row 3:

Coup de Grace is a rune that is picked into squishy opponents (the enemy team doesn't have a tank or a beefy bruiser) which gives an 8% damage bonus to enemies under 45% health. This works well with Aurora's Q recast which also scales off of missing health.
Cut Down is simply a damage boost to enemies above 50% health and it's in my opinion the best pick from the third row on most cases, since you'll be facing alot of tanks and bruisers on toplane
Rune shards

Starting item & boots

AP Core item choices (Will rewrite soon)

Liandry's torment

Liandry's Torment is a great item, since most toplane enemies you'll face are going to be tanks or bruisers. This item enhances Aurora's damage output and utility greatly. Also really important, do NOT buy Fated Ashes when you're building Liandry's. Build it as the last component, it's really useless as a laner!!!

Rod of Ages

Rod of Ages is a great item that Aurora often starts with, because it provides a balanced mix of health, mana, and ability power, which are crucial for her sustainability and damage output. The item’s passive grants additional stats over time, enhancing her mid-to-late game scaling. Furthermore, the mana sustain from Rod of Ages synergizes well with her abilities that require frequent casting​
Other good AP items

Zhonya's Hourglass

Zhonya's Hourglass is a great defensive item, which gives you a stasis allowing you to avoid death or... just prolong your lifespan by 2.5 seconds. But still the stats it gives are juicy, 120 AP and 50 armor is really damn nice. Zhonya's is an item that should be considered if the enemy has alot of AD champs and you want the extra armor and survivability or they have someone who can just one shot you ( Zed, Sett, Darius, Garen, you get the picture.)


Cryptbloom is a weaker version of Void Staff, giving you less AP and magic pen, but instead you get an AoE heal and some ability haste, which makes this item good for Aurora. The heal is good in teamfights helping not just you, but your entire team. I would build this over Void Staff if the enemy doesn't have anyone who is stacking MR. This item does have one glaring weakness, which is the heal nova. It's a very hit or miss, since the cooldown is a minute long it can be on cooldown when you'd actually need it.

Void staff

Void Staff is a great item that you should consider picking if the enemy has someone building magic resist, take this item if you hate Kaenic Rookern like I do.

Rabadon's Deathcap

Rabadon's Deathcap is an AP bomb, giving Aurora huge amount of AP, it can be a big powerspike.

Cosmic Drive

Cosmic Drive is really funny. It gives a good chunk of ability haste and bonus movement speed making Aurora even more slippery, but it doesn't offer as much damage as some of the other items. But still it's a solid item.

Banshee's Veil

Banshee's Veil is a decent item that provides a shield to any ability, with a 30 second cooldown. You want to build Banshee's if the enemy team has someone with high magic damage or they alot of CC and you're desperate. I would consider it againts champions like Veigar, Morgana or even someone like Fiddlesticks


Shadowflame is a great item giving good stats and a powerful passive that also works on minions, helping with farming. Overall it's a powerful item. I'd recommend building this if you don't need Void Staff or Cryptbloom.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is a great item that works insanely well on Aurora, because toplane is mostly filled with melee champions, this item allows you to kite around them way easier. Also with Rylai's, building Cosmic Drive can be quite strong, you can slow and chase your enemies super easily

The early laning phase pretty much decides the way your game plays out. You have to be at least somewhat aware of what your opponent's champion does and make some notes on what kind of a player they are, e.g., if they are a more aggressive or a passive player. These realizations can help you make appropriate choices, like whether to focus on poking your laner or on farming minions. Luckily, Aurora's early game is strong with her passive Spirit Abjuration being a big boost overall.

Aurora can utilize her Q - Twofold Hex to poke and harass opponents effectively. The two-part ability allows her to deal initial damage and then recast to hit them again, making it difficult for opponents to dodge. W - Across the Veil can be used for quick trades or to dodge incoming skill shots, enhancing her survivability in the laning phase.

Also, a healthy habit for you is to buy a Control Ward. Okay, maybe not so much if you're a draft pick fiend, but at least in ranked remember to buy some and leave them at optimal places. I personally throw them into the Baron pit or some bush in the river, to keep track of the enemy jungler. I don't throw them into the bushes near lane, because they get destroyed too fast before you get any real value out of them.

Also remember to help your jungler take the Voidgrubs. They are quite important for your entire team, and you don't want the enemies to get them. They help whoever kills them to destroy towers faster and if you have at least 4 Touch of the Void buffs, you'll spawn some voidmites to help destroy towers.

One thing to remember is to keep up in cs. But don't just autopilot farm! Remember to contest important objectives and help your team secure them. I'm talking about the Rift heralds and the dragons.

In my view, the mid and late game aren't drastically different; the major distinction lies in the heightened focus on objectives like Baron Nashor and the Elder Dragon. These buffs become crucial for ending the game. Moreover, there's increased volatility which means a single team wipe can swiftly conclude the match.

In the late game, positioning is key; use W - Across the Veil to stay elusive and your R - Between Worlds can be a game-changer in team fights, providing significant area denial and crowd control.

By focusing on objectives and maintaining good vision control, you can maximize Aurora's strengths and secure victories for your team.
This is a log for myself, since I want to actively update this guide, but I don't want to drown in all the spaghetti I've written. Anyway this is technically the end of the guide, so I just wanted to thank you for reading my guide and I hope I was able to give you insight on how to play Aurora top!!!


First of all big thanks to Fruxo for taking the time to review my guide and pointing out my mistakes, which were pretty embarassing for me to read. Anyway, I remade the item cheat sheet, deleted useless runes, rewrote alot of the notes, removed and updatet text on the 'runes' part of the guide, started working on the 'items' update, made some small changes to the pros, will have to rewrite some of it later and completely removed the on-hit build, I may bring it back, but I want to get the guide in order first!

Polished some parts of the guide, started tweaking the gameplan part of the guide, mixed some items around. Started looking into rewriting some parts of the guide, will add videos of the combos when I get the time!

Started adding matchups and polished some parts of the guide. Moved Blackfire staff out of core items, deleted useless items. Also started working on the combos in the ability section


The guide released!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Niemi
Niemi Aurora Guide
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Aurora's Arcane Grimoire: Unleash the Bunny Mage

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